/* * query.c * - overall query management (allocation, completion) * - per-query memory management * - query submission and cancellation (user-visible and internal) */ /* * This file is part of adns, which is * Copyright (C) 1997-2000,2003,2006 Ian Jackson * Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2003,2006 Tony Finch * Copyright (C) 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * (See the file INSTALL for full details.) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include "internal.h" static adns_query query_alloc(adns_state ads, const typeinfo *typei, adns_rrtype type, adns_queryflags flags, struct timeval now) { /* Allocate a virgin query and return it. */ adns_query qu; qu= malloc(sizeof(*qu)); if (!qu) return 0; qu->answer= malloc(sizeof(*qu->answer)); if (!qu->answer) { free(qu); return 0; } qu->ads= ads; qu->state= query_tosend; qu->back= qu->next= qu->parent= 0; LIST_INIT(qu->children); LINK_INIT(qu->siblings); LIST_INIT(qu->allocations); qu->interim_allocd= 0; qu->preserved_allocd= 0; qu->final_allocspace= 0; qu->typei= typei; qu->query_dgram= 0; qu->query_dglen= 0; adns__vbuf_init(&qu->vb); qu->cname_dgram= 0; qu->cname_dglen= qu->cname_begin= 0; adns__vbuf_init(&qu->search_vb); qu->search_origlen= qu->search_pos= qu->search_doneabs= 0; qu->id= -2; /* will be overwritten with real id before we leave adns */ qu->flags= flags; qu->retries= 0; qu->udpnextserver= 0; qu->udpsent= 0; timerclear(&qu->timeout); qu->expires= now.tv_sec + MAXTTLBELIEVE; memset(&qu->ctx,0,sizeof(qu->ctx)); qu->answer->status= adns_s_ok; qu->answer->cname= qu->answer->owner= 0; qu->answer->type= type; qu->answer->expires= -1; qu->answer->nrrs= 0; qu->answer->rrs.untyped= 0; qu->answer->rrsz= typei->getrrsz(typei,type); return qu; } static void query_submit(adns_state ads, adns_query qu, const typeinfo *typei, vbuf *qumsg_vb, int id, adns_queryflags flags, struct timeval now) { /* Fills in the query message in for a previously-allocated query, * and submits it. Cannot fail. Takes over the memory for qumsg_vb. */ qu->vb= *qumsg_vb; adns__vbuf_init(qumsg_vb); qu->query_dgram= malloc(qu->vb.used); if (!qu->query_dgram) { adns__query_fail(qu,adns_s_nomemory); return; } qu->id= id; qu->query_dglen= qu->vb.used; memcpy(qu->query_dgram,qu->vb.buf,qu->vb.used); typei->query_send(qu,now); } adns_status adns__ckl_hostname(adns_state ads, adns_queryflags flags, union checklabel_state *cls, qcontext *ctx, int labnum, const char *dgram, int labstart, int lablen) { int i, c; const char *label = dgram+labstart; if (flags & adns_qf_quoteok_query) return adns_s_ok; for (i=0; i= 0); st= typei->checklabel(ads,flags, &cls,ctx, labnum++, dgram,labstart,lablen); if (st) return st; } while (lablen); return adns_s_ok; } adns_status adns__internal_submit(adns_state ads, adns_query *query_r, adns_query parent, const typeinfo *typei, adns_rrtype type, vbuf *qumsg_vb, int id, adns_queryflags flags, struct timeval now, qcontext *ctx) { adns_query qu; adns_status st; st= check_domain_name(ads, flags,ctx,typei, qumsg_vb->buf,qumsg_vb->used); if (st) goto x_err; qu= query_alloc(ads,typei,type,flags,now); if (!qu) { st = adns_s_nomemory; goto x_err; } *query_r= qu; qu->parent= parent; LIST_LINK_TAIL_PART(parent->children,qu,siblings.); memcpy(&qu->ctx,ctx,sizeof(qu->ctx)); query_submit(ads,qu, typei,qumsg_vb,id,flags,now); return adns_s_ok; x_err: adns__vbuf_free(qumsg_vb); return st; } static void query_simple(adns_state ads, adns_query qu, const char *owner, int ol, const typeinfo *typei, adns_queryflags flags, struct timeval now) { vbuf vb_new; int id; adns_status st; st= adns__mkquery(ads,&qu->vb,&id, owner,ol, typei,qu->answer->type, flags); if (st) { if (st == adns_s_querydomaintoolong && (flags & adns_qf_search)) { adns__search_next(ads,qu,now); return; } else { adns__query_fail(qu,st); return; } } st= check_domain_name(ads, flags,&qu->ctx,typei, qu->vb.buf,qu->vb.used); if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu,st); return; } vb_new= qu->vb; adns__vbuf_init(&qu->vb); query_submit(ads,qu, typei,&vb_new,id, flags,now); } void adns__search_next(adns_state ads, adns_query qu, struct timeval now) { const char *nextentry; adns_status st; if (qu->search_doneabs<0) { nextentry= 0; qu->search_doneabs= 1; } else { if (qu->search_pos >= ads->nsearchlist) { if (qu->search_doneabs) { qu->search_vb.used= qu->search_origlen; st= adns_s_nxdomain; goto x_fail; } else { nextentry= 0; qu->search_doneabs= 1; } } else { nextentry= ads->searchlist[qu->search_pos++]; } } qu->search_vb.used= qu->search_origlen; if (nextentry) { if (!adns__vbuf_append(&qu->search_vb,".",1) || !adns__vbuf_appendstr(&qu->search_vb,nextentry)) goto x_nomemory; } free(qu->query_dgram); qu->query_dgram= 0; qu->query_dglen= 0; query_simple(ads,qu, qu->search_vb.buf, qu->search_vb.used, qu->typei, qu->flags, now); return; x_nomemory: st= adns_s_nomemory; x_fail: adns__query_fail(qu,st); } static int save_owner(adns_query qu, const char *owner, int ol) { /* Returns 1 if OK, otherwise there was no memory. */ adns_answer *ans; if (!(qu->flags & adns_qf_owner)) return 1; ans= qu->answer; assert(!ans->owner); ans->owner= adns__alloc_preserved(qu,ol+1); if (!ans->owner) return 0; memcpy(ans->owner,owner,ol); ans->owner[ol]= 0; return 1; } int adns_submit(adns_state ads, const char *owner, adns_rrtype type, adns_queryflags flags, void *context, adns_query *query_r) { int r, ol, ndots; adns_status st; const typeinfo *typei; struct timeval now; adns_query qu; const char *p; adns__consistency(ads,0,cc_entex); typei= adns__findtype(type); if (!typei) return ENOSYS; r= gettimeofday(&now,0); if (r) goto x_errno; qu= query_alloc(ads,typei,type,flags,now); if (!qu) goto x_errno; qu->ctx.ext= context; qu->ctx.callback= 0; memset(&qu->ctx.pinfo,0,sizeof(qu->ctx.pinfo)); memset(&qu->ctx.tinfo,0,sizeof(qu->ctx.tinfo)); *query_r= qu; ol= strlen(owner); if (!ol) { st= adns_s_querydomaininvalid; goto x_adnsfail; } if (ol>DNS_MAXDOMAIN+1) { st= adns_s_querydomaintoolong; goto x_adnsfail; } if (ol>=1 && owner[ol-1]=='.' && (ol<2 || owner[ol-2]!='\\')) { flags &= ~adns_qf_search; qu->flags= flags; ol--; } if (flags & adns_qf_search) { r= adns__vbuf_append(&qu->search_vb,owner,ol); if (!r) { st= adns_s_nomemory; goto x_adnsfail; } for (ndots=0, p=owner; (p= strchr(p,'.')); p++, ndots++); qu->search_doneabs= (ndots >= ads->searchndots) ? -1 : 0; qu->search_origlen= ol; adns__search_next(ads,qu,now); } else { if (flags & adns_qf_owner) { if (!save_owner(qu,owner,ol)) { st= adns_s_nomemory; goto x_adnsfail; } } query_simple(ads,qu, owner,ol, typei,flags, now); } adns__autosys(ads,now); adns__returning(ads,qu); return 0; x_adnsfail: adns__query_fail(qu,st); adns__returning(ads,qu); return 0; x_errno: r= errno; assert(r); adns__returning(ads,0); return r; } int adns_submit_reverse_any(adns_state ads, const struct sockaddr *addr, const char *zone, adns_rrtype type, adns_queryflags flags, void *context, adns_query *query_r) { char *buf, *buf_free = 0; char shortbuf[100]; int r; flags &= ~adns_qf_search; buf = shortbuf; r= adns__make_reverse_domain(addr,zone, &buf,sizeof(shortbuf),&buf_free); if (r) return r; r= adns_submit(ads,buf,type,flags,context,query_r); free(buf_free); return r; } int adns_submit_reverse(adns_state ads, const struct sockaddr *addr, adns_rrtype type, adns_queryflags flags, void *context, adns_query *query_r) { if (((type^adns_r_ptr) & adns_rrt_reprmask) && ((type^adns_r_ptr_raw) & adns_rrt_reprmask)) return EINVAL; return adns_submit_reverse_any(ads,addr,0,type,flags,context,query_r); } int adns_synchronous(adns_state ads, const char *owner, adns_rrtype type, adns_queryflags flags, adns_answer **answer_r) { adns_query qu; int r; r= adns_submit(ads,owner,type,flags,0,&qu); if (r) return r; r= adns_wait(ads,&qu,answer_r,0); if (r) adns_cancel(qu); return r; } static void *alloc_common(adns_query qu, size_t sz) { allocnode *an; if (!sz) return qu; /* Any old pointer will do */ assert(!qu->final_allocspace); an= malloc(MEM_ROUND(MEM_ROUND(sizeof(*an)) + sz)); if (!an) return 0; LIST_LINK_TAIL(qu->allocations,an); an->sz= sz; return (byte*)an + MEM_ROUND(sizeof(*an)); } void *adns__alloc_interim(adns_query qu, size_t sz) { void *rv; sz= MEM_ROUND(sz); rv= alloc_common(qu,sz); if (!rv) return 0; qu->interim_allocd += sz; return rv; } void *adns__alloc_preserved(adns_query qu, size_t sz) { void *rv; sz= MEM_ROUND(sz); rv= adns__alloc_interim(qu,sz); if (!rv) return 0; qu->preserved_allocd += sz; return rv; } static allocnode *alloc__info(adns_query qu, void *p, size_t *sz_r) { allocnode *an; if (!p || p == qu) { *sz_r= 0; return 0; } an= (allocnode *)((byte *)p - MEM_ROUND(sizeof(allocnode))); *sz_r= MEM_ROUND(an->sz); return an; } void adns__free_interim(adns_query qu, void *p) { size_t sz; allocnode *an= alloc__info(qu, p, &sz); if (!an) return; assert(!qu->final_allocspace); LIST_UNLINK(qu->allocations, an); free(an); qu->interim_allocd -= sz; assert(!qu->interim_allocd >= 0); } void *adns__alloc_mine(adns_query qu, size_t sz) { return alloc_common(qu,MEM_ROUND(sz)); } void adns__transfer_interim(adns_query from, adns_query to, void *block) { size_t sz; allocnode *an= alloc__info(from, block, &sz); if (!an) return; assert(!to->final_allocspace); assert(!from->final_allocspace); LIST_UNLINK(from->allocations,an); LIST_LINK_TAIL(to->allocations,an); from->interim_allocd -= sz; to->interim_allocd += sz; if (to->expires > from->expires) to->expires= from->expires; } void *adns__alloc_final(adns_query qu, size_t sz) { /* When we're in the _final stage, we _subtract_ from interim_alloc'd * each allocation, and use final_allocspace to point to the next free * bit. */ void *rp; sz= MEM_ROUND(sz); rp= qu->final_allocspace; assert(rp); qu->interim_allocd -= sz; assert(qu->interim_allocd>=0); qu->final_allocspace= (byte*)rp + sz; return rp; } void adns__cancel_children(adns_query qu) { adns_query cqu, ncqu; for (cqu= qu->children.head; cqu; cqu= ncqu) { ncqu= cqu->siblings.next; adns__cancel(cqu); } } void adns__reset_preserved(adns_query qu) { assert(!qu->final_allocspace); adns__cancel_children(qu); qu->answer->nrrs= 0; qu->answer->rrs.untyped= 0; qu->interim_allocd= qu->preserved_allocd; } static void free_query_allocs(adns_query qu) { allocnode *an, *ann; adns__cancel_children(qu); for (an= qu->allocations.head; an; an= ann) { ann= an->next; free(an); } LIST_INIT(qu->allocations); adns__vbuf_free(&qu->vb); adns__vbuf_free(&qu->search_vb); free(qu->query_dgram); qu->query_dgram= 0; } void adns__returning(adns_state ads, adns_query qu_for_caller) { while (ads->intdone.head) { adns_query iq= ads->intdone.head; adns_query parent= iq->parent; LIST_UNLINK_PART(parent->children,iq,siblings.); LIST_UNLINK(iq->ads->childw,parent); LIST_UNLINK(ads->intdone,iq); iq->ctx.callback(parent,iq); free_query_allocs(iq); free(iq->answer); free(iq); } adns__consistency(ads,qu_for_caller,cc_entex); } void adns__cancel(adns_query qu) { adns_state ads; ads= qu->ads; adns__consistency(ads,qu,cc_freq); if (qu->parent) LIST_UNLINK_PART(qu->parent->children,qu,siblings.); switch (qu->state) { case query_tosend: LIST_UNLINK(ads->udpw,qu); break; case query_tcpw: LIST_UNLINK(ads->tcpw,qu); break; case query_childw: LIST_UNLINK(ads->childw,qu); break; case query_done: if (qu->parent) LIST_UNLINK(ads->intdone,qu); else LIST_UNLINK(ads->output,qu); break; default: abort(); } free_query_allocs(qu); free(qu->answer); free(qu); } void adns_cancel(adns_query qu) { adns_state ads; assert(!qu->parent); ads= qu->ads; adns__consistency(ads,qu,cc_entex); adns__cancel(qu); adns__returning(ads,0); } void adns__update_expires(adns_query qu, unsigned long ttl, struct timeval now) { time_t max; assert(ttl <= MAXTTLBELIEVE); max= now.tv_sec + ttl; if (qu->expires < max) return; qu->expires= max; } static void makefinal_query(adns_query qu) { adns_answer *ans; int rrn; ans= qu->answer; if (qu->interim_allocd) { ans= realloc(qu->answer, MEM_ROUND(MEM_ROUND(sizeof(*ans)) + qu->interim_allocd)); if (!ans) goto x_nomem; qu->answer= ans; } qu->final_allocspace= (byte*)ans + MEM_ROUND(sizeof(*ans)); adns__makefinal_str(qu,&ans->cname); adns__makefinal_str(qu,&ans->owner); if (ans->nrrs) { adns__makefinal_block(qu, &ans->rrs.untyped, ans->nrrs*ans->rrsz); for (rrn=0; rrnnrrs; rrn++) qu->typei->makefinal(qu, ans->rrs.bytes + rrn*ans->rrsz); } free_query_allocs(qu); return; x_nomem: qu->preserved_allocd= 0; qu->answer->cname= 0; qu->answer->owner= 0; adns__reset_preserved(qu); /* (but we just threw away the preserved stuff) */ qu->answer->status= adns_s_nomemory; free_query_allocs(qu); } void adns__query_done(adns_query qu) { adns_state ads=qu->ads; adns_answer *ans; adns__cancel_children(qu); qu->id= -1; ans= qu->answer; if (qu->flags & adns_qf_search && ans->status != adns_s_nomemory) { if (!save_owner(qu, qu->search_vb.buf, qu->search_vb.used)) { adns__query_fail(qu,adns_s_nomemory); return; } } if (ans->nrrs && qu->typei->diff_needswap) { if (!adns__vbuf_ensure(&qu->vb,qu->answer->rrsz)) { adns__query_fail(qu,adns_s_nomemory); return; } adns__isort(ans->rrs.bytes, ans->nrrs, ans->rrsz, qu->vb.buf, (int(*)(void*, const void*, const void*)) qu->typei->diff_needswap, qu->ads); } if (ans->nrrs && qu->typei->postsort) { qu->typei->postsort(qu->ads, ans->rrs.bytes, ans->nrrs,ans->rrsz, qu->typei); } ans->expires= qu->expires; qu->state= query_done; if (qu->parent) { LIST_LINK_TAIL(ads->intdone,qu); } else { makefinal_query(qu); LIST_LINK_TAIL(qu->ads->output,qu); } } void adns__query_fail(adns_query qu, adns_status st) { adns__reset_preserved(qu); qu->answer->status= st; adns__query_done(qu); } void adns__makefinal_str(adns_query qu, char **strp) { int l; char *before, *after; before= *strp; if (!before) return; l= strlen(before)+1; after= adns__alloc_final(qu,l); memcpy(after,before,l); *strp= after; } void adns__makefinal_block(adns_query qu, void **blpp, size_t sz) { void *before, *after; before= *blpp; if (!before) return; after= adns__alloc_final(qu,sz); memcpy(after,before,sz); *blpp= after; }