# Sphinx Domain for Modern CMake This is taken directly from the Kitware git repository's Utilities directory. The original [sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain][] has not been touched in quite some and as a result it was wildly out of date. Documenting CMake domain entities in projects is painful otherwise. This works *exactly* in the same way as Kitware, so some time might be needed to study their approach to these problems. This repository is under the same License as all of CMake, which is the BSD-3-Clause license. 🚨🚨🚨 Any issues you run into with this plugin must be reported to [Kitware][], unless they involve the packaging itself. The Python files exactly match the CMake source for the released version numbers. 🚨🚨🚨 # Installation ## PyPI This domain is available via PyPI. Install it directly via `pip`: ``` $ pip install sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain ``` Alternatively, place it inside of your `setup.py`, `pyproject.toml`, `requirements.txt` or whatever system it is that you use to declare and manage your dependencies. A new version will usually only be released if there is a change to this extension inside CMake. ## Git This module is installable via `pip` and GitHub directly as well ``` $ pip install git+https://github.com/scikit-build/moderncmakedomain.git ``` # Usage To enable the use of the `moderncmakedomain`, add `sphinxcontrib.moderncmakedomain` to the `extensions` variable of your `conf.py` file: ```python extensions = [..., 'sphinxcontrib.moderncmakedomain', ...] ``` The plugin currently provides several directives and references. These are documented below. ## Directives | directive | description | |:------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------| | `cmake:variable::` | For a basic variable | | `cmake:command::` | For a function | | `cmake-module::` | Autodoc style extractor (takes a relative filepath) | | `cmake:envvar::` | For environment variables | To declare any of the references found below, they must be placed into a directory with the same name under the sphinx SOURCEDIR/master doc. Thus, `prop_tgt/MY_PERSONAL_PROPERTY.rst` can be referred to with ``:prop_tgt:`MY_PERSONAL_PROPERTY` ``. This is currently the *only* way CMake permits declaring new properties. ## References Each reference below can be placed into a directory with the same name to document custom extensions provided by your CMake libraries. | ref | description | |:--------------:|:---------------------------------------------------| | `:variable:` | Refer to a CMake variable | | `:command:` | Refer to a CMake command | | `:envvar:` | Refers to an environment variable | | `:cpack_gen:` | Refers to CPack generators | | `:generator:` | Refers to a build file generator | | `:genex:` | Refers to a generator expression | | `:guide:` | Used to refer to a "guide" page | | `:manual:` | Used to refer to a "manual" page (like `cmake(1)`) | | `:policy:` | Refers to CMake Policies | | `:module:` | Refers to CMake Modules | | `:prop_tgt:` | For target properties | | `:prop_test:` | For test properties | | `:prop_sf:` | For source file properties | | `:prop_gbl:` | For global properties | | `:prop_dir:` | For directory properties | | `:prop_inst:` | For installed file properties | | `:prop_cache:` | For cache properties | # History `sphinx-moderncmakedomain` was initially developed in October 2018 by [slurps-mad-rips][slurps-mad-rips] to help write CMake documentation by simply publishing a python package of the same. This was a critical step to ease the maintenance of sphinx-based documentation and avoid systematically copying the associated python module maintained within the CMake repository. Later in early August 2021, [henryiii][henryiii] discovered the `sphinx-moderncmakedomain` project while working on scikit-build issue [#574][skbuild-issue-574] intended to simplify its documentation generation infrastructure and avoid updating its own copy of the sphinx extension. [henryiii][henryiii] and [jcfr][jcfr] then worked with [slurps-mad-rips][slurps-mad-rips] to establish a transition plan to collaboratively maintain the project within the scikit-build organization. [sphinxcontrib-cmakedomain]: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/cmakedomain [Kitware]: https://gitlab.kitware.com/ [skbuild-issue-574]: https://github.com/scikit-build/scikit-build/pull/574 [slurps-mad-rips]: https://github.com/slurps-mad-rips [henryiii]: https://github.com/henryiii [jcfr]: https://github.com/jcfr