project('babl', 'c', license: 'LGPL3+', version: '0.1.93', meson_version: '>=0.54.0', default_options: [ 'buildtype=debugoptimized' ], # ) # Making releases on the stable branch: # BABL_MICRO_VERSION += 1; # BABL_INTERFACE_AGE += 1; # BABL_BINARY_AGE += 1; # if any functions have been added, # set BABL_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. # if backwards compatibility has been broken, # set BABL_BINARY_AGE _and_ BABL_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. conf = configuration_data() pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') gnome = import('gnome') python = import('python').find_installation() cc = meson.get_compiler('c') prefix = get_option('prefix') buildtype = get_option('buildtype') babl_prefix = get_option('prefix') babl_libdir = join_paths(babl_prefix, get_option('libdir')) project_build_root = meson.current_build_dir() project_source_root = meson.current_source_dir() ################################################################################ # Projects infos version = meson.project_version() array_version = version.split('.') major_version = array_version[0].to_int() minor_version = array_version[1].to_int() micro_version = array_version[2].to_int() interface_age = 1 binary_age = 100 * minor_version + micro_version lt_current = binary_age - interface_age api_version = '@0@.@1@'.format(major_version, minor_version) lib_version = '@0@:@1@:@2@'.format(lt_current, interface_age, lt_current) so_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(0, lt_current, interface_age) lib_name = meson.project_name() + '-' + api_version stability_version_number = (major_version != 0 ? minor_version : micro_version) stable = (stability_version_number % 2 == 0) conf.set10('BABL_UNSTABLE', not stable, description: 'Define to 1 if this is an unstable version of BABL.') conf.set ('BABL_MAJOR_VERSION', '@0@'.format(major_version)) conf.set ('BABL_MINOR_VERSION', '@0@'.format(minor_version)) conf.set ('BABL_MICRO_VERSION', '@0@'.format(micro_version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_INTERFACE_AGE', '@0@'.format(interface_age)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_BINARY_AGE', '@0@'.format(binary_age)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_VERSION', '@0@'.format(version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_REAL_VERSION', '@0@'.format(version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_API_VERSION', '@0@'.format(api_version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_RELEASE', '@0@'.format(api_version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_LIBRARY_VERSION', '@0@'.format(lib_version)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE','@0@'.format(0)) conf.set_quoted('BABL_LIBRARY', '@0@'.format(lib_name)) ################################################################################ # Host system environment platform_android = false platform_osx = false platform_win32 = false host_cpu_family = host_machine.cpu_family() if host_cpu_family == 'x86' have_x86 = true conf.set10('ARCH_X86', true) elif host_cpu_family == 'x86_64' have_x86 = true conf.set10('ARCH_X86', true) conf.set10('ARCH_X86_64', true) elif host_cpu_family == 'ppc' have_ppc = true conf.set10('ARCH_PPC', true) elif host_cpu_family == 'ppc64' have_ppc = true conf.set10('ARCH_PPC', true) conf.set10('ARCH_PPC64', true) elif host_cpu_family == 'arm' have_arm = true conf.set10('ARCH_ARM', true) elif host_cpu_family == 'aarch64' have_aarch64 = true conf.set10('ARCH_AARCH64', true) endif host_os = host_machine.system() message('Host os: ' + host_os) platform_win32 = (host_os.startswith('mingw') or host_os.startswith('cygwin') or host_os.startswith('windows')) platform_osx = host_os.startswith('darwin') if platform_osx if cc.get_id() != 'clang' error('You should use Clang/Clang++ on OSX.') endif endif platform_android = host_os.contains('android') path_sep = ( platform_win32 ? ';' : ':' ) dirs_sep = ( platform_win32 ? '\\\\' : '/' ) if platform_win32 lib_ext = '.dll' elif platform_osx lib_ext = '.dylib' else lib_ext = '.so' endif conf.set('BABL_PATH_SEPARATOR', '\'' + path_sep + '\'', description: 'separator between paths in BABL_PATH') conf.set_quoted('BABL_DIR_SEPARATOR', dirs_sep, description: 'separator between directories in BABL_PATH') conf.set_quoted('SHREXT', lib_ext, description: 'File extension for shared libraries') # assume *nix if not android/osx/win32 platform_unix = not ( platform_android or platform_osx or platform_win32 ) # Build system environment build_os = build_machine.system() message('Build os: ' + build_os) build_platform_win32 = (build_os.startswith('mingw') or build_os.startswith('cygwin') or build_os.startswith('windows')) # Only try to run compiled programs if native compile or cross-compile # and have exe wrapper. If we don't need a wrapper (e.g. 32 bit build in # 64-bit environment) then set proprty has_exe_wrapper=true in cross # file can_run_host_binaries = meson.has_exe_wrapper() ################################################################################ # Compiler arguments common_c_flags = [] if buildtype == 'debugoptimized' or buildtype == 'release' common_c_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(['-Ofast']) endif common_c_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments( ['-fno-unsafe-math-optimizations','-ftree-vectorize'] ) extra_warnings_list = [ '-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '-Winit-self', '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wold-style-definition', '-Wpointer-arith', ] common_c_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(extra_warnings_list) add_project_arguments(common_c_flags, language: 'c') # Linker arguments if platform_win32 and cc.has_link_argument('-Wl,--no-undefined') no_undefined = '-Wl,--no-undefined' else no_undefined = [] endif if host_cpu_family == 'x86_64' x86_64_v2_flags = cc.get_supported_arguments(['-march=x86-64','-msse2', '-msse2','-msse4.1','-msse4.2','-mpopcnt','-mssse3']) x86_64_v3_flags = x86_64_v2_flags + cc.get_supported_arguments(['-mavx','-mavx2','-mf16c','-mfma','-mmovbe', '-mbmi', '-mbmi2']) x86_64_v2_flags += '-DX86_64_V2' x86_64_v3_flags += '-DX86_64_V3' elif host_cpu_family == 'arm' arm_neon_flags = cc.get_supported_arguments(['-mfpu=neon-vfpv4']) arm_neon_flags += '-DARM_NEON' elif host_cpu_family == 'aarch64' common_c_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(['-mfpu=neon-fp-armv8']) endif ################################################################################ # Check for compiler CPU extensions # intialize these to nothing, so meson doesn't complain on non-x86 have_mmx = false have_sse = false have_sse2 = false have_sse4_1 = false have_avx2 = false have_f16c = false sse2_cflags = [] f16c_cflags = [] sse4_1_cflags = [] avx2_cflags = [] # mmx assembly if get_option('enable-mmx') and cc.has_argument('-mmmx') if cc.compiles('asm ("movq 0, %mm0");') message('mmx assembly available') add_project_arguments('-mmmx', language: 'c') conf.set('USE_MMX', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if MMX assembly is available.') have_mmx = true # sse assembly if get_option('enable-sse') and cc.has_argument('-msse') if cc.compiles('asm ("movntps %xmm0, 0");') add_project_arguments('-msse', language: 'c') message('sse assembly available') conf.set('USE_SSE', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if SSE assembly is available.') have_sse = true sse_args = ['-mfpmath=sse'] if platform_win32 sse_args += '-mstackrealign' endif foreach sse_arg : sse_args if cc.has_argument(sse_arg) add_project_arguments(sse_arg, language: 'c') endif endforeach # sse2 assembly if get_option('enable-sse2') and cc.has_argument('-msse2') if cc.compiles('asm ("punpckhwd %xmm0,%xmm1");') message('sse2 assembly available') sse2_cflags = '-msse2' conf.set('USE_SSE2', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if sse2 assembly is available.') have_sse2 = true # sse4.1 assembly if get_option('enable-sse4_1') and cc.has_argument('-msse4.1') if cc.compiles('asm ("pmovzxbd %xmm0,%xmm1");') message('sse4.1 assembly available') sse4_1_cflags = '-msse4.1' conf.set('USE_SSE4_1', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if sse4.1 assembly is available.') have_sse4_1 = true endif # avx2 assembly if get_option('enable-avx2') and cc.has_argument('-mavx2') if cc.compiles('asm ("vpgatherdd %ymm0,(%eax,%ymm1,4),%ymm2");') message('avx2 assembly available') avx2_cflags = '-mavx2' conf.set('USE_AVX2', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if avx2 assembly is available.') have_avx2 = true endif endif endif endif endif endif if get_option('enable-f16c') and cc.has_argument('-mf16c') if cc.compiles( 'asm ("#include ],' + '[__m128 val = _mm_cvtph_ps ((__m128i)_mm_setzero_ps());' + ' __m128i val2 = _mm_insert_epi64((__m128i)_mm_setzero_ps(),0,0);");' ) message('Can compile half-floating point code (f16c)') f16c_cflags = '-mf16c' conf.set('USE_F16C', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if f16c intrinsics are available.') have_f16c = true endif endif endif endif endif ################################################################################ # Check environment # Check headers check_headers = [ ['HAVE_STDATOMIC_H', 'stdatomic.h'] ] # Don't check for dynamic load on windows if not platform_win32 check_headers += [ ['HAVE_DLFCN_H', 'dlfcn.h'], ['HAVE_DL_H', 'dl.h'], ] endif foreach header: check_headers if cc.has_header(header[1]) conf.set(header[0], 1, description: 'Define to 1 if the <@0@> header is available'.format(header[1])) endif endforeach # Check functions # general check_functions = [ ['HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY', 'gettimeofday', ''], ['HAVE_RINT', 'rint' , ''], ['HAVE_SRANDOM', 'srandom' , ''], ] foreach func: check_functions if cc.has_function(func[1], prefix: '#include ' + func[2]) conf.set(func[0], 1, description: 'Define to 1 if the @0@() function is available'.format(func[1])) endif endforeach # Check for uncommon features # babl_fish_reference(), create_name() would like this if cc.compiles('int main() { static __thread char buf[1024]; }') conf.set('HAVE_TLS', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if compiler supports __thread') endif ################################################################################ # Dependencies math = cc.find_library('m', required: false) thread = dependency('threads', required: false) if platform_android log = cc.find_library('log', required: false) else log = [] endif if platform_win32 dl = [] else dl = cc.find_library('dl', required: false) endif # gobject introspection g_ir = dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0', version: '>=1.32.0', required: false) # lcms if get_option('with-lcms') lcms = dependency('lcms2', version: '>=2.8', required: true) if lcms.found() conf.set('HAVE_LCMS', 1, description: 'Define to 1 if liblcms2 is available') endif else lcms = declare_dependency() endif # vapigen vapigen = dependency('vapigen', version:'>=0.20.0', required: false) ################################################################################ # Build utilities # build from git repo git_bin = find_program('git', required: false, native: true) # docs env_bin = find_program('env', required: false, native: true) rsvg_convert_bin = find_program('rsvg-convert', required: false, native: true) w3m_bin = find_program('w3m', required: false, native: true) ################################################################################ # Build flags # Docs - don't build by default in cross-build environments # can't build if no env binary build_docs = true if get_option('with-docs') != 'false' and not env_bin.found() build_docs = false warning('env is required to build documentation') elif get_option('with-docs') == 'auto' if meson.is_cross_build() build_docs = false message( 'configure with -Ddocs=true to cross-build documentation' ) endif elif get_option('with-docs') == 'false' build_docs = false endif # Introspection - don't build by default on cross-build environments if get_option('enable-gir') == 'auto' build_gir = meson.is_cross_build() ? false : true else build_gir = get_option('enable-gir') == 'true' ? true : false endif if not g_ir.found() build_gir = false endif # Vapi - only build if building introspection if build_gir and get_option('enable-vapi') and vapigen.found() build_vapi = true else build_vapi = false endif ################################################################################ # Configuration files # This should not be made visible in babl_dep due to possible name clash # when built as a sub-project. rootInclude = include_directories('.') # config.h configure_file( output: 'config.h', configuration: conf ) # If git is available, always check if git-version.h should be # updated. If git is not available, don't do anything if git-version.h # already exists because then we are probably working with a tarball # in which case the git-version.h we ship is correct. if git_bin.found() and run_command( git_bin, 'rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree', check: true, ).returncode() == 0 git_version_h = vcs_tag( input : '', output: 'git-version.h', replace_string: '@BABL_GIT_VERSION@', command: [ git_bin.path(), 'describe', '--always' ], ) if not meson.is_subproject() meson.add_dist_script( [ 'ninja', 'git-version.h', ], ) meson.add_dist_script( [ 'sh', '-c', ' '.join( [ 'cp', git_version_h.full_path(), '${MESON_DIST_ROOT}' ] )] ) endif else git_version_h = files('git-version.h') endif ################################################################################ # Global variables xml_insert_file = files('tools' / '') authors_file = files('AUTHORS') news_file = files('NEWS') todo_file = files('TODO') export_symbols_file = files('export-symbols') gen_babl_map_file = files('') ################################################################################ # Subdirs subdir('babl') subdir('extensions') subdir('tests') subdir('tools') if build_docs subdir('docs') endif subdir('bin') # Create README file from web page if w3m_bin.found() and build_docs custom_target('README', input: index_html, output: 'README', command: [ w3m_bin, '-cols', '72', '-dump', '@INPUT@', ], capture: true, build_by_default: true ) endif # pkg-config file pkgconfig.generate( babl, filebase: 'babl', name: 'babl', description: 'Pixel encoding and color space conversion engine.', version: meson.project_version(), subdirs: lib_name, uninstalled_variables: [ 'babl_path=@0@'.format(babl_extensions_build_dir), 'babl_libdir=@0@'.format(babl_library_build_dir), ], ) # dependency for wrap builds babl_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: bablInclude, link_with : babl, sources: [ babl_version_h, build_gir ? babl_gir : [] ], variables: { 'babl_path' : babl_extensions_build_dir, 'babl_libdir' : babl_library_build_dir, }, ) meson.override_dependency('babl', babl_dep) ################################################################################ # Build summary summary( { 'prefix': babl_prefix, 'libdir': get_option('libdir'), }, section: 'Directories' ) summary( { 'BABL docs' : build_docs, 'Introspection' : build_gir, 'VALA support' : build_vapi, }, section: 'Optional features' ) summary( { 'mmx' : have_mmx, 'sse' : have_sse, 'sse2' : have_sse2, 'sse4_1' : have_sse4_1, 'avx2' : have_avx2, 'f16c (half fp)' : have_f16c, }, section: 'Processor extensions' ) summary( { 'lcms' : get_option('with-lcms'), }, section: 'Optional dependencies' )