# # SIP accounts - one account per line -- sample configuration # # Displayname ;addr-params # # uri-params: # ;transport={udp,tcp,tls} # # addr-params: # ;answermode={manual,early,auto} # ;audio_codecs=speex/16000,pcma,... # ;auth_user=username # ;mediaenc={srtp,srtp-mand,srtp-mandf,dtls_srtp,zrtp} # ;medianat={stun,turn,ice} # ;outbound="sip:primary.example.com;transport=tcp" # ;outbound2=sip:secondary.example.com # ;ptime={10,20,30,40,...} # ;regint=3600 # ;pubint=0 (publishing off) # ;regq=0.5 # ;rtpkeep={zero,stun,dyna,rtcp} # ;sipnat={outbound} # ;stunserver=stun:[user:pass]@host[:port] # ;video_codecs=h264,h263,... # # Examples: # # # # # # # A very basic example # # # Use SIP Outbound over TCP, with ICE for Media NAT Traversal, and DTLS-SRTP for encryption # ;sipnat=outbound;outbound="sip:example.com;transport=tcp";medianat=ice;mediaenc=dtls_srtp # # Use ICE for Media NAT Traversal, using a specific STUN-server # ;medianat=ice;stunserver="stun:username:password@stunserver.org" # # Force audio-codec 'opus' and video-codec 'vp8' # ;audio_codecs=opus/48000/2;video_codecs=vp8 # ... more examples can be added here ...