Content of the lib/ dir of a2ps. A lot of reusable components has been used to build a2ps. In here, we tried to give you a road map, to understand what does what, who needs who, and who wrote what. The work is in parallel with the developpement of a2ps, so it might not be realy up-to-date. Inaccuracies, problems etc. should be reported to -- Akim & Miguel darray.[ch] (xmalloc.[ch] error.[ch]) Handling of dynamic arrays. dstring.[ch] (xmalloc.[ch], error.[ch], printlen.[ch]) Handling of dynamic strings (automated growth, usual functions on string etc.). pathwalk.[ch] (xmalloc.[ch]) Given a path, walk in it, find files, etc. printlen.[ch] Return the length that sprintf would use to print the arguments.