#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME jh_manifest - Adds or/and modifies manifests for jars =cut use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use Cwd(); use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib; use Debian::Javahelper::Java qw(parse_manifest_fd write_manifest_fd); use Debian::Javahelper::Manifest qw(MAIN_SECTION); =head1 SYNOPSIS B [S>] [S>] I ... I B [S>] [S>] =head1 DESCRIPTION Javahelper tool to add or update manifests in a jar file. It can be used in two modes. If passed jar files, it will only process these jar files. Otherwise it will update all jar files in the packages it acts on. When processing a package, the L exclude option will make B ignore matching jar files. =head1 FILES =over 4 =item debian/I.manifest (or debian/manifest) This file consist of a list of jar files and values to add to their manifests. Values in this file will take precedence over values in the original manifest (and command line arguments over values in this file). It is allowed to list a link in this file instead of an actual jar file, provided that the link can be resolved when B processes it. If a jar file is listed here cannot be found, B will print a warning, unless the jar file has been excluded. As of javahelper >= 0.32, you may add comments in this file. If the line starts with a "#" it is completely ignored. This file is ignored if B is passed jar files via command line. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-c> I, B<--classpath=>I Sets the Class-Path attribute of all processed jar files to I. If not passed, then the CLASSPATH environment variable will be used in the given jar file do not have a Class-Path attribute. =item B<-m> I, B<--main=>I Sets the Main-Class attribute to I in all processed jar files. =item B<-o> I, B<--javaopts=>I Sets the Debian-Java-Parameters to I in all processed jar files. This attribute is used by jarwrapper to start java with extra options (e.g. to make more memory available). =item B<-j> I, B<--java-home=>I Sets the Debian-Java-Home attribute to I in all processed jars. This attribute is used by jarwrapper to determine which JVM to use. =back =cut my $cp = ''; my $mcl = ''; my $jvm = ''; my $jopt = ''; my $envcp = 0; init(options => { # -o clashes debhelper's "only scripts" 'javaopts|o=s' => \$jopt, 'java-home|j=s' => \$jvm, 'main|m=s' => \$mcl, 'classpath|c=s' => \$cp, 'version|V' => sub { print STDERR "Version has been removed - please stop using it\n"; exit(0) }, }); if(!$cp && ($ENV{'CLASSPATH'}//q{}) ne q{}){ $cp = $ENV{'CLASSPATH'}; $cp =~ s/:/ /go; $envcp = 1; } if(@ARGV){ my $pkg = $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE}; my $dir = tmpdir($pkg); verbose_print('Assuming targets exists due to --no-act') if $dh{NO_ACT}; foreach my $jar (@ARGV){ my $orig = $jar; my $target = $jar; my $link = 0; # Look for it in $dir if it does not exist directly. unless (-f $target) { # strip any leading / or ./ - it looks better and it # does not accidentally install a system install jar instead. $target =~ s@^\.?/+@@og; # Bail unless $dir/$target exists error("$target: $!") unless -f "$dir/$target"; $target = "$dir/$target"; } if ( -l $jar ){ # Follow links my $dest = Cwd::abs_path($target); error("Cannot resolve link $target: $!") unless $dest; $target = $dest; $link = 1; } # no-act implies others tools are in no-act mode as well error("Cannot update $jar: it does not exist.") unless -f $jar || !$dh{NO_ACT}; if ($link){ verbose_print("Updating symlinked $target (via $orig)"); } else { verbose_print("Updating $target"); } update_jar($target, undef) unless $dh{NO_ACT}; } inhibit_log(); # behave like the old jh_manifest. exit(0); } foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $man = pkgfile($package, 'manifest'); my $dir = tmpdir($package); my $manifests = {}; my $files = {}; my @links = (); my $find_cmd="find $dir "; my $fulldir = Cwd::abs_path($dir); # skip if it does not exist. if( ! -d $dir ){ verbose_print("Skipping $package - $dir does not exist (or is not a dir)."); next; } $manifests = parse_package_file($man) if($man); if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne q{}){ $find_cmd .= qq{ '!' \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\) -a }; } $find_cmd .= q{ -name '*.jar'}; verbose_print($find_cmd); open(my $jarfiles, '-|', $find_cmd); while( my $jar = <$jarfiles> ) { chomp($jar); if( -l $jar ) { $jar =~ s@^\Q$dir\E/*@@; verbose_print("Found symlink $jar"); push(@links, $jar); } else { $jar = Cwd::abs_path($jar); $jar =~ s@^\Q$fulldir\E/*@@; verbose_print("Found $jar"); $files->{$jar} = 1; } } close($jarfiles); # check the links first. foreach my $link (@links) { my $path = Cwd::abs_path("$dir/$link"); my $manifest = $manifests->{$link}; my $lp = $path; next unless(defined($manifest)); error("Cannot modify $link - it is a broken symlink or not possible to resolve,") unless( defined($path) && -e $path ); $lp =~ s@^\Q$fulldir\E/*@@; error("Conflicting manifests for $link (link) and $path,") if(exists($manifests->{$lp})); delete($files->{$lp}); delete($manifests->{$link}); verbose_print("Updating symlinked $path (using manifest for $link)"); update_jar("$path", $manifest) unless $dh{NO_ACT}; } foreach my $jar (keys(%$files)){ my $lp = $jar; my $manifest; $lp =~ s@^\Q$fulldir\E/*@@; $manifest = $manifests->{$lp}; delete($manifests->{$lp}); update_jar("$dir/$lp", $manifest) unless $dh{NO_ACT}; } if (keys(%$manifests) && !$dh{NO_ACT}) { # skip this with no-act, since other tools might be running in no-act # mode as well, so this might be a lot of false-positives. my $count = 0; foreach my $unused (keys(%$manifests)){ unless(excludefile($unused)){ warning("No jar in $package matching $unused."); $count++; } else { verbose_print("Ignoring unused entry for $unused in $package."); } } # Fail if there is at least one unignored unused manifest. exit 1 if $count; } } exit(0); sub parse_package_file{ my $pkgfile = shift; my $manifests = {}; my @jars; my @man; my $inlen = 0; open(my $file, '<', $pkgfile); while( my $line = <$file> ){ chomp($line); next if($line =~ m/^#/o); if($line =~ m/^ \s(\s*) /ox){ error("Manifest data not attached to a jar in $pkgfile") unless(@jars); $inlen = length($1) unless($inlen); $line = substr($line, 1 + $inlen); push(@man, $line); next; } if(@man){ my $mlines = join("\n", @man); my $manifest; open(my $mfd, '<', \$mlines); $manifest = parse_manifest_fd($mfd, $pkgfile); close($mfd); foreach my $j (@jars){ error("Two manifests for $j in $pkgfile,") if(exists($manifests->{$j})); $manifests->{$j} = $manifest; } @man = (); @jars = (); } next if($line eq q{}); if($line =~ m/\.jar:$/o){ $line =~ s@^/*@@o; $line =~ s@//+@/@og; $line =~ s/:$//o; push(@jars, $line); next; } print STDERR "Syntax error in $pkgfile ($line) - perhaps you are missing a \":\"?\n" if($line !~ m/:$/o); error("Unknown line in $pkgfile ($line),"); } if(@man){ my $mlines = join("\n", @man); my $manifest; open(my $mfd, '<', \$mlines); $manifest = parse_manifest_fd($mfd, $pkgfile); close($mfd); foreach my $j (@jars){ $manifests->{$j} = $manifest; } } close($file); return $manifests; } sub update_jar{ my $jar = shift; my $merge = shift; my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $con; my $manifest; my $stat; my $dirty = 0; my $main; my $new_manifest = 0; # stringify or $zip will make a call back that fails. $zip->read( "$jar" ) == AZ_OK or error("Could not read $jar: $!"); ($con, $stat) = $zip->contents( 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' ); die("Could not read manifest from $jar ($stat): $!") unless(!defined($stat) || $stat == AZ_OK); if(defined($stat)) { verbose_print("Reading manifest from $jar"); open(my $fd, '<', \$con); $manifest = parse_manifest_fd($fd, $jar); close($fd); } else { verbose_print("$jar does not have a manifest."); $manifest = Debian::Javahelper::Manifest->new(); $new_manifest = 1; } if(defined($merge)){ $manifest->merge($merge); $dirty = 1; } $main = $manifest->get_section(MAIN_SECTION, 1); if($cp && (!$envcp || ($main->get_value('Class-Path')//q{}) eq q{})){ $main->set_value('Class-Path', $cp); $dirty = 1; } if($mcl){ $main->set_value('Main-Class', $mcl); $dirty = 1; } if($jvm){ $main->set_value('Debian-Java-Home', $jvm); $dirty = 1; } if($jopt){ $main->set_value('Debian-Java-Parameters', $jopt); $dirty = 1; } if($dirty){ my $var; my $mem; open(my $fd, '>', \$var); write_manifest_fd($manifest, $fd, $jar); close($fd); verbose_print("Updating manifest in $jar"); $zip->removeMember( 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' ) unless($new_manifest); $mem = $zip->addString($var, 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'); $mem->desiredCompressionMethod(COMPRESSION_DEFLATED); # This on the other hand may fail. $zip->overwrite() == AZ_OK or error("Writing modified jar ($jar) failed: $!"); } else { verbose_print("No update of $jar required."); } 1; } =head1 EXAMPLES An example debian/manifest file: # use the symlink so we do not have to update with the next upstream release. usr/share/java/my.jar: Class-Path: dep1.jar dep2.jar Main-Class: some.awesome.Class usr/share/java/dep2.jar: Class-Path: dep1.jar =head1 SEE ALSO L This program is a part of javahelper and uses debhelper as backend. There are also tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper. =head1 AUTHOR Niels Thykier =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2010 by Niels Thykier This tool is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU GPL 2. =cut