# Sheet definitions for IDL (Interactive Data Language) # Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Robert S. Mallozzi, Manfred Schwarb, Akim Demaille # Miguel Santana. # # This file is part of a2ps. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # style IDL is written by "Robert S. Mallozzi , Manfred Schwarb " version is 1.1 requires a2ps version 4.12 documentation is "Style sheet for IDL 5.2 (Interactive Data Language)." "Obsolete routines are not supported." "http://www.rsinc.com." end documentation alphabets are "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.01234567889" case insensitive keywords in Keyword_strong are # statements: "if", "then", "else", "endif", "for", "do", "endfor", "while", "endwhile", "endelse", "repeat", "until", "endrep", "case", "of", "endcase", "goto", "begin", "end", "common", "pro", "function", "forward_function", "procedure_name", # operators: "mod", "not", "or", "and", "ge", "gt", "lt", "le", "eq", "ne", "xor", ">", "<", # general routines: "a_correlate", "abs", "acos", "alog", "alog10", "amoeba", "annotate", "arg_present", "arrow", "ascii_template", "asin", "assoc", "atan", "axis", "bar_plot", "beseli", "beselj", "besely", "beta", "bilinear", "bin_date", "bindgen", "binomial", "blas_axpy", "blk_con", "box_cursor", "breakpoint", "broyden", "bytarr", "byte", "byteorder", "bytscl", "c_correlate", "caldat", "calendar", "call_external", "call_function", "call_method", "call_procedure", "catch", "cd", "ceil", "chebyshev", "check_math", "chisqr_cvf", "chisqr_pdf", "choldc", "cholsol", "cindgen", "cir_3pnt", "close", "clust_wts", "cluster", "color_convert", "color_quan", "comfit", "complex", "complexarr", "complexround", "compute_mesh_normals", "cond", "congrid", "conj", "constrained_min", "contour", "convert_coord", "convol", "coord2to3", "correlate", "cos", "cosh", "cramer", "create_struct", "create_view", "crossp", "crvlength", "ct_luminance", "cti_test", "cursor", "curvefit", "cv_coord", "cw_animate", "cw_animate_load", "cw_animate_run", "cw_animate_getp", "cw_arcball", "cw_bgroup", "cw_clr_index", "cw_colorsel", "cw_defroi", "cw_dice", "cw_field", "cw_form", "cw_fslider", "cw_orient", "cw_pdmenu", "cw_rgbslider", "cw_tmpl", "cw_zoom", "dblarr", "dcindgen", "dcomplex", "dcomplexarr", "define_key", "defroi", "defsysv", "delvar", "demo_mode", "deriv", "derivsig", "determ", "device", "dfpmin", "dialog_message", "dialog_pickfile", "dialog_printjob", "dialog_printersetup", "digital_filter", "dilate", "dindgen", "dissolve", "dist", "do_apple_script", "doc_library", "double", "efont", "eigenql", "eigenvec", "elmhes", "empty", "eof", "erase", "erode", "errorf", "errplot", "execute", "exit", "exp", "expand", "expand_path", "expint", "extrac", "extract_slice", "f_cvf", "f_pdf", "factorial", "fft", "filepath", "findfile", "findgen", "finite", "fix", "flick", "float", "floor", "flow3", "fltarr", "flush", "format_axis_values", "free_lun", "fstat", "fulstr", "funct", "fv_test", "fx_root", "fz_roots", "gamma", "gamma_ct", "gauss_cvf", "gauss_pdf", "gauss2dfit", "gaussfit", "gaussint", "get_kbrd", "get_lun", "getenv", "grid3", "gs_iter", "h_eq_ct", "h_eq_int", "hanning", "hdf_browser", "hdf_read", "heap_gc", "help", "hilbert", "hist_2d", "hist_equal", "histogram", "hls", "hqr", "hsv", "ibeta", "identity", "igamma", "image_cont", "imaginary", "indgen", "int_2d", "int_3d", "int_tabulated", "intarr", "interpol", "interpolate", "invert", "ioctl", "ishft", "journal", "julday", "keyword_set", "krig2d", "kurtosis", "kw_test", "l64indgen", "label_region", "ladfit", "leefilt", "linbcg", "lindgen", "linfit", "linkimage", "live_contour", "live_control", "live_destroy", "live_export", "live_image", "live_info", "live_line", "live_oplot", "live_plot", "live_print", "live_rect", "live_style", "live_surface", "live_text", "ljlct", "ll_arc_distance", "lmfit", "lmgr", "lngamma", "lnp_test", "loadct", "lonarr", "long", "lon64arr", "long64", "lsode", "lu_complex", "ludc", "lumprove", "lusol", "m_correlate", "machar", "make_array", "map_continents", "map_grid", "map_image", "map_patch", "map_set", "max", "md_test", "mean", "meanabsdev", "median", "mesh_obj", "message", "min", "min_curve_surf", "mk_html_help", "modifyct", "moment", "mpeg_close", "mpeg_open", "mpeg_put", "mpeg_save", "multi", "n_elements", "n_params", "n_tags", "newton", "norm", "obj_class", "obj_destroy", "obj_isa", "obj_new", "obj_valid", "objarr", "on_error", "on_ioerror", "online_help", "open", "openr", "openu", "openw", "oplot", "oploterr", "p_correlate", "pcomp", "plot", "plot_3dbox", "plot_field", "ploterr", "plots", "pnt_line", "point_lun", "polar_contour", "polar_surface", "poly", "poly_2d", "poly_area", "poly_fit", "polyfill", "polyfillv", "polyfitw", "polyshade", "polywarp", "popd", "powell", "primes", "print", "printf", "printd", "profile", "profiler", "profiles", "project_vol", "ps_show_fonts", "psafm", "pseudo", "ptr_free", "ptr_new", "ptr_valid", "ptrarr", "pushd", "qromb", "qromo", "qsimp", "query_bmp", "query_dicom", "query_jpeg", "query_pict", "query_png", "query_ppm", "query_srf", "query_tiff", "r_correlate", "r_test", "randomn", "randomu", "ranks", "rdpix", "read", "readf", "read_ascii", "read_bmp", "read_dicom", "read_gif", "read_interfile", "read_jpeg", "read_pict", "read_png", "read_ppm", "read_spr", "read_srf", "read_sylk", "read_tiff", "read_wave", "read_x11_bitmap", "read_xwd", "reads", "readu", "rebin", "recall_commands", "recon3", "reduce_colors", "reform", "regress", "replicate", "replicate_inplace", "resolve_all", "resolve_routine", "restore", "retall", "return", "reverse", "rewind", "riemann", "rk4", "roberts", "rot", "rotate", "round", "routine_info", "rs_test", "rstrpos", "s_test", "save", "scale3", "scale3d", "search2d", "search3d", "set_plot", "set_shading", "set_symbol", "setup_keys", "sfit", "shade_surf", "shade_surf_irr", "shade_volume", "shift", "show3", "showfont", "sin", "sindgen", "sinh", "size", "skewness", "skipf", "slicer3", "slide_image", "smooth", "sobel", "sort", "spawn", "sph_4pnt", "sph_scat", "spl_init", "spl_interp", "spline", "spline_p", "sprsab", "sprsax", "sprsin", "sqrt", "standardize", "stddev", "stop", "str_sep", "strarr", "strcompress", "stretch", "string", "strlen", "strlowcase", "strmessage", "strmid", "strpos", "strput", "strtrim", "struct_assign", "strupcase", "surface", "surfr", "svdc", "svdfit", "svsol", "swap_endian", "systime", "t_cvf", "t_pdf", "t3d", "tag_names", "tan", "tanh", "taprd", "tapwrt", "tek_color", "temporary", "thin", "threed", "time_test2", "tm_test", "total", "trace", "transpose", "tri_surf", "triangulate", "trigrid", "triql", "trired", "trisol", "trnlog", "ts_coef", "ts_diff", "ts_fcast", "ts_smooth", "tv", "tvcrs", "tvlct", "tvrd", "tvscl", "uindgen", "uint", "uintarr", "ul64indgen", "ulindgen", "ulon64arr", "ulonarr", "ulong", "ulong64", "uniq", "usersym", "variance", "vax_float", "vel", "velovect", "vert_t3d", "voigt", "voronoi", "voxel_proj", "wait", "warp_tri", "wdelete", "weof", "wf_draw", "where", "widget_base", "widget_button", "widget_control", "widget_draw", "widget_droplist", "widget_event", "widget_info", "widget_label", "widget_list", "widget_slider", "widget_table", "widget_text", "window", "write_bmp", "write_gif", "write_jpeg", "write_nrif", "write_pict", "write_png", "write_ppm", "write_spr", "write_srf", "write_sylk", "write_tiff", "write_wave", "writeu", "wset", "wshow", "wtn", "xbm_edit", "xdisplayfile", "xfont", "xinteranimate", "xloadct", "xmanager", "xmng_tmpl", "xmtool", "xpalette", "xregistered", "xsq_test", "xsurface", "xvaredit", "xyouts", "zoom", "zoom_24", # scientific routines: "cdf_attcreate", "cdf_attdelete", "cdf_attexists", "cdf_attget", "cdf_attinq", "cdf_attnum", "cdf_attput", "cdf_attrename", "cdf_close", "cdf_control", "cdf_create", "cdf_delete", "cdf_doc", "cdf_encode_epoch", "cdf_epoch", "cdf_error", "cdf_exists", "cdf_inquire", "cdf_lib_info", "cdf_open", "cdf_parse_epoch", "cdf_varcreate", "cdf_vardelete", "cdf_varget", "cdf_varget1", "cdf_varinq", "cdf_varnum", "cdf_varput", "cdf_varrename", "hdf_close", "hdf_deldd", "hdf_df24_addimage", "hdf_df24_getimage", "hdf_df24_getinfo", "hdf_df24_lastref", "hdf_df24_nimages", "hdf_df24_readref", "hdf_df24_restart", "hdf_dfan_addfds", "hdf_dfan_addfid", "hdf_dfan_getdesc", "hdf_dfan_getfds", "hdf_dfan_getfid", "hdf_dfan_getlabel", "hdf_dfan_lablist", "hdf_dfan_lastref", "hdf_dfan_putdesc", "hdf_dfan_putlabel", "hdf_dfp_addpal", "hdf_dfp_getpal", "hdf_dfp_lastref", "hdf_dfp_npals", "hdf_dfp_putpal", "hdf_dfp_readref", "hdf_dfp_restart", "hdf_dfp_writeref", "hdf_dfr8_addimage", "hdf_dfr8_getimage", "hdf_dfr8_getinfo", "hdf_dfr8_lastref", "hdf_dfr8_nimages", "hdf_dfr8_putimage", "hdf_dfr8_readref", "hdf_dfr8_restart", "hdf_dfr8_setpalette", "hdf_dfsd_adddata", "hdf_dfsd_dimget", "hdf_dfsd_dimset", "hdf_dfsd_endslice", "hdf_dfsd_getdata", "hdf_dfsd_getinfo", "hdf_dfsd_getslice", "hdf_dfsd_putslice", "hdf_dfsd_readref", "hdf_dfsd_setinfo", "hdf_dfsd_startslice", "hdf_dupdd", "hdf_exists", "hdf_ishdf", "hdf_lib_info", "hdf_newref", "hdf_number", "hdf_open", "hdf_gr_attrinfo", "hdf_sd_attrfind", "hdf_sd_attrinfo", "hdf_sd_attrset", "hdf_sd_create", "hdf_sd_dimget", "hdf_sd_dimgetid", "hdf_sd_dimset", "hdf_sd_end", "hdf_sd_endaccess", "hdf_sd_fileinfo", "hdf_sd_getdata", "hdf_sd_getinfo", "hdf_sd_idtoref", "hdf_sd_iscoordvar", "hdf_sd_nametoindex", "hdf_sd_reftoindex", "hdf_sd_select", "hdf_sd_setextfile", "hdf_sd_setinfo", "hdf_sd_start", "hdf_vd_attach", "hdf_vd_detach", "hdf_vd_fdefine", "hdf_vd_fexist", "hdf_vd_find", "hdf_vd_get", "hdf_vd_getid", "hdf_vd_getinfo", "hdf_vd_getnext", "hdf_vd_insert", "hdf_vd_isvd", "hdf_vd_isvg", "hdf_vd_lone", "hdf_vd_read", "hdf_vd_seek", "hdf_vd_setinfo", "hdf_vd_write", "hdf_vg_addtr", "hdf_vg_attach", "hdf_vg_detach", "hdf_vg_getid", "hdf_vg_getinfo", "hdf_vg_getnext", "hdf_vg_gettr", "hdf_vg_gettrs", "hdf_vg_inqtr", "hdf_vg_insert", "hdf_vg_isvd", "hdf_vg_isvg", "hdf_vg_lone", "hdf_vg_number", "hdf_vg_setinfo", "ncdf_attcopy", "ncdf_attdel", "ncdf_attget", "ncdf_attinq", "ncdf_attname", "ncdf_attput", "ncdf_attrename", "ncdf_close", "ncdf_control", "ncdf_create", "ncdf_dimdef", "ncdf_dimid", "ncdf_diminq", "ncdf_dimrename", "ncdf_exists", "ncdf_inquire", "ncdf_open", "ncdf_vardef", "ncdf_varget", "ncdf_varget1", "ncdf_varid", "ncdf_varinq", "ncdf_varput", "ncdf_varrename" end keywords optional operators are NOT \not, OR \vee, XOR, AND \wedge, GE \geq, GT >, LT <, LE \leq, EQ \equiv, NE \neq, <, >, \# end operators sequences are ; Comment, # IDL strings and char are not exactly C-char, since 'Foo''bar' # represents "Foo'bar" "\'" Plain String "\'" Plain exceptions are "\'\'" end exceptions, "\"" Plain String "\"" Plain exceptions are "\"\"" end exceptions end sequences end style