path: root/modules/menu/menu.c
diff options
authorAlfred E. Heggestad <>2016-08-07 10:42:47 +0200
committerAlfred E. Heggestad <>2016-08-07 10:42:47 +0200
commite3ecbddba06f91c3ef5b3cd8305a8f2fdb6c9cde (patch)
treec12474268e452b242c688689bd8eba3d92f4a151 /modules/menu/menu.c
parent7f35380ee3a39faad1f10fcbb6b115b8ddc5f2a7 (diff)
cmd: add support for long commands
- Long commands are commands that is 2 or more characters, and MUST be completed by pressing enter. - A given command can have a long-command, a short-command or both. - All long commands are using '/' (slash) prefix - a simple TAB-completion is supported, while punching in your long command you can press TAB to see a list of commands that matches the input string. Feedback is welcome, specially on the long-command strings itself. If you want to suggest changes, please make a small and non-intrusive patch and send it as a Pull Request (PR).
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/menu/menu.c')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/modules/menu/menu.c b/modules/menu/menu.c
index 4349f48..619e88c 100644
--- a/modules/menu/menu.c
+++ b/modules/menu/menu.c
@@ -400,31 +400,34 @@ static int cmd_print_calls(struct re_printf *pf, void *unused)
static const struct cmd cmdv[] = {
- {'\n', 0, "Accept incoming call", cmd_answer },
- {'D', 0, "Accept incoming call", cmd_answer },
- {'b', 0, "Hangup call", cmd_hangup },
- {'c', 0, "Call status", ua_print_call_status },
- {'d', CMD_PRM, "Dial", dial_handler },
- {'h', 0, "Help menu", cmd_print },
- {'l', 0, "List active calls", cmd_print_calls },
- {'o', CMD_PRM, "Options", options_command },
- {'r', 0, "Registration info", ua_print_reg_status },
- {0x1b, 0, "Hangup call", cmd_hangup },
- {' ', 0, "Toggle UAs", cmd_ua_next },
- {'T', 0, "Toggle UAs", cmd_ua_next },
- {'R', CMD_PRM, "Create User-Agent", create_ua },
- {'#', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'*', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'0', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'1', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'2', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'3', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'4', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'5', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'6', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'7', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'8', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
- {'9', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '\n', 0, "Accept incoming call", cmd_answer },
+{"accept", 'D', 0, "Accept incoming call", cmd_answer },
+{"hangup", 'b', 0, "Hangup call", cmd_hangup },
+{"callstat", 'c', 0, "Call status", ua_print_call_status },
+{"dial", 'd', CMD_PRM, "Dial", dial_handler },
+{"help", 'h', 0, "Help menu", cmd_print },
+{"listcalls", 'l', 0, "List active calls", cmd_print_calls },
+{"options", 'o', CMD_PRM, "Options", options_command },
+{"reginfo", 'r', 0, "Registration info", ua_print_reg_status },
+{NULL, KEYCODE_ESC,0, "Hangup call", cmd_hangup },
+{NULL, ' ', 0, "Toggle UAs", cmd_ua_next },
+{NULL, 'T', 0, "Toggle UAs", cmd_ua_next },
+{NULL, 'R', CMD_PRM, "Create User-Agent", create_ua },
+/* Numeric keypad inputs: */
+{NULL, '#', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '*', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '0', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '1', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '2', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '3', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '4', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '5', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '6', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '7', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '8', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
+{NULL, '9', CMD_PRM, NULL, dial_handler },
@@ -487,12 +490,21 @@ static int call_xfer(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg)
-static int call_holdresume(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg)
+static int cmd_call_hold(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg)
+ (void)pf;
+ (void)arg;
+ return call_hold(ua_call(uag_cur()), true);
+static int cmd_call_resume(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg)
- const struct cmd_arg *carg = arg;
+ (void)arg;
- return call_hold(ua_call(uag_cur()), 'x' == carg->key);
+ return call_hold(ua_call(uag_cur()), false);
@@ -663,38 +675,39 @@ static int set_current_call(struct re_printf *pf, void *arg)
static const struct cmd callcmdv[] = {
- {'I', 0, "Send re-INVITE", call_reinvite },
- {'X', 0, "Call resume", call_holdresume },
- {'a', 0, "Audio stream", call_audio_debug },
- {'e', 0, "Cycle audio encoder", call_audioenc_cycle },
- {'m', 0, "Call mute/un-mute", call_mute },
- {'r', CMD_IPRM,"Transfer call", call_xfer },
- {'x', 0, "Call hold", call_holdresume },
- {'H', 0, "Hold previous call", hold_prev_call },
- {'L', 0, "Resume previous call",hold_prev_call },
- {'A', CMD_IPRM,"Switch audio device", switch_audio_dev },
+{"", 'I', 0, "Send re-INVITE", call_reinvite },
+{"resume", 'X', 0, "Call resume", cmd_call_resume },
+{"", 'a', 0, "Audio stream", call_audio_debug },
+{"", 'e', 0, "Cycle audio encoder", call_audioenc_cycle },
+{"mute", 'm', 0, "Call mute/un-mute", call_mute },
+{"transfer", 'r', CMD_IPRM, "Transfer call", call_xfer },
+{"hold", 'x', 0, "Call hold", cmd_call_hold },
+{"", 'H', 0, "Hold previous call", hold_prev_call },
+{"", 'L', 0, "Resume previous call",hold_prev_call },
+{"", 'A', CMD_IPRM, "Switch audio device", switch_audio_dev },
#ifdef USE_VIDEO
- {'E', 0, "Cycle video encoder", call_videoenc_cycle },
- {'v', 0, "Video stream", call_video_debug },
+{"", 'E', 0, "Cycle video encoder", call_videoenc_cycle },
+{"", 'v', 0, "Video stream", call_video_debug },
- {'#', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'*', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'0', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'1', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'2', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'3', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'4', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'5', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'6', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'7', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'8', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {'9', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
- {KEYCODE_REL,0,NULL, digit_handler },
- {'S', 0, "Statusmode toggle", toggle_statmode },
- {'@', CMD_PRM, "Set current call <line>", set_current_call },
+/* Numeric keypad for DTMF events: */
+{NULL, '#', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '*', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '0', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '1', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '2', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '3', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '4', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '5', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '6', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '7', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '8', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, '9', 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, KEYCODE_REL, 0, NULL, digit_handler },
+{NULL, 'S', 0, "Statusmode toggle", toggle_statmode },
+{NULL, '@', CMD_PRM, "Set current call <line>", set_current_call },