# Last changed: Mon Aug 18 1997 Christian Mondrup (reccmo@sc03.sctp.dk) # # Last edited: # # Mon Aug 18 1997 Christian Mondrup (reccmo@sc03.sctp.dk) # Added "rem" as comment. Changed case to insensitive. style "Oracle PL/SQL" is written by "Pierre Mareschal " version is 1.0 documentation is "This style is to be checked." end documentation first alphabet is "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_" second alphabet is "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_" case insensitive keywords in Keyword_strong are abort, accept, access, add, all, alter, and, any, array, arraylen, as, asc, assert, assign, at, audit, authorization, avg, base_table, begin, between, binary_integer, body, boolean, "by" , "case", char, char_base, check, close, cluster, clusters, colauth, column, "comment", commit, compress, connect, constant, crash, create, current, currval, cursor, data_base, database, date, dba, debugoff, debugon, decimal, declare, default, definition, delay, delete, delta, desc, digits, dispose, distinct, do, drop, else, elsif, "end", entry, exception, exception_init, exclusive, exists, exit, false, fetch, file, float, for, form, from, function, generic, goto, grant, group, having, identified, if, immediate, "in", increment, index, indexes, indicator, initial, insert, integer, interface, intersect, into, "is", level, like, limited, lock, long, loop, max, maxextents, min, minus, mlslabel, mod, mode, modify, natural, naturaln, new, nextval, noaudit, nocompress, not, nowait, null, number, number_base, of, offline, on, online, open, option, or, order, others, out, package, partition, pctfree, pls_integer, positive, positiven, pragma, prior, private, privileges, procedure, public, raise, range, raw, real, record, ref, release, remr, rename, resource, return, reverse, revoke, rollback, row, rowid, rowlabel, rownum, rows, rowtype, run, savepoint, schema, select, separate, session, set, share, size, smallint, space, sql, sqlcode, sqlerrm, start, statement, stddev, subtype, successful, sum, synonym, sysdate, tabauth, table, tables, task, terminate, then, to, trigger, true, type, uid, union, unique, update, use, user, validate, values, varchar, varchar2, variance, view, views, when, whenever, where, while, with, work, write, xor end keywords sequences are "/*+" Comment_strong Comment_strong "*/" Comment_strong, -- Comment, rem Comment, "/*" Comment Comment "*/" Comment, "//" Comment, C-string, C-char end sequences end style