import re import urllib.request from pathlib import Path import nox nox.needs_version = ">=2024.3.2" nox.options.sessions = ["lint", "tests"] nox.options.default_venv_backend = "uv|virtualenv" @nox.session def lint(session: nox.Session) -> None: """ Run the linter. """ session.install("pre-commit") "pre-commit", "run", "--all-files", "--hook-stage=manual", *session.posargs ) @nox.session def build(session: nox.Session) -> None: """ Build an SDist and wheel. """ session.install("build")"python", "-m", "build") @nox.session def update(session: nox.Session) -> None: """ Get the latest (or given) version of CMake and update the copy with it. """ if session.posargs: (version,) = session.posargs else: session.install("lastversion") version = "lastversion", "kitware/cmake", log=False, silent=True ).strip() session.log(f"CMake {version}") cmake_url = f"{version}/Utilities/Sphinx/" colors_url = f"{version}/Utilities/Sphinx/" urllib.request.urlretrieve(cmake_url, "sphinxcontrib/moderncmakedomain/") urllib.request.urlretrieve(colors_url, "sphinxcontrib/moderncmakedomain/") init_file = Path("sphinxcontrib/moderncmakedomain/") txt = init_file.read_text(encoding="utf_8") txt_new = re.sub(r'__version__ = ".*"', f'__version__ = "{version}"', txt) init_file.write_text(txt_new, encoding="utf_8") @nox.session def tests(session): """ Run the unit and regular tests. """ session.install(".[test]", silent=False)"pytest", *session.posargs)