(build|make-pod|clean|make-errors|run)\.pl blib/.* .gitignore .git/.* Makefile$ pm_to_blib MYMETA..* .*\.bak ^Json3-[0-9.]/$ ^Json3-[0-9.]\.tar\.gz$ ^Parse.(?:c|o|bs)$ ^peek\.pl$ ^test-empty-string\.pl$ ^xt/.* ^lib/JSON/Parse\.pod\.tmpl$ ^Parse\.bs$ # Can download from github if needed. benchmarks # Spurious build guff ^makeitfile$ # Corefiles, a.out sometimes get into the distribution. ^.*\.core$ ^a\.out$ # There aren't any files I plan to distribute with these file types. ^[^/]*\.pl$ ^[^/]*\.txt$ # Don't put the "torture test" code into the CPAN distribution. It # contains bad stuff like "setjmp" which is incompatible with many # people's operating systems. People who want this kind of stuff can # get it from the repository. ^Json3-random-test\.c$ ^(?:json-)?random-test\.c$ ^random-test$ ^randomjson\.pl$ # Don't add the UTF-8 test code to the repo: ^utf8test/.*$ # Makefile for C random stuff ^randmakefile$ # Not necessary or useful for CPAN ^FILES$ # Design document directory, no use to put on CPAN. ^doc/.*$ # ^examples/.*-out\.txt$ # Template for POD ^lib/JSON/Tokenize\.pod\.tmpl$ ^lib/JSON/Whitespace\.pod\.tmpl$ # Obsolete files ^obsolete/.*$ # Author version change script ^versionup\.pl$ # CI control files ^\.travis\.yml$ ^build/.*$ # These are used to make the documentation. ^see-also-info\.json$ ^modules\.pl$ # Local variables: # comment-start: "#" # End: