#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "harness.h" static FILE *Tinputfile, *Treportfile; static vbuf vb2; extern void Tshutdown(void) { adns__vbuf_free(&vb2); } static void Tensurereportfile(void) { const char *fdstr; int fd; if (Treportfile) return; Treportfile= stderr; fdstr= getenv("ADNS_TEST_REPORT_FD"); if (!fdstr) return; fd= atoi(fdstr); Treportfile= fdopen(fd,"a"); if (!Treportfile) Tfailed("fdopen ADNS_TEST_REPORT_FD"); } static void Psyntax(const char *where) { fprintf(stderr,"adns test harness: syntax error in test log input file: %s\n",where); exit(-1); } static void Pcheckinput(void) { if (ferror(Tinputfile)) Tfailed("read test log input file"); if (feof(Tinputfile)) Psyntax("eof at syscall reply"); } void Tensurerecordfile(void) { const char *fdstr; int fd; int chars; unsigned long sec, usec; if (Tinputfile) return; Tinputfile= stdin; fdstr= getenv("ADNS_TEST_IN_FD"); if (fdstr) { fd= atoi(fdstr); Tinputfile= fdopen(fd,"r"); if (!Tinputfile) Tfailed("fdopen ADNS_TEST_IN_FD"); } setvbuf(Tinputfile,0,_IONBF,0); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); chars= -1; sscanf(vb2.buf," start %lu.%lu%n",&sec,&usec,&chars); if (chars==-1) Psyntax("start time invalid"); currenttime.tv_sec= sec; currenttime.tv_usec= usec; if (vb2.buf[chars] != '\n') Psyntax("not newline after start time"); } static void Parg(const char *argname) { int l; if (vb2.buf[vb2.used++] != ' ') Psyntax("not a space before argument"); l= strlen(argname); if (memcmp(vb2.buf+vb2.used,argname,l)) Psyntax("argument name wrong"); vb2.used+= l; if (vb2.buf[vb2.used++] != '=') Psyntax("not = after argument name"); } static int Pstring_maybe(const char *string) { int l; l= strlen(string); if (memcmp(vb2.buf+vb2.used,string,l)) return 0; vb2.used+= l; return 1; } static void Pstring(const char *string, const char *emsg) { if (Pstring_maybe(string)) return; Psyntax(emsg); } static int Perrno(const char *stuff) { const struct Terrno *te; int r; char *ep; for (te= Terrnos; te->n && strcmp(te->n,stuff); te++); if (te->n) return te->v; r= strtoul(stuff+2,&ep,10); if (*ep) Psyntax("errno value not recognised, not numeric"); return r; } static void P_updatetime(void) { int chars; unsigned long sec, usec; if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); chars= -1; sscanf(vb2.buf," +%lu.%lu%n",&sec,&usec,&chars); if (chars==-1) Psyntax("update time invalid"); currenttime.tv_sec+= sec; currenttime.tv_usec+= usec; if (currenttime.tv_usec > 1000000) { currenttime.tv_sec++; currenttime.tv_usec -= 1000000; } if (vb2.buf[chars] != '\n') Psyntax("not newline after update time"); } static void Pfdset(fd_set *set, int max) { int r, c; char *ep; if (vb2.buf[vb2.used++] != '[') Psyntax("fd set start not ["); FD_ZERO(set); if (vb2.buf[vb2.used] == ']') { vb2.used++; return; } for (;;) { r= strtoul(vb2.buf+vb2.used,&ep,10); if (r>=max) Psyntax("fd set member > max"); if (ep == (char*)vb2.buf+vb2.used) Psyntax("empty entry in fd set"); FD_SET(r,set); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; c= vb2.buf[vb2.used++]; if (c == ']') break; if (c != ',') Psyntax("fd set separator not ,"); } } #ifdef HAVE_POLL static int Ppollfdevents(void) { int events; if (Pstring_maybe("0")) return 0; events= 0; if (Pstring_maybe("POLLIN")) { events |= POLLIN; if (!Pstring_maybe("|")) return events; } if (Pstring_maybe("POLLOUT")) { events |= POLLOUT; if (!Pstring_maybe("|")) return events; } Pstring("POLLPRI","pollfdevents PRI?"); return events; } static void Ppollfds(struct pollfd *fds, int nfds) { int i; char *ep; const char *comma= ""; if (vb2.buf[vb2.used++] != '[') Psyntax("pollfds start not ["); for (i=0; ifd= strtoul(vb2.buf+vb2.used,&ep,10); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; Pstring(", events=",", events= in pollfds"); fds->events= Ppollfdevents(); Pstring(", revents=",", revents= in pollfds"); fds->revents= Ppollfdevents(); Pstring("}","} in pollfds"); Pstring(comma,"separator in pollfds"); comma= ", "; } if (vb2.buf[vb2.used++] != ']') Psyntax("pollfds end not ]"); } #endif static void Paddr(struct sockaddr *addr, int *lenr) { adns_rr_addr a; char *p, *q, *ep; int err; unsigned long ul; p= vb2.buf+vb2.used; if (*p!='[') { q= strchr(p,':'); if (!q) Psyntax("missing :"); *q++= 0; } else { p++; q= strchr(p,']'); if (!q) Psyntax("missing ]"); *q++= 0; if (*q!=':') Psyntax("expected : after ]"); q++; } ul= strtoul(q,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep != ' ') Psyntax("invalid port (bad syntax)"); if (ul >= 65536) Psyntax("port too large"); a.len= sizeof(a.addr); err= adns_text2addr(p, (int)ul, 0, &a.addr.sa,&a.len); if (err) Psyntax("invalid address"); assert(*lenr >= a.len); memcpy(addr, &a.addr, a.len); *lenr= a.len; vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; } static int Pbytes(byte *buf, int maxlen) { static const char hexdigits[]= "0123456789abcdef"; int c, v, done; const char *pf; done= 0; for (;;) { c= getc(Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); if (c=='\n' || c==' ' || c=='\t') continue; if (c=='.') break; pf= strchr(hexdigits,c); if (!pf) Psyntax("invalid first hex digit"); v= (pf-hexdigits)<<4; c= getc(Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); pf= strchr(hexdigits,c); if (!pf) Psyntax("invalid second hex digit"); v |= (pf-hexdigits); if (maxlen<=0) Psyntax("buffer overflow in bytes"); *buf++= v; maxlen--; done++; } for (;;) { c= getc(Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); if (c=='\n') return done; } } void Q_vb(void) { const char *nl; Tensurerecordfile(); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,vb.used+2)) Tnomem(); fread(vb2.buf,1,vb.used+2,Tinputfile); if (feof(Tinputfile)) { fprintf(stderr,"adns test harness: input ends prematurely; program did:\n %.*s\n", vb.used,vb.buf); exit(-1); } Pcheckinput(); if (vb2.buf[0] != ' ') Psyntax("not space before call"); if (memcmp(vb.buf,vb2.buf+1,vb.used) || vb2.buf[vb.used+1] != '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "adns test harness: program did unexpected:\n %.*s\n" "was expecting:\n %.*s\n", vb.used,vb.buf, vb.used,vb2.buf+1); exit(1); } Tensurereportfile(); nl= memchr(vb.buf,'\n',vb.used); fprintf(Treportfile," %.*s\n", (int)(nl ? nl - (const char*)vb.buf : vb.used), vb.buf); } int Hselect( int max , fd_set *rfds , fd_set *wfds , fd_set *efds , struct timeval *to ) { int r, amtread; char *ep; Qselect( max , rfds , wfds , efds , to ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," select=",8)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[8] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+8); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= strtoul(vb2.buf+8,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep!=' ') Psyntax("return value not E* or positive number"); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; Parg("rfds"); Pfdset(rfds,max); Parg("wfds"); Pfdset(wfds,max); Parg("efds"); Pfdset(efds,max); assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } #ifdef HAVE_POLL int Hpoll( struct pollfd *fds , int nfds , int timeout ) { int r, amtread; char *ep; Qpoll( fds , nfds , timeout ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," poll=",6)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[6] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+6); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= strtoul(vb2.buf+6,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep!=' ') Psyntax("return value not E* or positive number"); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; Parg("fds"); Ppollfds(fds,nfds); assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } #endif int Hsocket( int domain , int type , int protocol ) { int r, amtread; char *ep; Tmust("socket","domain",domain==AF_INET || domain==AF_INET6); Tmust("socket","type",type==SOCK_STREAM || type==SOCK_DGRAM); Qsocket( domain , type ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," socket=",8)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[8] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+8); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= strtoul(vb2.buf+8,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep!=' ') Psyntax("return value not E* or positive number"); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hfcntl( int fd , int cmd , ... ) { int r, amtread; va_list al; long arg; Tmust("fcntl","cmd",cmd==F_SETFL || cmd==F_GETFL); if (cmd == F_SETFL) { va_start(al,cmd); arg= va_arg(al,long); va_end(al); } else { arg= 0; } Qfcntl( fd , cmd , arg ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," fcntl=",7)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[7] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+7); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= 0; if (cmd == F_GETFL) { if (!memcmp(vb2.buf+7,"O_NONBLOCK|...",14)) { r= O_NONBLOCK; vb2.used= 7+14; } else if (!memcmp(vb2.buf+7,"~O_NONBLOCK&...",15)) { vb2.used= 7+15; } else { Psyntax("fcntl flags not O_NONBLOCK|... or ~O_NONBLOCK&..."); } } else if (cmd == F_SETFL) { if (memcmp(vb2.buf+7,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 7+2; r= 0; } else { Psyntax("fcntl not F_GETFL or F_SETFL"); } assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hconnect( int fd , const struct sockaddr *addr , int addrlen ) { int r, amtread; Qconnect( fd , addr , addrlen ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," connect=",9)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[9] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+9); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+9,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 9+2; r= 0; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hbind( int fd , const struct sockaddr *addr , int addrlen ) { int r, amtread; Qbind( fd , addr , addrlen ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," bind=",6)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[6] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+6); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+6,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 6+2; r= 0; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hlisten( int fd , int backlog ) { int r, amtread; Qlisten( fd , backlog ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," listen=",8)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[8] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+8); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+8,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 8+2; r= 0; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hclose( int fd ) { int r, amtread; Qclose( fd ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," close=",7)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[7] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+7); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+7,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 7+2; r= 0; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hsendto( int fd , const void *msg , int msglen , unsigned int flags , const struct sockaddr *addr , int addrlen ) { int r, amtread; char *ep; Tmust("sendto","flags",flags==0); Qsendto( fd , msg , msglen , addr , addrlen ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," sendto=",8)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[8] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+8); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= strtoul(vb2.buf+8,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep!=' ') Psyntax("return value not E* or positive number"); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hrecvfrom( int fd , void *buf , int buflen , unsigned int flags , struct sockaddr *addr , int *addrlen ) { int r, amtread; Tmust("recvfrom","flags",flags==0); Tmust("recvfrom","*addrlen",*addrlen>=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); Qrecvfrom( fd , buflen , *addrlen ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," recvfrom=",10)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[10] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+10); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+10,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 10+2; r= 0; Parg("addr"); Paddr(addr,addrlen); assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); r= Pbytes(buf,buflen); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hread( int fd , void *buf , size_t buflen ) { int r, amtread; Qread( fd , buflen ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," read=",6)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[6] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+6); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } if (memcmp(vb2.buf+6,"OK",2)) Psyntax("success/fail not E* or OK"); vb2.used= 6+2; r= 0; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); r= Pbytes(buf,buflen); P_updatetime(); return r; } int Hwrite( int fd , const void *buf , size_t len ) { int r, amtread; char *ep; Qwrite( fd , buf , len ); if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&vb2,1000)) Tnomem(); fgets(vb2.buf,vb2.avail,Tinputfile); Pcheckinput(); Tensurereportfile(); fprintf(Treportfile,"%s",vb2.buf); amtread= strlen(vb2.buf); if (amtread<=0 || vb2.buf[--amtread]!='\n') Psyntax("badly formed line"); vb2.buf[amtread]= 0; if (memcmp(vb2.buf," write=",7)) Psyntax("syscall reply mismatch"); if (vb2.buf[7] == 'E') { int e; e= Perrno(vb2.buf+7); P_updatetime(); errno= e; return -1; } r= strtoul(vb2.buf+7,&ep,10); if (*ep && *ep!=' ') Psyntax("return value not E* or positive number"); vb2.used= ep - (char*)vb2.buf; assert(vb2.used <= amtread); if (vb2.used != amtread) Psyntax("junk at end of line"); P_updatetime(); return r; }