These files contain an optimized version of a program that searches for a path in a graph. It is the subject of 2 ACL2 workshop papers, one in 2000 by Matt Wilding and one in 2003 by David Greve and Matt Wilding, that describe using ACL2 features to build fast and verifiable software. A makefile creates books from two files fpst.lisp - definition of the optimized pathfinder and proof that it is equivalent to previously distributed version run-fpst.lisp - definitions that provide for benchmarking the pathfinder Currently-unreleased ACL2 2.8 builds these books in about 2 minutes. This proof relies upon books developed by J Moore that are freely available and documented in the chapter "An Exercise in Graph Theory" in the book "Computer-Aided Reasoning: ACL2 Case Studies". David Greve Matt Wilding June 2003