/* * tuple.c * Copyright 2007-2013 William Pitcock, Christian Birchinger, Matti Hämäläinen, * Giacomo Lozito, Eugene Zagidullin, and John Lindgren * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation * provided with the distribution. * * This software is provided "as is" and without any warranty, express or * implied. In no event shall the authors be liable for any damages arising from * the use of this software. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for g_utf8_validate */ #include "audio.h" #include "audstrings.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "tuple.h" #include "vfs.h" enum { FallbackTitle = Tuple::n_fields, FallbackArtist, FallbackAlbum, n_private_fields }; static_assert (n_private_fields <= 64, "The current tuple implementation is limited to 64 fields"); union TupleVal { String str; int x; // dummy constructor and destructor TupleVal () {} ~TupleVal () {} }; /** * Structure for holding and passing around miscellaneous track * metadata. This is not the same as a playlist entry, though. */ struct TupleData { uint64_t setmask; // which fields are present Index vals; // ordered list of field values short * subtunes; /**< Array of int containing subtune index numbers. Can be nullptr if indexing is linear or if there are no subtunes. */ short nsubtunes; /**< Number of subtunes, if any. Values greater than 0 mean that there are subtunes and #subtunes array may be set. */ short state; int refcount; TupleData (); ~TupleData (); TupleData (const TupleData & other); void operator= (const TupleData & other) = delete; bool is_set (int field) const { return (setmask & bitmask (field)); } bool is_same (const TupleData & other); TupleVal * lookup (int field, bool add, bool remove); void set_int (int field, int x); void set_str (int field, const char * str); void set_subtunes (short nsubs, const short * subs); static TupleData * ref (TupleData * tuple); static void unref (TupleData * tuple); static TupleData * copy_on_write (TupleData * tuple); private: static constexpr uint64_t bitmask (int n) { return (uint64_t) 1 << n; } }; /** Ordered table of basic #Tuple field names and their #ValueType. */ static const struct { const char * name; Tuple::ValueType type; int fallback; } field_info[] = { {"title", Tuple::String, FallbackTitle}, {"artist", Tuple::String, FallbackArtist}, {"album", Tuple::String, FallbackAlbum}, {"album-artist", Tuple::String, -1}, {"comment", Tuple::String, -1}, {"genre", Tuple::String, -1}, {"year", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"composer", Tuple::String, -1}, {"performer", Tuple::String, -1}, {"copyright", Tuple::String, -1}, {"date", Tuple::String, -1}, {"track-number", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"length", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"bitrate", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"codec", Tuple::String, -1}, {"quality", Tuple::String, -1}, {"file-name", Tuple::String, -1}, {"file-path", Tuple::String, -1}, {"file-ext", Tuple::String, -1}, {"audio-file", Tuple::String, -1}, {"subsong-id", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"subsong-num", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"segment-start", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"segment-end", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-album-gain", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-album-peak", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-track-gain", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-track-peak", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-gain-unit", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"gain-peak-unit", Tuple::Int, -1}, {"formatted-title", Tuple::String, -1}, /* fallbacks */ {nullptr, Tuple::String, -1}, {nullptr, Tuple::String, -1}, {nullptr, Tuple::String, -1}, }; static_assert (aud::n_elems (field_info) == n_private_fields, "Update field_data"); struct FieldDictEntry { const char * name; Tuple::Field field; }; /* used for binary search, MUST be in alphabetical order */ static const FieldDictEntry field_dict[] = { {"album", Tuple::Album}, {"album-artist", Tuple::AlbumArtist}, {"artist", Tuple::Artist}, {"audio-file", Tuple::AudioFile}, {"bitrate", Tuple::Bitrate}, {"codec", Tuple::Codec}, {"comment", Tuple::Comment}, {"composer", Tuple::Composer}, {"copyright", Tuple::Copyright}, {"date", Tuple::Date}, {"file-ext", Tuple::Suffix}, {"file-name", Tuple::Basename}, {"file-path", Tuple::Path}, {"formatted-title", Tuple::FormattedTitle}, {"gain-album-gain", Tuple::AlbumGain}, {"gain-album-peak", Tuple::AlbumPeak}, {"gain-gain-unit", Tuple::GainDivisor}, {"gain-peak-unit", Tuple::PeakDivisor}, {"gain-track-gain", Tuple::TrackGain}, {"gain-track-peak", Tuple::TrackPeak}, {"genre", Tuple::Genre}, {"length", Tuple::Length}, {"performer", Tuple::Performer}, {"quality", Tuple::Quality}, {"segment-end", Tuple::EndTime}, {"segment-start", Tuple::StartTime}, {"subsong-id", Tuple::Subtune}, {"subsong-num", Tuple::NumSubtunes}, {"title", Tuple::Title}, {"track-number", Tuple::Track}, {"year", Tuple::Year} }; static_assert (aud::n_elems (field_dict) == Tuple::n_fields, "Update field_dict"); static constexpr bool is_valid_field (int field) { return field > Tuple::Invalid && field < Tuple::n_fields; } static int bitcount (uint64_t x) { /* algorithm from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_weight */ x -= (x >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555; x = (x & 0x3333333333333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333); x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; return (x * 0x0101010101010101) >> 56; } static int field_dict_compare (const void * a, const void * b) { return strcmp (((FieldDictEntry *) a)->name, ((FieldDictEntry *) b)->name); } EXPORT Tuple::Field Tuple::field_by_name (const char * name) { FieldDictEntry find = {name, Invalid}; FieldDictEntry * found = (FieldDictEntry *) bsearch (& find, field_dict, n_fields, sizeof (FieldDictEntry), field_dict_compare); return found ? found->field : Invalid; } EXPORT const char * Tuple::field_get_name (Field field) { assert (is_valid_field (field)); return field_info[field].name; } EXPORT Tuple::ValueType Tuple::field_get_type (Field field) { assert (is_valid_field (field)); return field_info[field].type; } TupleVal * TupleData::lookup (int field, bool add, bool remove) { /* calculate number of preceding fields */ const uint64_t mask = bitmask (field); const int pos = bitcount (setmask & (mask - 1)); if ((setmask & mask)) { if ((add || remove) && field_info[field].type == Tuple::String) vals[pos].str.~String (); if (remove) { setmask &= ~mask; vals.remove (pos, 1); return nullptr; } return & vals[pos]; } if (! (add || remove) && field_info[field].fallback >= 0) return lookup (field_info[field].fallback, false, false); if (! add) return nullptr; setmask |= mask; vals.insert (pos, 1); return & vals[pos]; } void TupleData::set_int (int field, int x) { TupleVal * val = lookup (field, true, false); val->x = x; } void TupleData::set_str (int field, const char * str) { TupleVal * val = lookup (field, true, false); new (& val->str) String (str); } void TupleData::set_subtunes (short nsubs, const short * subs) { nsubtunes = nsubs; delete[] subtunes; subtunes = nullptr; if (nsubs && subs) { subtunes = new short[nsubs]; memcpy (subtunes, subs, sizeof subtunes[0] * nsubs); } } TupleData::TupleData () : setmask (0), subtunes (nullptr), nsubtunes (0), state (Tuple::Initial), refcount (1) {} TupleData::TupleData (const TupleData & other) : setmask (other.setmask), subtunes (nullptr), nsubtunes (0), state (other.state), refcount (1) { vals.insert (0, other.vals.len ()); auto get = other.vals.begin (); auto set = vals.begin (); for (int f = 0; f < n_private_fields; f ++) { if (other.setmask & bitmask (f)) { if (field_info[f].type == Tuple::String) new (& set->str) String (get->str); else set->x = get->x; get ++; set ++; } } set_subtunes (other.nsubtunes, other.subtunes); } TupleData::~TupleData () { auto iter = vals.begin (); for (int f = 0; f < n_private_fields; f ++) { if (setmask & bitmask (f)) { if (field_info[f].type == Tuple::String) iter->str.~String (); iter ++; } } delete[] subtunes; } bool TupleData::is_same (const TupleData & other) { if (state != other.state || setmask != other.setmask || nsubtunes != other.nsubtunes || (! subtunes) != (! other.subtunes)) return false; auto a = vals.begin (); auto b = other.vals.begin (); for (int f = 0; f < n_private_fields; f ++) { if (setmask & bitmask (f)) { bool same; if (field_info[f].type == Tuple::String) same = (a->str == b->str); else same = (a->x = b->x); if (! same) return false; a ++; b ++; } } if (subtunes && memcmp (subtunes, other.subtunes, sizeof subtunes[0] * nsubtunes)) return false; return true; } TupleData * TupleData::ref (TupleData * tuple) { if (tuple) __sync_fetch_and_add (& tuple->refcount, 1); return tuple; } void TupleData::unref (TupleData * tuple) { if (tuple && ! __sync_sub_and_fetch (& tuple->refcount, 1)) delete tuple; } TupleData * TupleData::copy_on_write (TupleData * tuple) { if (! tuple) return new TupleData; if (__sync_fetch_and_add (& tuple->refcount, 0) == 1) return tuple; TupleData * copy = new TupleData (* tuple); unref (tuple); return copy; } EXPORT Tuple::~Tuple () { TupleData::unref (data); } EXPORT bool Tuple::operator== (const Tuple & b) const { if (data == b.data) return true; if (! data || ! b.data) return false; return data->is_same (* b.data); } EXPORT Tuple Tuple::ref () const { Tuple tuple; tuple.data = TupleData::ref (data); return tuple; } EXPORT Tuple::State Tuple::state () const { return data ? (Tuple::State) data->state : Initial; } EXPORT void Tuple::set_state (State st) { data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); data->state = st; } EXPORT Tuple::ValueType Tuple::get_value_type (Field field) const { assert (is_valid_field (field)); const auto & info = field_info[field]; if (data && (data->is_set (field) || (info.fallback >= 0 && data->is_set (info.fallback)))) return info.type; return Empty; } EXPORT int Tuple::get_int (Field field) const { assert (is_valid_field (field) && field_info[field].type == Int); TupleVal * val = data ? data->lookup (field, false, false) : nullptr; return val ? val->x : -1; } EXPORT String Tuple::get_str (Field field) const { assert (is_valid_field (field) && field_info[field].type == String); TupleVal * val = data ? data->lookup (field, false, false) : nullptr; return val ? val->str : ::String (); } EXPORT void Tuple::set_int (Field field, int x) { assert (is_valid_field (field) && field_info[field].type == Int); data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); data->set_int (field, x); } EXPORT void Tuple::set_str (Field field, const char * str) { assert (is_valid_field (field) && field_info[field].type == String); if (! str) { unset (field); return; } data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); if (g_utf8_validate (str, -1, nullptr)) data->set_str (field, str); else { StringBuf utf8 = str_to_utf8 (str, -1); data->set_str (field, utf8 ? (const char *) utf8 : _("(character encoding error)")); } } EXPORT void Tuple::unset (Field field) { assert (is_valid_field (field)); if (! data) return; data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); data->lookup (field, false, true); } EXPORT void Tuple::set_filename (const char * filename) { assert (filename); data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); // stdin is handled as a special case if (! strncmp (filename, "stdin://", 8)) { data->set_str (Basename, _("Standard input")); return; } const char * base, * ext, * sub; int isub; uri_parse (filename, & base, & ext, & sub, & isub); if (base > filename) data->set_str (Path, uri_to_display (str_copy (filename, base - filename))); if (ext > base) data->set_str (Basename, str_to_utf8 (str_decode_percent (base, ext - base))); if (sub > ext + 1) data->set_str (Suffix, str_to_utf8 (str_decode_percent (ext + 1, sub - ext - 1))); if (sub[0]) data->set_int (Subtune, isub); } EXPORT void Tuple::set_format (const char * format, int chans, int rate, int brate) { if (format) set_str (Codec, format); StringBuf buf; if (chans > 0) { if (chans == 1) buf.insert (-1, _("Mono")); else if (chans == 2) buf.insert (-1, _("Stereo")); else buf.combine (str_printf (dngettext (PACKAGE, "%d channel", "%d channels", chans), chans)); if (rate > 0) buf.insert (-1, ", "); } if (rate > 0) buf.combine (str_printf ("%d kHz", rate / 1000)); if (buf[0]) set_str (Quality, buf); if (brate > 0) set_int (Bitrate, brate); } EXPORT void Tuple::set_subtunes (short n_subtunes, const short * subtunes) { data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); data->set_subtunes (n_subtunes, subtunes); } EXPORT short Tuple::get_n_subtunes() const { return data ? data->nsubtunes : 0; } EXPORT short Tuple::get_nth_subtune (short n) const { if (! data || n < 0 || n >= data->nsubtunes) return -1; return data->subtunes ? data->subtunes[n] : 1 + n; } EXPORT void Tuple::set_gain (Field field, Field unit_field, const char * str) { set_int (field, lround (str_to_double (str) * 1000000)); set_int (unit_field, 1000000); } EXPORT ReplayGainInfo Tuple::get_replay_gain () const { ReplayGainInfo gain {}; if (! data) return gain; int gain_unit = get_int (GainDivisor); int peak_unit = get_int (PeakDivisor); if (gain_unit > 0) { if (data->is_set (AlbumGain)) gain.album_gain = get_int (AlbumGain) / (float) gain_unit; if (data->is_set (TrackGain)) gain.track_gain = get_int (TrackGain) / (float) gain_unit; } if (peak_unit > 0) { if (data->is_set (AlbumPeak)) gain.album_peak = get_int (AlbumPeak) / (float) peak_unit; if (data->is_set (TrackPeak)) gain.track_peak = get_int (TrackPeak) / (float) peak_unit; } return gain; } EXPORT bool Tuple::fetch_stream_info (VFSFile & stream) { bool updated = false; int value; ::String val = stream.get_metadata ("track-name"); if (val && val != get_str (Title)) { set_str (Title, val); updated = true; } val = stream.get_metadata ("stream-name"); if (val && val != get_str (Artist)) { set_str (Artist, val); updated = true; } val = stream.get_metadata ("content-bitrate"); value = val ? atoi (val) / 1000 : 0; if (value && value != get_int (Bitrate)) { set_int (Bitrate, value); updated = true; } return updated; } /* Separates the lowest-level folder from a file path. The string passed will * be modified, and the string returned will use the same memory. May return * nullptr. */ static char * split_folder (char * path, char sep) { char * c; while ((c = strrchr (path, sep))) { * c = 0; if (c[1]) return c + 1; } return path[0] ? path : nullptr; } /* These two functions separate the domain name from an internet URL. Examples: * "http://some.domain.org/folder/file.mp3" -> "some.domain.org" * "http://some.stream.fm:8000" -> "some.stream.fm" */ static const char * find_domain (const char * name) { if (! strncmp (name, "http://", 7)) return name + 7; if (! strncmp (name, "https://", 8)) return name + 8; if (! strncmp (name, "mms://", 6)) return name + 6; return nullptr; } static StringBuf extract_domain (const char * start) { StringBuf name = str_copy (start); char * c; if ((c = strchr (name, '/'))) name.resize (c - name); if ((c = strchr (name, ':'))) name.resize (c - name); if ((c = strchr (name, '?'))) name.resize (c - name); return name; } EXPORT void Tuple::generate_fallbacks () { if (! data) return; generate_title (); auto artist = get_str (Artist); auto album = get_str (Album); if (artist && album) return; data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); // use album artist, if present if (! artist && (artist = get_str (AlbumArtist))) { data->set_str (FallbackArtist, artist); if (album) return; // nothing left to do } auto filepath = get_str (Path); if (! filepath) return; const char * s; char sep; if (! strcmp (filepath, "cdda://")) { // audio CD: // use "Audio CD" as the album if (! album) data->set_str (FallbackAlbum, _("Audio CD")); } else if ((s = find_domain (filepath))) { // internet URL: // use the domain name as the album if (! album) data->set_str (FallbackAlbum, extract_domain (s)); } else { // any other URI: // use the top two path elements as the artist and album if ((s = strstr (filepath, "://"))) { s += 3; sep = '/'; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_ascii_isalpha (filepath[0]) && filepath[1] == ':') s = filepath + 2; else #endif s = filepath; sep = G_DIR_SEPARATOR; } StringBuf buf = str_copy (s); char * first = split_folder (buf, sep); char * second = (first && first > buf) ? split_folder (buf, sep) : nullptr; // skip common strings and avoid duplicates for (auto skip : (const char *[]) {"~", "music", artist, album, get_str (Genre)}) { if (first && skip && ! strcmp_nocase (first, skip)) { first = second; second = nullptr; } if (second && skip && ! strcmp_nocase (second, skip)) second = nullptr; } if (first) { if (second && ! artist && ! album) { data->set_str (FallbackArtist, second); data->set_str (FallbackAlbum, first); } else data->set_str (artist ? FallbackAlbum : FallbackArtist, first); } } } EXPORT void Tuple::generate_title () { if (! data) return; auto title = get_str (Title); if (title) return; data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); auto filepath = get_str (Path); if (filepath && ! strcmp (filepath, "cdda://")) { // audio CD: // use "Track N" as the title int subtune = get_int (Subtune); if (subtune >= 0) data->set_str (FallbackTitle, str_printf (_("Track %d"), subtune)); } else { auto filename = get_str (Basename); data->set_str (FallbackTitle, filename ? (const char *) filename : _("(unknown title)")); } } EXPORT void Tuple::delete_fallbacks () { if (! data) return; data = TupleData::copy_on_write (data); data->lookup (FallbackTitle, false, true); data->lookup (FallbackArtist, false, true); data->lookup (FallbackAlbum, false, true); }