/* Copyright (c) 2003 Bruno T. C. de Oliveira LICENSE INFORMATION: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Copyright (c) 2002 Bruno T. C. de Oliveira INFORMAÇÕES DE LICENÇA: Este programa é um software de livre distribuição; você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo sob os termos da GNU General Public License, conforme publicado pela Free Software Foundation, pela versão 2 da licença ou qualquer versão posterior. Este programa é distribuído na esperança de que ele será útil aos seus usuários, porém, SEM QUAISQUER GARANTIAS; sem sequer a garantia implícita de COMERCIABILIDADE ou DE ADEQUAÇÃO A QUALQUER FINALIDADE ESPECÍFICA. Consulte a GNU General Public License para obter mais detalhes (uma cópia acompanha este programa, armazenada no arquivo COPYING). */ #include "document.h" #include "vlayer.h" #include "export.h" #include #include "bores/bores.h" #include #include #include #include bool clear_screen = false; bool suppress_newlines = false; /* whether to suppress newlines on output. */ bool use_color = true; char *outputfile; FILE *f; Document *doc; /* the document we are outputting */ int layer_number; /* the layer we will output; -1 means composite */ Layer *lyr; /* the layer we are printing; NULL if printing composite */ int width, height; struct html_output_state_t { bool font_tag_open, blink_tag_open; /* which html tags are open */ int color; /* The color we are currently outputting text in. * This is a full 0-15 color code.*/ int bgcolor; /* The color we are currently putting text onto. * This is a full 0-15 color code.*/ }; /* Extracts a cell from the appropriate layer (or build one, * if we are dealing with a composite). Returns it. */ void get_decoded_cell(int x, int y, DecodedCell *dec) { if (lyr) decode_cell(&lyr->cells[x][y], dec); else { Cell c = document_calc_effective_cell(doc, x, y); decode_cell(&c, dec); } } void output_text(void) { VirtualLayer *vl; if (lyr) vl = vlayer_create_from_layer(lyr); else vl = vlayer_create_from_composite(doc); if (!vl) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating virtual layer. Is the document empty?\n"); exit(2); } if (clear_screen) fputs("\x1B[2J\x1B[H", f); if (!export_vlayer_to_ansi(vl, use_color, !suppress_newlines, false, f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error exporting virtual layer to ansi.\n"); exit(2); } vlayer_destroy(vl); } #define COL_BLACK 0 #define COL_RED 1 #define COL_GREEN 2 #define COL_YELLOW 3 #define COL_BLUE 4 #define COL_MAGENTA 5 #define COL_CYAN 6 #define COL_WHITE 7 static char *hex_codes[16] = { "000000", "990000", "009900", "999900", "000099", "990099", "009999", "999999", "404040", "ff0000", "00ff00", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff00ff", "00ffff", "ffffff" }; void output_html(void) { int x, y; struct html_output_state_t cur_state; DecodedCell dec; fputs("" "
", f);

   for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
         get_decoded_cell(x, y, &dec);

	 /* first set up the blink tag */
	 if (use_color && dec.blink != cur_state.blink_tag_open) {
	    fprintf(f, "<%sblink>", dec.blink ? "" : "/");
	    cur_state.blink_tag_open = dec.blink;

         /* set up color */
 	 if (use_color && (dec.fg != cur_state.color ||
                            dec.bg != cur_state.bgcolor)) {
 	    if (cur_state.font_tag_open) fputs("", f);
 	    fprintf(f, "",
                     hex_codes[dec.fg], hex_codes[dec.bg]);
  	    cur_state.color = dec.fg;
 	    cur_state.bgcolor = dec.bg;
  	    cur_state.font_tag_open = true;
	 /* now render the character */
         if (dec.ch >= 0 && dec.ch <= 32) fputs(" ", f);
	 else if (dec.ch == '&')          fputs("&", f);
         else if (dec.ch == '<')          fputs("<", f);
	 else if (dec.ch == '>')          fputs(">", f);
         else                             fputc(dec.ch, f);
      fputs("\n", f);

   /* close tags as needed and call it a day */
   if (cur_state.font_tag_open) fputs("", f);
   if (cur_state.blink_tag_open) fputs("", f);
", f); } void output_comment(void) { printf ("%s\n", doc->metainfo); } void output_layercount(void) { printf ("%d\n", doc->layer_count); } #define MYSYNTAX \ "Syntax: aecat [-b] [-c] [-{n|N}] [{-p | -l }]\n" \ " [-f ] [-o ] inputfile\n" \ "\n" \ " -f : specifies output format - can be text, html or comment\n" \ " The 'comment' format extracts document metadata.\n" \ " -c : prepend a 'clear screen' escape sequence (only valid when\n" \ " outputting text)\n" \ " -o : writes output to specified file rather than stdout\n" \ " -b : disables output of color (only characters will be\n" \ " printed).\n" \ " -l : specifies which layer of the document is to be used.\n" \ " (must be an index, not a layer name). By default,\n" \ " layer 0 will be used.\n" \ " -L : displays how many layers the document has.\n" \ " -p : exports a composite, that is, overlays all visible layers,\n" \ " paying attention to layer transparency, etc. The size of the\n" \ " composite will be the size of the first layer\n" \ " -n : suppress output of newlines\n" \ " -h : prints this help text\n" void rtfm() { /* rtfm = Read the FAQ and Manual, of course :-) */ fprintf(stderr, MYSYNTAX); exit(1); } #define FMT_TEXT 1 #define FMT_HTML 2 #define FMT_COMMENT 3 #define FMT_LAYERS 4 int main(int argc, char **argv) { static char optstring[] = "o:chl:Lbpf:n"; char *inputfile; int ch; int out_fmt = 0; /* In what format to output. */ while (0 < (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) ) { switch (ch) { case 'c': clear_screen = true; break; case 'o': outputfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': layer_number = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': out_fmt = FMT_LAYERS; break; case 'p': layer_number = -1; break; case 'b': use_color = false; break; case 'n': suppress_newlines = true; break; case 'f': if (strcmp(optarg, "text") == 0) out_fmt = FMT_TEXT; else if (strcmp(optarg, "html") == 0) out_fmt = FMT_HTML; else if (strcmp(optarg, "comment") == 0) out_fmt = FMT_COMMENT; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format \"%s\"\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; default : rtfm(); } } if (!out_fmt) out_fmt = FMT_TEXT; if (out_fmt != FMT_TEXT && clear_screen) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -c option only valid when outputting text\n"); if (out_fmt != FMT_TEXT && suppress_newlines) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -n option only valid when " "outputting text\n"); if (optind >= argc) rtfm(); inputfile = strdup(argv[optind]); if (! (doc = document_load_from(inputfile)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading document from %s (bad format?).\n", inputfile); fprintf(stderr, "Error description:\n %s\n", aeff_get_error()); exit(1); } if (layer_number >= doc->layer_count) { if (layer_number) fprintf(stderr, "Document %s does not have the specified layer: %d\n", inputfile, layer_number); else fprintf(stderr, "Document %s has no layers.\n", inputfile); exit(1); } width = doc->layers[0]->width; height = doc->layers[0]->height; lyr = layer_number >= 0 ? doc->layers[layer_number] : NULL; if (outputfile && !(f = fopen(outputfile, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for writing.\n", outputfile); exit(1); } else f = stdout; /* print to standard output if no output file specified */ switch(out_fmt) { case FMT_TEXT: output_text(); break; case FMT_HTML: output_html(); break; case FMT_COMMENT: output_comment(); break; case FMT_LAYERS: output_layercount(); break; } if (f != stdout) fclose(f); return 0; }