------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Greatest common divisor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Data.Nat.GCD where open import Data.Nat open import Data.Nat.Divisibility open import Data.Nat.GCD.Lemmas open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-suc) open import Data.Product open import Function open import Induction open import Induction.Nat using (<′-Rec; <′-recBuilder) open import Induction.Lexicographic open import Relation.Binary open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; subst) open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Greatest common divisor module GCD where -- Specification of the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two natural -- numbers. record GCD (m n gcd : ℕ) : Set where constructor is field -- The gcd is a common divisor. commonDivisor : gcd ∣ m × gcd ∣ n -- All common divisors divide the gcd, i.e. the gcd is the -- greatest common divisor according to the partial order _∣_. greatest : ∀ {d} → d ∣ m × d ∣ n → d ∣ gcd open GCD public -- The gcd is unique. unique : ∀ {d₁ d₂ m n} → GCD m n d₁ → GCD m n d₂ → d₁ ≡ d₂ unique d₁ d₂ = ∣-antisym (GCD.greatest d₂ (GCD.commonDivisor d₁)) (GCD.greatest d₁ (GCD.commonDivisor d₂)) -- The gcd relation is "symmetric". sym : ∀ {d m n} → GCD m n d → GCD n m d sym g = is (swap $ GCD.commonDivisor g) (GCD.greatest g ∘ swap) -- The gcd relation is "reflexive". refl : ∀ {n} → GCD n n n refl = is (∣-refl , ∣-refl) proj₁ -- The GCD of 0 and n is n. base : ∀ {n} → GCD 0 n n base {n} = is (n ∣0 , ∣-refl) proj₂ -- If d is the gcd of n and k, then it is also the gcd of n and -- n + k. step : ∀ {n k d} → GCD n k d → GCD n (n + k) d step g with GCD.commonDivisor g step {n} {k} {d} g | (d₁ , d₂) = is (d₁ , ∣m∣n⇒∣m+n d₁ d₂) greatest′ where greatest′ : ∀ {d′} → d′ ∣ n × d′ ∣ n + k → d′ ∣ d greatest′ (d₁ , d₂) = GCD.greatest g (d₁ , ∣m+n∣m⇒∣n d₂ d₁) open GCD public using (GCD) hiding (module GCD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Calculating the gcd -- The calculation also proves Bézout's lemma. module Bézout where module Identity where -- If m and n have greatest common divisor d, then one of the -- following two equations is satisfied, for some numbers x and y. -- The proof is "lemma" below (Bézout's lemma). -- -- (If this identity was stated using integers instead of natural -- numbers, then it would not be necessary to have two equations.) data Identity (d m n : ℕ) : Set where +- : (x y : ℕ) (eq : d + y * n ≡ x * m) → Identity d m n -+ : (x y : ℕ) (eq : d + x * m ≡ y * n) → Identity d m n -- Various properties about Identity. sym : ∀ {d} → Symmetric (Identity d) sym (+- x y eq) = -+ y x eq sym (-+ x y eq) = +- y x eq refl : ∀ {d} → Identity d d d refl = -+ 0 1 P.refl base : ∀ {d} → Identity d 0 d base = -+ 0 1 P.refl private infixl 7 _⊕_ _⊕_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ m ⊕ n = 1 + m + n step : ∀ {d n k} → Identity d n k → Identity d n (n + k) step {d} (+- x y eq) with compare x y step {d} (+- .x .x eq) | equal x = +- (2 * x) x (lem₂ d x eq) step {d} (+- .x .(x ⊕ i) eq) | less x i = +- (2 * x ⊕ i) (x ⊕ i) (lem₃ d x eq) step {d} {n} (+- .(y ⊕ i) .y eq) | greater y i = +- (2 * y ⊕ i) y (lem₄ d y n eq) step {d} (-+ x y eq) with compare x y step {d} (-+ .x .x eq) | equal x = -+ (2 * x) x (lem₅ d x eq) step {d} (-+ .x .(x ⊕ i) eq) | less x i = -+ (2 * x ⊕ i) (x ⊕ i) (lem₆ d x eq) step {d} {n} (-+ .(y ⊕ i) .y eq) | greater y i = -+ (2 * y ⊕ i) y (lem₇ d y n eq) open Identity public using (Identity; +-; -+) hiding (module Identity) module Lemma where -- This type packs up the gcd, the proof that it is a gcd, and the -- proof that it satisfies Bézout's identity. data Lemma (m n : ℕ) : Set where result : (d : ℕ) (g : GCD m n d) (b : Identity d m n) → Lemma m n -- Various properties about Lemma. sym : Symmetric Lemma sym (result d g b) = result d (GCD.sym g) (Identity.sym b) base : ∀ d → Lemma 0 d base d = result d GCD.base Identity.base refl : ∀ d → Lemma d d refl d = result d GCD.refl Identity.refl stepˡ : ∀ {n k} → Lemma n (suc k) → Lemma n (suc (n + k)) stepˡ {n} {k} (result d g b) = subst (Lemma n) (+-suc n k) $ result d (GCD.step g) (Identity.step b) stepʳ : ∀ {n k} → Lemma (suc k) n → Lemma (suc (n + k)) n stepʳ = sym ∘ stepˡ ∘ sym open Lemma public using (Lemma; result) hiding (module Lemma) -- Bézout's lemma proved using some variant of the extended -- Euclidean algorithm. lemma : (m n : ℕ) → Lemma m n lemma m n = build [ <′-recBuilder ⊗ <′-recBuilder ] P gcd (m , n) where P : ℕ × ℕ → Set P (m , n) = Lemma m n gcd : ∀ p → (<′-Rec ⊗ <′-Rec) P p → P p gcd (zero , n ) rec = Lemma.base n gcd (suc m , zero ) rec = Lemma.sym (Lemma.base (suc m)) gcd (suc m , suc n ) rec with compare m n gcd (suc m , suc .m ) rec | equal .m = Lemma.refl (suc m) gcd (suc m , suc .(suc (m + k))) rec | less .m k = -- "gcd (suc m) (suc k)" Lemma.stepˡ $ proj₁ rec (suc k) (lem₁ k m) gcd (suc .(suc (n + k)) , suc n) rec | greater .n k = -- "gcd (suc k) (suc n)" Lemma.stepʳ $ proj₂ rec (suc k) (lem₁ k n) (suc n) -- Bézout's identity can be recovered from the GCD. identity : ∀ {m n d} → GCD m n d → Identity d m n identity {m} {n} g with lemma m n ... | result d g′ b with GCD.unique g g′ ... | P.refl = b -- Calculates the gcd of the arguments. gcd : (m n : ℕ) → ∃ λ d → GCD m n d gcd m n with Bézout.lemma m n ... | Bézout.result d g _ = (d , g) -- gcd as a proposition is decidable gcd? : (m n d : ℕ) → Dec (GCD m n d) gcd? m n d with gcd m n ... | d′ , p with d′ ≟ d ... | no ¬g = no (¬g ∘ GCD.unique p) ... | yes g = yes (subst (GCD m n) g p)