# Lingua::Translit heavily relies on Perl's UTF-8 implementation and # therefore needs at least Perl 5.8.0 to be installed. require 5.008; use strict; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile( NAME => "Lingua::Translit", LICENSE => "perl", VERSION_FROM => "lib/Lingua/Translit.pm", ABSTRACT_FROM => "lib/Lingua/Translit.pm", AUTHOR => 'Alex Linke ', EXE_FILES => [ qw/translit/ ], PL_FILES => { 'tools/substitute_tables.pl' => 'blib/lib/Lingua/Translit/Tables.pm' }, ); package MY; sub postamble { # include target to rebuild tables return "tables:\n\t\$(MAKE) -C xml tables\n"; } # vim: sts=4 sw=4 ts=4 ai et