================================================= = README for OS/2 version of A2PS 4.xx = ================================================= (20000202) CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: 1) What is A2PS ? 2) What about the OS/2 version ? 3) Contents of this archive: 4) Installation 5) Building a2ps for OS/2 6) Additional information 1) What is A2PS ? ************ A very powerful tool to print various file types on your Postscript printer. Since it can delegate converting jobs a2ps can handle almost every file format, provided you have it configured accordingly, of course ;-) For more and detailled information check out the supplied documentation or visit it's homepage at http://www.inf.enst.fr/~demaille/a2ps/ 2) What about the OS/2 version ? *************************** To get this utility built under OS/2 I had to work around the configure stuff which didn't work even using the latest Autoconf port. The National Language Support (NLS) for the executable's language dependent resources is not include here and I don't offer a shared library (dll) since I can see no further use for this library yet. NLS is nevertheless on my todo list. 3) Contents of the binary distribution archive: ******************************************** - the binary for OS/2 (a2ps.exe) - the supplied shell scripts with a REXX wrapper. You need an installed un*x shell (named sh.exe) in your path to run them. NOTE: not all those utils may be included here actually! - all data files for encoding, pretty printing, font selection, ... - documentation in GNU info format and man pages as well as documents regarding general issues (copyright, license, changelog, ...) 4) Installation: ************ This assumes you have my OS/2 package of a2ps. Installation from sources is more or less the same, once you have built the whole stuff ;-) - Put a2ps.exe in the path and the manpage in the manpath. - Adjust the configuration files (a2ps.cfg and a2ps-site.cfg) to your local setup. (*) - Store both files and the and the subdirectories (afm, encoding, fonts, ppd, ps, sheets) anywhere on your disk. - Set the environment variable A2PS_CONFIG to point to the your a2ps.cfg file - You're done ! :-) (*) Additional remarks to the setup: If you have my OS/2 binary package the .cfg files might already have some (more or less) reasonable default values for some settings. Two items are especially important: 1) 'LibraryPath': it has to include all those directories mentioned above; don't forget to use ';' as the path separator and '/' as the directory separator!) 2) the command to print out. In the given example I use the lpr and lpd to access one of my Postscript printer queues from the commandline. "lp" is a kind of an alias for "lpr.exe -b -p HP5MPPSQ -s localhost" where HP5MPPSQ is one my Postscript printer queues. Both tools are shipped with Warp 4. If you can't work out something similar try out starting ghostview (or ghostscript) or print to a file first. You may want to use "lportd" or tools like printmon.zip (from LEO or hobbes) 5) Building ap2s for OS/2 ********************** If you want to compile it yourself you will likely run into trouble using configure as even the latest Autoconf port may fail on this stuff. Either you manage to fix the configure script yourself or you have to create suitable versions of config.h and Makefile. Or you can just copy arch/os2/Makefile.os2 to the toplevel directory and type "make -f Makefile.os2" :-) 6) Additional information ********************** Some OS/2 specific topics: - Check whether the default encoding is set properly. German OS/2 users may need to switch to ibm-cp850 (see a2ps-site.cfg) - You can't use the OS/2 NULL device "nul" currently. For this purpose use "/dev/null" (supplied by emx.dll) 7) Availability ************ The latest compiled version can be found on my webpages listed below. There you can also find the utility 'file' which a2ps likes to call to guess the the file type. --- Alexander Mai st002279@hrzpub.tu-darmstadt.de mai@migdal.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/~st002279/os2 This file has $Id: README,v 2002/03/04 18:46:23 akim Exp $