/* some test cases ./addrtext_s fe80::1%wlanx ./addrtext_s fe80::1%wlan0 ./addrtext_s fe80::1%23 ./addrtext_s fe80::1%1 ./addrtext_s 2001:ba8:1e3::%wlan0 ./addrtext_s 2001:ba8:1e3::%23 ./addrtext_s 2001:ba8:1e3::%1 # normally lo ./addrtext_s ./addrtext_s ./addrtext_s 12345 */ /* * addrtext.c * - test program for address<->string conversion, not part of the library */ /* * This file is part of adns, which is * Copyright (C) 1997-2000,2003,2006,2014 Ian Jackson * Copyright (C) 2014 Mark Wooding * Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2003,2006 Tony Finch * Copyright (C) 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * (See the file INSTALL for full details.) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "adns.h" #define PORT 1234 #define STRING(x) STRING2(x) #define STRING2(x) #x static int fails; static void hex(const void *data_v, int l) { const uint8_t *data= data_v; int i; for (i=0; isa_family); switch (sa->sa_family) { case AF_INET: { const struct sockaddr_in *s = (const void*)sa; printf(".port=%d .addr=%08"PRIx32"", ntohs(s->sin_port), (uint32_t)ntohl(s->sin_addr.s_addr)); break; } case AF_INET6: { const struct sockaddr_in6 *s = (const void*)sa; printf(".port=%d .flowinfo=%08"PRIx32" .scope_id=%08"PRIx32" .addr=", ntohs(s->sin6_port), (uint32_t)ntohl(s->sin6_flowinfo), (uint32_t)ntohl(s->sin6_scope_id)); hex(&s->sin6_addr, sizeof(s->sin6_addr)); break; } } printf("\n"); } static void dotest(const char *input) { adns_sockaddr ours; socklen_t socklen; struct addrinfo aip; struct addrinfo *air=0; char ourbuf[ADNS_ADDR2TEXT_BUFLEN]; char theirbuf[ADNS_ADDR2TEXT_BUFLEN]; memset(&ours,0,sizeof(ours)); socklen= sizeof(ours); int our_r= adns_text2addr(input,PORT,0,&ours.sa,&socklen); memset(&aip,0,sizeof(aip)); aip.ai_flags= AI_NUMERICHOST|AI_NUMERICSERV; aip.ai_socktype= SOCK_DGRAM; aip.ai_protocol= IPPROTO_UDP; air= 0; int libc_r= getaddrinfo(input,STRING(PORT),&aip,&air); printf("`%s': us %s; libc %s, air=%p", input, strerror(our_r), libc_r ? gai_strerror(libc_r) : "0", air); if (air) printf(" .family=%d .socklen=%ld .addr=%p .next=%p", air->ai_family, (long)air->ai_addrlen, air->ai_addr, air->ai_next); printf(":"); if (libc_r==EAI_NONAME && !air) { if (strchr(input,'%') && (our_r==ENOSYS || our_r==ENXIO)) { printf(" bad-scope"); goto ok; } if (strchr(input,'%') && our_r==ENOSYS) { printf(" bad-scope"); goto ok; } if (our_r==EINVAL) { printf(" invalid"); goto ok; } } printf(" valid"); #define FAIL do{ printf(" | FAIL\n"); fails++; }while(0) #define WANT(x) if (!(x)) { printf(" not %s",STRING(x)); FAIL; return; } else; WANT(!our_r); WANT(!libc_r); WANT(air); WANT(air->ai_addr); WANT(!air->ai_next); if (air->ai_addrlen!=socklen || memcmp(&ours,air->ai_addr,socklen)) { printf(" mismatch"); FAIL; dump("ours",&ours.sa,socklen); dump("libc",air->ai_addr,air->ai_addrlen); return; } printf(" |"); int ourbuflen= sizeof(ourbuf); int ourport; our_r= adns_addr2text(&ours.sa,0, ourbuf,&ourbuflen, &ourport); printf(" us %s",strerror(our_r)); if (!our_r) printf(" `%s'",ourbuf); size_t theirbuflen= sizeof(theirbuf); libc_r= getnameinfo(&ours.sa,socklen, theirbuf,theirbuflen, 0,0, NI_NUMERICHOST|NI_NUMERICSERV); printf("; libc %s", libc_r ? gai_strerror(libc_r) : "0"); if (!libc_r) printf(" `%s'",theirbuf); printf(":"); WANT(!our_r); WANT(!libc_r); WANT(ourport==PORT); if (strcmp(ourbuf,theirbuf)) { printf(" mismatch"); FAIL; return; } ok: printf(" | PASS\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *arg; while ((arg= *++argv)) { dotest(arg); } return !!fails; }