/* © 2008 sqweek * See COPYING for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x))) struct {char *mnemonic; int mask;} debug_flags[] = { {"err", 0x001}, {"devel", 0x002}, {"9p", 0x004}, {"vfs", 0x008}, {"conv", 0x010}, {"mux", 0x020}, {"trans", 0x040}, {"alloc", 0x080}, {"fcall", 0x100} }; char* append(char **dest, char *src, int *destlen) { while (strlen(*dest) + 1 + strlen(src) > *destlen) *destlen *= 2; if (!(*dest=realloc(*dest, *destlen))) errx(1, "out of memory"); if (**dest) strcat(*dest, ","); strcat(*dest, src); return *dest; } char* getarg(char opt, char *cp, char*** argv) { if (*(cp+1)) { return cp+1; } else if (*(*argv+1)) { return *++(*argv); } else { errx(1, "-%c: expected argument", opt); } return NULL; } void parsedial(char *dial, char **network, char **netaddr, int *port) { char *cp; if (!(*network=strtok(dial, "!"))) { errx(1, "empty dial string"); } if (strcmp(*network, "unix") != 0 && strcmp(*network, "tcp") != 0 && strcmp(*network, "virtio") != 0) { errx(1, "%s: unknown network (expecting unix, tcp or virtio)", *network); } if (!(*netaddr=strtok(NULL, "!"))) { errx(1, "missing dial netaddress"); } if (strcmp(*network, "tcp") == 0) { char *service; if ((service=strtok(NULL, "!"))) { if (strspn(service, "0123456789") == strlen(service)) { *port = atoi(service); } else { struct servent *sv; if ((sv=getservbyname(service, *network))) { /* sv->s_port is a 16-bit big endian masquerading as an int */ *port = ntohs((uint16_t)sv->s_port); endservent(); } else { errx(1, "%s: unknown service", service); } } } } if ((cp=strtok(NULL, "!"))) { errx(1, "%s: junk trailing dial string", cp); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[256], *opts, *dial = NULL, *mountpt = NULL; int optlen = 64, port = 0, i; struct stat stbuf; struct passwd *pw; int axess = 0, dotu = 0, uidgid = 0, dev = 0, debug = 0, dryrun = 0; char *debugstr = NULL, *msize = NULL, *cache = NULL, *aname = NULL; char *cp, *proto, *addr; if (!(opts=calloc(optlen, 1))) { err(1, "calloc"); } while (*++argv) { if (**argv == '-' && (*argv)[1] != '\0') { for (cp=*argv+1; *cp; ++cp) { switch (*cp) { case 'i': uidgid = 1; break; case 'n': dryrun = 1; break; case 's': axess = -1; break; case 'u': dotu = 1; break; case 'v': dev = 1; break; case 'x': axess = getuid(); break; case 'a': aname = getarg('a', cp, &argv); *cp-- = '\0'; /* breaks out of for loop */ break; case 'c': cache = getarg('c', cp, &argv); *cp-- = '\0'; break; case 'd': debugstr = getarg('d', cp, &argv); *cp-- = '\0'; break; case 'm': msize = getarg('m', cp, &argv); *cp-- = '\0'; break; } } } else if (!dial) { dial = *argv; } else if (!mountpt) { mountpt = *argv; } else { errx(1, "%s: too many arguments", *argv); } } if (!dial || !mountpt) { errx(1, "usage: 9mount [ -insuvx ] [ -a spec ] [ -c cache ] [ -d debug ] [ -m msize ] dial mountpt"); } if(!(pw=getpwuid(getuid()))) { err(1, "who are you?? getpwuid failed"); } /* Make sure mount exists, is writable, and not sticky */ if (stat(mountpt, &stbuf) || access(mountpt, W_OK)) { err(1, "%s", mountpt); } if (stbuf.st_mode & S_ISVTX) { errx(1, "%s: refusing to mount over sticky directory", mountpt); } if (strcmp(dial, "-") == 0) { proto = "fd"; addr = "nodev"; append(&opts, "rfdno=0,wrfdno=1", &optlen); } else { parsedial(dial, &proto, &addr, &port); } /* set up mount options */ append(&opts, proto, &optlen); /* < 2.6.24 */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "trans=%s", proto); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); /* >= 2.6.24 */ if (aname) { if (strchr(aname, ',')) { errx(1, "%s: spec can't contain commas", aname); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "aname=%s", aname); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } if (cache) { if (strcmp(cache, "loose") != 0) { errx(1, "%s: unknown cache mode (expecting loose)", cache); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "cache=%s", cache); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } if (debugstr) { for (cp=strtok(debugstr, ","); cp; cp=strtok(NULL, ",")) { for (i=0; i= nelem(debug_flags)) { errx(1, "%s: unrecognised debug channel", cp); } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "debug=0x%04x", debug); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } if (msize) { if (strspn(msize, "0123456789") < strlen(msize)) { errx(1, "%s: msize must be an integer", msize); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "msize=%s", msize); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "name=%s", pw->pw_name); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); if (getenv("USER")) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "uname=%s", getenv("USER")); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "uname=%s", pw->pw_name); } if (strchr(buf, ',')) { errx(1, "%s: username can't contain commas", buf+6); } append(&opts, buf, &optlen); if (axess == -1) { append(&opts, "access=any", &optlen); } else if (axess) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "access=%d", axess); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } if (!dotu) { append(&opts, "noextend", &optlen); } if (!dev) { append(&opts, "nodev", &optlen); } if (uidgid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "uid=%d,gid=%d", getuid(), getgid()); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); /* < 2.6.24 */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "dfltuid=%d,dfltgid=%d", getuid(), getgid()); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); /* >= 2.6.24 */ } if (port) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "port=%d", port); append(&opts, buf, &optlen); } if (strcmp(proto, "tcp") == 0) { struct addrinfo *ai; int r; if ((r=getaddrinfo(addr, NULL, NULL, &ai))) { errx(1, "getaddrinfo: %s", gai_strerror(r)); } if ((r=getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST))) { errx(1, "getnameinfo: %s", gai_strerror(r)); } } else { /* unix socket, virtio device or fd transport */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", addr); } if(dryrun) { fprintf(stderr, "mount -t 9p -o %s %s %s\n", opts, buf, mountpt); } else if (mount(buf, mountpt, "9p", 0, (void*)opts)) { err(1, "mount"); } return 0; }