diff options
authorUSAMI Kenta <>2018-07-23 15:50:55 +0900
committerUSAMI Kenta <>2018-07-23 15:50:55 +0900
commit97bf66c59580167d1242a8fe0f0934932547c998 (patch)
parente6691d105adc04c17c256c65eb278e7767d8ee25 (diff)
More update list of directives for Apache 2.4
1 files changed, 714 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/apache-mode.el b/apache-mode.el
index 80f4fe3..ede8257 100644
--- a/apache-mode.el
+++ b/apache-mode.el
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
;;; History:
;; 1999-10 Jonathan Marten <>
;; initial version
;; 2004-09-12 Karl Chen <>
;; rewrote pretty much everything using define-derived-mode; added support
;; for Apache 2.x; fixed highlighting in GNU Emacs; created indentation
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
;; 2015-08-23 David Maus <>
;; update list of directives for Apache 2.4
+;; 2018-07-23 USAMI Kenta <>
+;; more update list of directives for Apache 2.4
;;; Code:
@@ -101,11 +105,13 @@
(list (concat ; sections
"^[ \t]*</?"
(regexp-opt '(
- "Directory"
+ "Directory" ; core
+ "Else"
+ "ElseIf"
+ "If"
@@ -115,7 +121,14 @@
+ "AuthnProviderAlias" ; mod_authn_core
+ "AuthzProviderAlias" ; mod_authz_core
+ "RequireAll"
+ "RequireAny"
+ "RequireNone"
+ "Macro" ; mod_macro
+ "Perl" ; mod_perl
+ "IfVersion" ; mod_version
) 'words)
1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
@@ -124,57 +137,159 @@
"^[ \t]*"
- "AcceptFilter"
+ "AcceptFilter" ; core
+ "AcceptMutex"
+ "AccessConfig"
- "Action"
- "AddAlt"
- "AddAltByEncoding"
- "AddAltByType"
- "AddCharset"
- "AddDescription"
- "AddEncoding"
- "AddHandler"
- "AddIcon"
- "AddIconByEncoding"
- "AddIconByType"
- "AddInputFilter"
- "AddLanguage"
- "AddModuleInfo"
- "AddOutputFilter"
- "AddOutputFilterByType"
- "AddType"
- "Alias"
- "AliasMatch"
- "Allow"
- "AllowCONNECT"
+ "AddModule"
- "AllowMethods"
- "Anonymous"
+ "AuthName"
+ "AuthType"
+ "BindAddress"
+ "BS2000Account"
+ "CGIMapExtension"
+ "CGIPassAuth"
+ "ClearModuleList"
+ "ContentDigest"
+ "CoreDumpDirectory"
+ "DefaultRuntimeDir"
+ "DefaultType"
+ "Define"
+ "DocumentRoot"
+ "EBCDICConvert"
+ "EBCDICConvertByType"
+ "EBCDICKludge"
+ "EnableMMAP"
+ "EnableSendfile"
+ "Error"
+ "ErrorDocument"
+ "ErrorLog"
+ "ErrorLogFormat"
+ "FileETag"
+ "ForceType"
+ "GprofDir"
+ "Group"
+ "HostnameLookups"
+ "IdentityCheck"
+ "Include"
+ "IncludeOptional"
+ "KeepAlive"
+ "KeepAliveTimeout"
+ "LimitInternalRecursion"
+ "LimitRequestBody"
+ "LimitRequestFields"
+ "LimitRequestFieldsize"
+ "LimitRequestLine"
+ "LimitXMLRequestBody"
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "LockFile"
+ "LogLevel"
+ "MaxClients"
+ "MaxKeepAliveRequests"
+ "MaxRangeOverlaps"
+ "MaxRangeReversals"
+ "MaxRanges"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "MaxSpareServers"
+ "MergeTrailers"
+ "MinSpareServers"
+ "Mutex"
+ "NameVirtualHost"
+ "Options"
+ "PidFile"
+ "Port"
+ "Protocol"
+ "Require"
+ "ResourceConfig"
+ "RLimitCPU"
+ "RLimitMEM"
+ "RLimitNPROC"
+ "Satisfy"
+ "ScoreBoardFile"
+ "ScriptInterpreterSource"
+ "SeeRequestTail"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "ServerAdmin"
+ "ServerAlias"
+ "ServerName"
+ "ServerPath"
+ "ServerRoot"
+ "ServerSignature"
+ "ServerTokens"
+ "ServerType"
+ "SetHandler"
+ "SetInputFilter"
+ "SetOutputFilter"
+ "StartServers"
+ "ThreadsPerChild"
+ "ThreadStackSize"
+ "TimeOut"
+ "TraceEnable"
+ "UnDefine"
+ "UseCanonicalName"
+ "UseCanonicalPhysicalPort"
+ "User"
+ "AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix" ; mod_ authnz_ldap
+ "AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative"
+ "AuthLDAPCharsetConfig"
+ "AuthLDAPCompareAsUser"
+ "AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser"
+ "AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern"
+ "AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth"
+ "AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute"
+ "AuthLDAPSearchAsUser"
+ "AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute"
+ "AuthLDAPSubGroupClass"
+ "Allow" ; mod_access
+ "Deny"
+ "Order"
+ "Action" ; mod_actions
+ "Script"
+ "Alias" ; mod_alias
+ "AliasMatch"
+ "Redirect"
+ "RedirectMatch"
+ "RedirectPermanent"
+ "RedirectTemp"
+ "ScriptAlias"
+ "ScriptAliasMatch"
+ "AllowMethods" ; mod_allowmethods
+ "AuthAuthoritative" ; mod_auth
+ "AuthUserFile"
+ "AuthGroupFile"
+ "Anonymous" ; mod_auth_anon
+ "Anonymous_Authoritative"
- "AsyncRequestWorkerFactor"
- "AuthBasicAuthoritative"
+ "AuthBasicAuthoritative" ; mod_auth_basic
- "AuthDBDUserPWQuery"
- "AuthDBDUserRealmQuery"
+ "AuthDBAuthoritative" ; mod_auth_db
+ "AuthDBGroupFile"
+ "AuthDBUserFile"
+ "AuthDBMAuthoritative" ; mod_auth_dbm
- "AuthDigestAlgorithm"
+ "AuthDigestAlgorithm" ; mod_auth_digest
+ "AuthDigestFile"
+ "AuthDigestGroupFile"
+ "AuthDigestNcCheck"
+ "AuthDigestNonceFormat"
- "AuthFormAuthoritative"
+ "AuthFormAuthoritative" ; mod_auth_form
@@ -189,57 +304,57 @@
- "AuthGroupFile"
- "AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix"
- "AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative"
+ "AuthLDAPAuthoritative" ; mod_auth_ldap
- "AuthLDAPCharsetConfig"
- "AuthLDAPCompareAsUser"
+ "AuthLDAPEnabled"
+ "AuthLDAPFrontPageHack"
- "AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser"
- "AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern"
- "AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth"
- "AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute"
- "AuthLDAPSearchAsUser"
- "AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute"
- "AuthLDAPSubGroupClass"
+ "AuthLDAPStartTLS"
- "AuthMerging"
- "AuthName"
- "AuthnCacheContext"
+ "AuthDBDUserPWQuery" ; mod_authn_dbd
+ "AuthDBDUserRealmQuery"
+ "AuthnCacheContext" ; mod_authn_socache
- "AuthnzFcgiCheckAuthnProvider"
+ "AuthnzFcgiCheckAuthnProvider" ; mod_authnz_fgci
- "AuthType"
- "AuthUserFile"
- "AuthzDBDLoginToReferer"
+ "AuthMerging" ; mod_authz_core
+ "AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure"
+ "AuthzDBDLoginToReferer" ; mod_authz_dbd
- "AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure"
- "BalancerGrowth"
- "BalancerInherit"
- "BalancerMember"
- "BalancerPersist"
- "BrowserMatch"
+ "AddAlt" ; mod_autoindex
+ "AddAltByEncoding"
+ "AddAltByType"
+ "AddDescription"
+ "AddIcon"
+ "AddIconByEncoding"
+ "AddIconByType"
+ "DefaultIcon"
+ "FancyIndexing"
+ "HeaderName"
+ "IndexHeadInsert"
+ "IndexIgnore"
+ "IndexIgnoreReset"
+ "IndexOptions"
+ "IndexOrderDefault"
+ "IndexStyleSheet"
+ "ReadmeName"
+ "BrowserMatch" ; mod_browser
- "BufferedLogs"
- "BufferSize"
- "CacheDefaultExpire"
+ "BufferSize" ; mod_buffer
+ "CacheDefaultExpire" ; mod_cache
- "CacheDirLength"
- "CacheDirLevels"
- "CacheFile"
@@ -255,44 +370,41 @@
- "CacheNegotiatedDocs"
+ "CacheOn"
- "CacheReadSize"
+ "CacheStaleOnError"
+ "CacheStoreExpired"
+ "CacheStoreNoStore"
+ "CacheStorePrivate"
+ "CacheReadSize" ; mod_cache_disk
- "CacheRoot"
- "CacheSocache"
+ "CacheSocache" ; mod_cache_socache
- "CacheStaleOnError"
- "CacheStoreExpired"
- "CacheStoreNoStore"
- "CacheStorePrivate"
- "CGIDScriptTimeout"
- "CGIMapExtension"
- "CGIPassAuth"
- "CharsetDefault"
+ "MetaDir" ; mod_cern_meta
+ "MetaFiles"
+ "MetaSuffix"
+ "ScriptLog" ; mod_cgi
+ "ScriptLogBuffer"
+ "ScriptLogLength"
+ "CGIDScriptTimeout" ; mod_cgid
+ "ScriptLog"
+ "ScriptLogBuffer"
+ "ScriptLogLength"
+ "ScriptSock"
+ "CharsetDefault" ; mod_charset_lite
- "CheckCaseOnly"
- "CheckSpelling"
- "ChrootDir"
- "ContentDigest"
- "CookieDomain"
- "CookieExpires"
- "CookieName"
- "CookieStyle"
- "CookieTracking"
- "CoreDumpDirectory"
- "CustomLog"
- "Dav"
+ "CookieLog" ; mod_cookies
+ "Dav" ; mod_dav
- "DavGenericLockDB"
- "DBDExptime"
+ "DavGenericLockDB" ; mod_dav_lock
+ "DBDExptime" ; mod_dbd
@@ -301,12 +413,7 @@
- "DefaultIcon"
- "DefaultLanguage"
- "DefaultRuntimeDir"
- "DefaultType"
- "Define"
- "DeflateBufferSize"
+ "DeflateBufferSize" ; mod_deflate
@@ -314,76 +421,66 @@
- "Deny"
- "DirectoryCheckHandler"
+ "ModemStandard" ; mod_dialup
+ "AuthDigestFile" ; mod_digest
+ "DirectoryCheckHandler" ; mod_dir
- "DocumentRoot"
- "DTracePrivileges"
- "DumpIOInput"
+ "FallbackResource"
+ "LoadFile" ; mod_dld
+ "LoadModule"
+ "DumpIOInput" ; mod_dumpio
- "EnableExceptionHook"
- "EnableMMAP"
- "EnableSendfile"
- "Error"
- "ErrorDocument"
- "ErrorLog"
- "ErrorLogFormat"
- "Example"
- "ExpiresActive"
+ "ProtocolEcho" ; mod_echo
+ "PassEnv" ; mod_env
+ "SetEnv"
+ "UnsetEnv"
+ "AsyncRequestWorkerFactor" ; mod_event
+ "Example" ; mod_example
+ "ExpiresActive" ; mod_expires
- "ExtendedStatus"
- "ExtFilterDefine"
+ "ExtFilterDefine" ; mod_ext_filter
- "FallbackResource"
- "FileETag"
+ "CacheFile" ; mod_file_cache
+ "MMapFile"
+ "AddOutputFilterByType" ; mod_filter
- "ForceLanguagePriority"
- "ForceType"
- "ForensicLog"
- "GprofDir"
- "GracefulShutdownTimeout"
- "Group"
- "Header"
- "HeaderName"
- "HeartbeatAddress"
+ "Header" ; mod_headers
+ "RequestHeader"
+ "HeartbeatAddress" ; mod_heartbeat
- "HeartbeatStorage"
- "HostnameLookups"
- "IdentityCheck"
- "IdentityCheckTimeout"
- "ImapBase"
+ "IdentityCheckTimeout" ; mod_ident
+ "ImapBase" ; mod_imap
- "Include"
- "IncludeOptional"
- "IndexHeadInsert"
- "IndexIgnore"
- "IndexIgnoreReset"
- "IndexOptions"
- "IndexOrderDefault"
- "IndexStyleSheet"
- "InputSed"
- "ISAPIAppendLogToErrors"
- "ISAPIAppendLogToQuery"
- "ISAPICacheFile"
+ "SSIEndTag" ; mod_include
+ "SSIErrorMsg"
+ "SSIETag"
+ "SSILastModified"
+ "SSILegacyExprParser"
+ "SSIStartTag"
+ "SSITimeFormat"
+ "SSIUndefinedEcho"
+ "XBitHack"
+ "AddModuleInfo" ; mod_info
+ "ISAPICacheFile" ; mod_isapi
+ "ISAPIFileCache"
+ "ISAPIAppendLogToErrors" ; mod_isapi (Win32)
+ "ISAPIAppendLogToQuery"
- "KeepAlive"
- "KeepAliveTimeout"
- "KeptBodySize"
- "LanguagePriority"
- "LDAPCacheEntries"
+ "LDAPCacheEntries" ; mod_ldap
+ "LDAPCertDBPath"
@@ -400,21 +497,19 @@
- "LimitInternalRecursion"
- "LimitRequestBody"
- "LimitRequestFields"
- "LimitRequestFieldSize"
- "LimitRequestLine"
- "LimitXMLRequestBody"
- "Listen"
- "ListenBackLog"
- "LoadFile"
- "LoadModule"
+ "AgentLog" ; mod_log_agent
+ "TransferLog" ; mod_log_common
+ "BufferedLogs" ; mod_log_config
+ "CookieLog"
+ "CustomLog"
- "LogIOTrackTTFB"
- "LogLevel"
- "LogMessage"
- "LuaAuthzProvider"
+ "TransferLog"
+ "LogMessage" ; mod_log_debug
+ "ForensicLog" ; mod_log_forensic
+ "RefererIgnore" ; mod_log_referer
+ "RefererLog"
+ "LogIOTrackTTFB" ; mod_logio
+ "LuaAuthzProvider" ; mod_lua
@@ -434,62 +529,113 @@
- "MaxConnectionsPerChild"
- "MaxKeepAliveRequests"
- "MaxMemFree"
- "MaxRangeOverlaps"
- "MaxRangeReversals"
- "MaxRanges"
- "MaxRequestWorkers"
- "MaxSpareServers"
- "MaxSpareThreads"
- "MaxThreads"
- "MergeTrailers"
- "MetaDir"
- "MetaFiles"
- "MetaSuffix"
- "MimeMagicFile"
- "MinSpareServers"
- "MinSpareThreads"
- "MMapFile"
- "ModemStandard"
+ "UndefMacro" ; mod_macro
+ "Use"
+ "AddCharset" ; mod_mime
+ "AddEncoding"
+ "AddHandler"
+ "AddInputFilter"
+ "AddLanguage"
+ "AddOutputFilter"
+ "AddType"
+ "DefaultLanguage"
+ "ForceType"
- "Mutex"
- "NameVirtualHost"
- "NoProxy"
- "NWSSLTrustedCerts"
+ "RemoveCharset"
+ "RemoveEncoding"
+ "RemoveHandler"
+ "RemoveInputFilter"
+ "RemoveLanguage"
+ "RemoveOutputFilter"
+ "RemoveType"
+ "SetHandler"
+ "TypesConfig"
+ "MimeMagicFile" ; mod_mime_magic
+ "MMapFile" ; mod_mmap_static
+ "CacheNegotiatedDocs" ; mod_negotiation
+ "ForceLanguagePriority"
+ "LanguagePriority"
+ "NWSSLTrustedCerts" ; mod_nw_ssl
- "Options"
- "Order"
- "OutputSed"
- "PassEnv"
- "PidFile"
+ "SecureListen"
+ "PerlDispatchHandler" ; mod_perl 1
+ "PerlFreshRestart"
+ "PerlHandler"
+ "PerlOpmask"
+ "PerlRestartHandler"
+ "PerlScript"
+ "PerlSendHeader"
+ "PerlSetupEnv"
+ "PerlTaintCheck"
+ "PerlTransHandler"
+ "PerlWarn"
+ "PerlAccessHandler" ; mod_perl 1+2
+ "PerlAddVar"
+ "PerlAuthenHandler"
+ "PerlAuthzHandler"
+ "PerlChildExitHandler"
+ "PerlChildInitHandler"
+ "PerlCleanupHandler"
+ "PerlFixupHandler"
+ "PerlHeaderParserHandler"
+ "PerlInitHandler"
+ "PerlLogHandler"
+ "PerlModule"
+ "PerlPassEnv"
+ "PerlPostReadRequestHandler"
+ "PerlRequire"
+ "PerlSetEnv"
+ "PerlSetVar"
+ "PerlTypeHandler"
+ "PerlInputFilterHandler" ; mod_perl 2
+ "PerlInterpMax"
+ "PerlInterpMaxRequests"
+ "PerlInterpMaxSpare"
+ "PerlInterpMinSpare"
+ "PerlInterpScope"
+ "PerlInterpStart"
+ "PerlLoadModule"
+ "PerlOpenLogsHandler"
+ "PerlOptions"
+ "PerlOutputFilterHandler"
+ "PerlPostConfigHandler"
+ "PerlPreConnectionHandler"
+ "PerlProcessConnectionHandler"
+ "PerlResponseHandler"
+ "PerlSetInputFilter"
+ "PerlSetOutputFilter"
+ "PerlSwitches"
+ "PerlTrace"
+ "DTracePrivileges" ; mod_privileges
- "Protocol"
- "ProtocolEcho"
+ "VHostCGIMode"
+ "VHostCGIPrivs"
+ "VHostGroup"
+ "VHostPrivs"
+ "VHostSecure"
+ "VHostUser"
+ "AllowCONNECT" ; mod_proxy
+ "BalancerGrowth"
+ "BalancerInherit"
+ "BalancerMember"
+ "BalancerPersist"
+ "CacheDefaultExpire"
+ "CacheDirLength"
+ "CacheDirLevels"
+ "CacheForceCompletion"
+ "CacheGcInterval"
+ "CacheLastModifiedFactor"
+ "CacheMaxExpire"
+ "CacheRoot"
+ "CacheSize"
+ "NoCache"
+ "NoProxy"
- "ProxyExpressDBMFile"
- "ProxyExpressDBMType"
- "ProxyExpressEnable"
- "ProxyFtpDirCharset"
- "ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards"
- "ProxyFtpListOnWildcard"
- "ProxyHTMLBufSize"
- "ProxyHTMLCharsetOut"
- "ProxyHTMLDocType"
- "ProxyHTMLEnable"
- "ProxyHTMLEvents"
- "ProxyHTMLExtended"
- "ProxyHTMLFixups"
- "ProxyHTMLInterp"
- "ProxyHTMLLinks"
- "ProxyHTMLMeta"
- "ProxyHTMLStripComments"
@@ -505,75 +651,90 @@
- "ProxySCGIInternalRedirect"
- "ProxySCGISendfile"
- "ReadmeName"
- "ReceiveBufferSize"
- "Redirect"
- "RedirectMatch"
- "RedirectPermanent"
- "RedirectTemp"
- "ReflectorHeader"
- "RemoteIPHeader"
+ "ProxyExpressDBMFile" ; mod_proxy_express
+ "ProxyExpressDBMType"
+ "ProxyExpressEnable"
+ "ProxyFtpDirCharset" ; mod_proxy_ftp
+ "ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards"
+ "ProxyFtpListOnWildcard"
+ "ProxyHTMLBufSize" ; mod_proxy_html
+ "ProxyHTMLCharsetOut"
+ "ProxyHTMLDocType"
+ "ProxyHTMLEnable"
+ "ProxyHTMLEvents"
+ "ProxyHTMLExtended"
+ "ProxyHTMLFixups"
+ "ProxyHTMLInterp"
+ "ProxyHTMLLinks"
+ "ProxyHTMLMeta"
+ "ProxyHTMLStripComments"
+ "ProxySCGIInternalRedirect" ; mod_proxy_scgi
+ "ProxySCGISendfile"
+ "PythonAccessHandler" ; mod_python
+ "PythonAuthenHandler"
+ "PythonAuthzHandler"
+ "PythonAutoReload"
+ "PythonCleanupHandler"
+ "PythonConnectionHandler"
+ "PythonDebug"
+ "PythonEnablePdb"
+ "PythonFixupHandler"
+ "PythonHandler"
+ "PythonHandlerModule"
+ "PythonHeaderParserHandler"
+ "PythonImport"
+ "PythonInitHandler"
+ "PythonInputFilter"
+ "PythonInterpPerDirective"
+ "PythonInterpPerDirectory"
+ "PythonInterpreter"
+ "PythonLogHandler"
+ "PythonOptimize"
+ "PythonOption"
+ "PythonOutputFilter"
+ "PythonPath"
+ "PythonPostReadRequestHandler"
+ "PythonTransHandler"
+ "PythonTypeHandler"
+ "ReflectorHeader" ; mod_reflector
+ "RemoteIPHeader" ; mod_remoteip
- "RemoveCharset"
- "RemoveEncoding"
- "RemoveHandler"
- "RemoveInputFilter"
- "RemoveLanguage"
- "RemoveOutputFilter"
- "RemoveType"
- "RequestHeader"
- "RequestReadTimeout"
- "Require"
- "RewriteBase"
+ "RequestReadTimeout" ; mod_reqtimeout
+ "KeptBodySize" ; mod_request
+ "RewriteBase" ; mod_rewrite
+ "RewriteLock"
+ "RewriteLog"
+ "RewriteLogLevel"
- "RLimitCPU"
- "RLimitMEM"
- "RLimitNPROC"
- "Satisfy"
- "ScoreBoardFile"
- "Script"
- "ScriptAlias"
- "ScriptAliasMatch"
- "ScriptInterpreterSource"
- "ScriptLog"
- "ScriptLogBuffer"
- "ScriptLogLength"
- "ScriptSock"
- "SecureListen"
- "SeeRequestTail"
- "SendBufferSize"
- "ServerAdmin"
- "ServerAlias"
- "ServerLimit"
- "ServerName"
- "ServerPath"
- "ServerRoot"
- "ServerSignature"
- "ServerTokens"
- "Session"
- "SessionCookieName"
+ "InputSed" ; mod_sed
+ "OutputSed"
+ "Session" ; mod_session
+ "SessionEnv"
+ "SessionExclude"
+ "SessionHeader"
+ "SessionInclude"
+ "SessionMaxAge"
+ "SessionCookieName" ; mod_session_cookie
- "SessionCryptoCipher"
+ "SessionCryptoCipher" ; mod_session_crypto
- "SessionDBDCookieName"
+ "SessionDBDCookieName" ; mod_session_dbd
@@ -581,28 +742,21 @@
- "SessionEnv"
- "SessionExclude"
- "SessionHeader"
- "SessionInclude"
- "SessionMaxAge"
- "SetEnv"
+ "BrowserMatch" ; mod_setenvif
+ "BrowserMatchNoCase"
- "SetHandler"
- "SetInputFilter"
- "SetOutputFilter"
- "SSIEndTag"
- "SSIErrorMsg"
- "SSIETag"
- "SSILastModified"
- "SSILegacyExprParser"
- "SSIStartTag"
- "SSITimeFormat"
- "SSIUndefinedEcho"
+ "LoadFile" ; mod_so
+ "LoadModule"
+ "CheckCaseOnly" ; mod_speling
+ "CheckSpelling"
+ "SSLBanCipher" ; mod_ssl
+ "SSLCacheServerPath"
+ "SSLCacheServerPort"
+ "SSLCacheServerRunDir"
@@ -611,13 +765,26 @@
+ "SSLCheckClientDN"
+ "SSLDenySSL"
+ "SSLDisable"
+ "SSLEnable"
+ "SSLEngineID"
+ "SSLExportClientCertificates"
+ "SSLFakeBasicAuth"
+ "SSLKeyNoteTrustedAssertion"
+ "SSLKeyNoteTrustedIssuerTemplate"
+ "SSLLog"
+ "SSLLogLevel"
+ "SSLMutex"
+ "SSLNoCAList"
@@ -645,9 +812,13 @@
+ "SSLRandomFile"
+ "SSLRandomFilePerConnection"
+ "SSLRequireCipher"
+ "SSLRequiredCiphers"
@@ -669,42 +840,129 @@
- "StartServers"
- "StartThreads"
- "Substitute"
+ "ExtendedStatus" ; mod_status
+ "Substitute" ; mod_substitute
+ "SuexecUserGroup" ; mod_suexec
+ "ChrootDir" ; mod_unixd
- "SuexecUserGroup"
- "ThreadLimit"
- "ThreadsPerChild"
- "ThreadStackSize"
- "TimeOut"
- "TraceEnable"
- "TransferLog"
- "TypesConfig"
- "UnDefine"
- "UndefMacro"
- "UnsetEnv"
- "Use"
- "UseCanonicalName"
- "UseCanonicalPhysicalPort"
- "User"
- "UserDir"
- "VHostCGIMode"
- "VHostCGIPrivs"
- "VHostGroup"
- "VHostPrivs"
- "VHostSecure"
- "VHostUser"
- "VirtualDocumentRoot"
+ "UserDir" ; mod_userdir
+ "CookieDomain" ; mod_usertrack
+ "CookieExpires"
+ "CookieName"
+ "CookieStyle"
+ "CookieTracking"
+ "VirtualDocumentRoot" ; mod_vhost_alias
- "WatchdogInterval"
- "XBitHack"
- "xml2EncAlias"
+ "WatchdogInterval" ; mod_watchdog
+ "xml2EncAlias" ; mod_xml2enc
+ "CoreDumpDirectory" ; mpm_common
+ "EnableExceptionHook"
+ "GracefulShutdownTimeout"
+ "Group"
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBackLog"
+ "LockFile"
+ "MaxClients"
+ "MaxConnectionsPerChild"
+ "MaxMemFree"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "MaxRequestWorkers"
+ "MaxSpareThreads"
+ "MaxThreadsPerChild"
+ "MinSpareThreads"
+ "NumServers"
+ "PidFile"
+ "ReceiveBufferSize"
+ "ScoreBoardFile"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "ServerLimit"
+ "StartServers"
+ "StartThreads"
+ "ThreadLimit"
+ "ThreadsPerChild"
+ "User"
+ "MaxClientsVHost" ; mpm_itk
+ "Listen" ; mpm_netware
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "MaxSpareThreads"
+ "MaxThreads"
+ "MinSpareThreads"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "StartThreads"
+ "ThreadStackSize"
+ "AssignUserId" ; mpm_perchild
+ "ChildPerUserId"
+ "CoreDumpDirectory"
+ "Group"
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "LockFile"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "MaxSpareThreads"
+ "MaxThreadsPerChild"
+ "MinSpareThreads"
+ "NumServers"
+ "PidFile"
+ "ScoreBoardFile"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "StartThreads"
+ "User"
+ "ServerEnvironment" ; mpm_peruser
+ "AcceptMutex" ; mpm_prefork
+ "CoreDumpDirectory"
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "LockFile"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "PidFile"
+ "ScoreBoardFile"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "ServerLimit"
+ "StartServers"
+ "User"
+ "CoreDumpDirectory" ; mpm_winnt
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "PidFile"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "ThreadsPerChild"
+ "CoreDumpDirectory" ; mpm_worker
+ "Group"
+ "Listen"
+ "ListenBacklog"
+ "LockFile"
+ "MaxClients"
+ "MaxRequestsPerChild"
+ "MaxSpareThreads"
+ "MinSpareThreads"
+ "PidFile"
+ "ScoreBoardFile"
+ "SendBufferSize"
+ "ServerLimit"
+ "StartServers"
+ "ThreadLimit"
+ "ThreadsPerChild"
+ "User"
+ "DefaultMode" ; (obsolete)
+ "DocTitle"
+ "DocTrailer"
+ "HeadPrefix"
+ "HeadSuffix"
+ "HideSys"
+ "HideURL"
+ "HTMLDir"
+ "HTTPLogFile"
+ "LastURLs"
+ "PrivateDir"
+ "TopSites"
+ "TopURLs"
1 'font-lock-keyword-face)
@@ -712,75 +970,196 @@
(list ; values
+ "add" ; (general)
+ "allow"
+ "any"
+ "append"
+ "default"
- "Digest"
- "ExecCGI"
- "FancyIndexing"
- "FileInfo"
- "FollowSymLinks"
- "Full"
- "GET"
- "IconsAreLinks"
- "Includes"
- "IncludesNOEXEC"
- "Indexes"
- "Limit"
- "Minimal"
- "MultiViews"
- "None"
- "OS"
- "Options"
- "Options"
- "POST"
- "PUT"
- "ScanHTMLTitles"
- "SuppressDescription"
- "SuppressLastModified"
- "SuppressSize"
- "SymLinksIfOwnerMatch"
- "URL"
- "add"
- "allow"
- "any"
- "append"
+ "Digest"
+ "ExecCGI"
+ "FancyIndexing"
+ "fcntl"
+ "FileInfo"
+ "flock"
+ "FollowSymLinks"
+ "GET"
+ "IconsAreLinks"
+ "Includes"
+ "IncludesNOEXEC"
+ "Indexes"
+ "INode"
+ "Limit"
+ "Minimal"
+ "MTime"
+ "MultiViews"
+ "Options"
+ "OS"
+ "os2sem"
+ "POST"
+ "pthread"
+ "PUT"
+ "ScanHTMLTitles"
+ "SuppressDescription"
+ "SuppressLastModified"
+ "SuppressSize"
+ "SymLinksIfOwnerMatch"
+ "sysvsem"
+ "tpfcore"
+ "URL"
+ "uslock"
- ) 'words)
+ "3DES" ; cipher stuff
+ "ADH"
+ "ADH-RC4-MD"
+ "ADH-RC4-MD5"
+ "aDSS"
+ "aNULL"
+ "aRSA"
+ "DES"
+ "DES-CBC3-MD5"
+ "DES-CFB-M1"
+ "DH"
+ "DSS"
+ "EDH"
+ "egd"
+ "eNULL"
+ "EXP"
+ "EXP-RC4-MD5"
+ "EXPORT40"
+ "EXPORT56"
+ "file"
+ "HIGH"
+ "IDEA"
+ "kDHd"
+ "kDHr"
+ "kEDH"
+ "kRSA"
+ "LOW"
+ "MD5"
+ "NULL"
+ "NULL-MD5"
+ "RC2"
+ "RC2-CBC-MD5"
+ "RC4"
+ "RC4-64-MD5"
+ "RC4-MD5"
+ "RC4-SHA"
+ "RSA"
+ "SHA"
+ "SHA1"
+ "send-as-is" ; mod_asis
+ "cgi-script" ; mod_cgi
+ "imap-file" ; mod_imap
+ "server-info" ; mod_info
+ "isapi-isa" ; mod_isapi
+ "ldap-status" ; mod_ldap
+ "Off" ; mod_perl
+ "On"
+ "perl-script"
+ "Off" ; mod_python
+ "On"
+ "python-program"
+ "All" ; mod_ssl
+ "builtin"
+ "CompatEnvVars"
+ "connect"
+ "dbm"
+ "debug"
+ "egd"
+ "error"
+ "exec"
+ "ExportCertData"
+ "FakeBasicAuth"
+ "file"
+ "info"
+ "none"
+ "off"
+ "on"
+ "optional"
+ "optional_no_ca"
+ "OptRenegotiate"
+ "require"
+ "sem"
+ "shm"
+ "shmcb"
+ "shmht"
+ "ssl-accurate-shutdown"
+ "ssl-unclean-shutdown"
+ "SSLv2"
+ "SSLv3"
+ "startup"
+ "StdEnvVars"
+ "StrictRequire"
+ "TLSv1"
+ "trace"
+ "warn"
+ "server-status" ; mod_status
+ ) 'words)
1 'font-lock-type-face)))
"Expressions to highlight in Apache config buffers.")