## Developing Installing: git clone https://github.com/mapbox/carto.git cd carto npm install Test: npm test Running the head binary: ./bin/carto ## Releasing - Make sure all tests are passing - Ensure CHANGELOG.md is up to date - Test relevant applications to ensure no regressions - `npm publish` - Regenerate documentation (see below) If there's a high chance of regression, please bump to a new major version number so that code using a semver ^ or ~ doesn't auto-upgrade anyone. For examples of previous releases see: https://github.com/mapbox/carto/issues/440 ## Documentation This repository contains auto-generated documentation of the content of Carto that's published on readthedocs.io. You find the relevant files in the `docs` directory. Those files with the extension `rst` are the ones where you find the documentation sources in reStructuredText.