Breezy install instructions *************************** Dependencies ------------ Breezy requires Python 3.5 or newer. It also requires the `configobj` and `patiencediff` Python modules to be installed. These can be installed either from your operating system's package manager, using pip or by downloading them from: configobj: patiencediff: Optional dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to access branches over sftp, you will need paramiko and pycrypto: To PGP sign commits and verify PGP signatures on commits, install python-gpgme. For Git support, install Dulwich: For fastimport support, install python-fastimport: brz can optionally use compiled versions of some parts of the code for increased speed. When installing brz you need the ability to build C extensions. Some GNU/Linux distributions package the necessary headers separately from the main Python package. This package is probably named something like python-dev or python-devel. FreeBSD, Windows, source-based GNU/Linux distributions, and possibly other operating systems, have the required files installed by default. If you are installing brz from a brz branch rather than a release tarball, then you should also have the Cython package installed. This is not necessary for release tarballs as they already contain the C files that Cython is needed to create. Installation ------------ When upgrading using, it is recommended that you first delete the bzrlib directory from the install target. To install brz as a user, run python install --home ~ To install system-wide, run (as root) python install For more information on installation, see for the Bazaar installation FAQ (that also applies to Breezy) or write to mentioning you use Breezy, or ask a question at .