/** * @file gtk/gtk_mod.c GTK+ UI module * * Copyright (C) 2015 Charles E. Lehner * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Creytiv.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtk_mod.h" #ifdef USE_LIBNOTIFY #include #endif #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,40,0) || defined(USE_LIBNOTIFY) #define USE_NOTIFICATIONS 1 #endif /* About */ #define COPYRIGHT " Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Alfred E. Heggestad et al." #define COMMENTS "A modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support" #define WEBSITE "http://www.creytiv.com/baresip.html" #define LICENSE "BSD" /** * @defgroup gtk_mod gtk_mod * * GTK+ Menu-based User-Interface module * * Creates a tray icon with a menu for making calls. * */ struct gtk_mod { pthread_t thread; bool run; bool contacts_inited; bool accounts_inited; struct mqueue *mq; GApplication *app; GtkStatusIcon *status_icon; GtkWidget *app_menu; GtkWidget *contacts_menu; GtkWidget *accounts_menu; GtkWidget *status_menu; GSList *accounts_menu_group; struct dial_dialog *dial_dialog; GSList *call_windows; GSList *incoming_call_menus; }; static struct gtk_mod mod_obj; enum gtk_mod_events { MQ_POPUP, MQ_CONNECT, MQ_QUIT, MQ_ANSWER, MQ_HANGUP, MQ_SELECT_UA, }; static void answer_activated(GSimpleAction *, GVariant *, gpointer); static void reject_activated(GSimpleAction *, GVariant *, gpointer); static void denotify_incoming_call(struct gtk_mod *, struct call *); static GActionEntry app_entries[] = { {"answer", answer_activated, "x", NULL, NULL, {0} }, {"reject", reject_activated, "x", NULL, NULL, {0} }, }; static struct call *get_call_from_gvariant(GVariant *param) { gint64 call_ptr; struct call *call; struct list *calls = ua_calls(uag_current()); struct le *le; call_ptr = g_variant_get_int64(param); call = GINT_TO_POINTER(call_ptr); for (le = list_head(calls); le; le = le->next) if (le->data == call) return call; return NULL; } static void menu_on_about(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, gpointer arg) { (void)menuItem; (void)arg; gtk_show_about_dialog(NULL, "program-name", "baresip", "version", BARESIP_VERSION, "logo-icon-name", "call-start", "copyright", COPYRIGHT, "comments", COMMENTS, "website", WEBSITE, "license", LICENSE, NULL); } static void menu_on_quit(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, gpointer arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; (void)menuItem; gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(mod->app_menu)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(mod->status_icon)); mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_QUIT, 0); info("quit from gtk\n"); } static void menu_on_dial(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, gpointer arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; (void)menuItem; if (!mod->dial_dialog) mod->dial_dialog = dial_dialog_alloc(mod); dial_dialog_show(mod->dial_dialog); } static void menu_on_dial_contact(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, gpointer arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; const char *uri = gtk_menu_item_get_label(menuItem); /* Queue dial from the main thread */ mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_CONNECT, (char *)uri); } static void init_contacts_menu(struct gtk_mod *mod) { struct le *le; GtkWidget *item; GtkMenuShell *contacts_menu = GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->contacts_menu); /* Add contacts to submenu */ for (le = list_head(contact_list()); le; le = le->next) { struct contact *c = le->data; item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(contact_str(c)); gtk_menu_shell_append(contacts_menu, item); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_dial_contact), mod); } } static void menu_on_account_toggled(GtkCheckMenuItem *menu_item, struct gtk_mod *mod) { struct ua *ua = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "ua"); if (menu_item->active) mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_SELECT_UA, ua); } static void menu_on_presence_set(GtkMenuItem *item, struct gtk_mod *mod) { struct le *le; void *type = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(item), "presence"); enum presence_status status = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(type); (void)mod; for (le = list_head(uag_list()); le; le = le->next) { struct ua *ua = le->data; ua_presence_status_set(ua, status); } } #ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS static void menu_on_incoming_call_answer(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, struct gtk_mod *mod) { struct call *call = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menuItem), "call"); denotify_incoming_call(mod, call); mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_ANSWER, call); } static void menu_on_incoming_call_reject(GtkMenuItem *menuItem, struct gtk_mod *mod) { struct call *call = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menuItem), "call"); denotify_incoming_call(mod, call); mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_HANGUP, call); } #endif static GtkMenuItem *accounts_menu_add_item(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct ua *ua) { GtkMenuShell *accounts_menu = GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->accounts_menu); GtkWidget *item; GSList *group = mod->accounts_menu_group; struct ua *ua_current = uag_current(); char buf[256]; re_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s%s", ua_aor(ua), ua_isregistered(ua) ? " (OK)" : ""); item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label(group, buf); group = gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group( GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM (item)); if (ua == ua_current) gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item), TRUE); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "ua", ua); g_signal_connect(item, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_account_toggled), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(accounts_menu, item); mod->accounts_menu_group = group; return GTK_MENU_ITEM(item); } static GtkMenuItem *accounts_menu_get_item(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct ua *ua) { GtkMenuItem *item; GtkMenuShell *accounts_menu = GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->accounts_menu); GList *items = accounts_menu->children; for (; items; items = items->next) { item = items->data; if (ua == g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(item), "ua")) return item; } /* Add new account not yet in menu */ return accounts_menu_add_item(mod, ua); } static void update_current_accounts_menu_item(struct gtk_mod *mod) { GtkMenuItem *item = accounts_menu_get_item(mod, uag_current()); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item), TRUE); } static void update_ua_presence(struct gtk_mod *mod) { GtkCheckMenuItem *item = 0; enum presence_status cur_status; void *status; GtkMenuShell *status_menu = GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->status_menu); GList *items = status_menu->children; cur_status = ua_presence_status(uag_current()); for (; items; items = items->next) { item = items->data; status = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(item), "presence"); if (cur_status == GPOINTER_TO_UINT(status)) break; } if (!item) return; gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(item, TRUE); } static const char *ua_event_reg_str(enum ua_event ev) { switch (ev) { case UA_EVENT_REGISTERING: return "registering"; case UA_EVENT_REGISTER_OK: return "OK"; case UA_EVENT_REGISTER_FAIL: return "ERR"; case UA_EVENT_UNREGISTERING: return "unregistering"; default: return "?"; } } static void accounts_menu_set_status(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct ua *ua, enum ua_event ev) { GtkMenuItem *item = accounts_menu_get_item(mod, ua); char buf[256]; re_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s (%s)", ua_aor(ua), ua_event_reg_str(ev)); gtk_menu_item_set_label(item, buf); } #ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS static void notify_incoming_call(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call *call) { static const char *title = "Incoming call"; const char *msg = call_peeruri(call); GtkWidget *call_menu; GtkWidget *menu_item; #if defined(USE_LIBNOTIFY) NotifyNotification *notification; #endif #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,40,0) char id[64]; GVariant *target; GNotification *notification = g_notification_new(title); re_snprintf(id, sizeof id, "incoming-call-%p", call); id[sizeof id - 1] = '\0'; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,42,0) g_notification_set_priority(notification, G_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_URGENT); #else g_notification_set_urgent(notification, TRUE); #endif target = g_variant_new_int64(GPOINTER_TO_INT(call)); g_notification_set_body(notification, msg); g_notification_add_button_with_target_value(notification, "Answer", "app.answer", target); g_notification_add_button_with_target_value(notification, "Reject", "app.reject", target); g_application_send_notification(mod->app, id, notification); g_object_unref(notification); #elif defined(USE_LIBNOTIFY) /* If glib does not have GNotification, use libnotify instead. */ if (!notify_is_initted()) return; notification = notify_notification_new(title, msg, "baresip"); notify_notification_set_urgency(notification, NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL); notify_notification_show(notification, NULL); g_object_unref(notification); #else (void)msg; (void)title; #endif /* Add incoming call to the app menu */ call_menu = gtk_menu_new(); menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Incoming call"); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "call", call); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item), call_menu); gtk_menu_shell_prepend(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->app_menu), menu_item); mod->incoming_call_menus = g_slist_append(mod->incoming_call_menus, menu_item); menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(call_peeruri(call)); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(menu_item, FALSE); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(call_menu), menu_item); menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Accept"); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "call", call); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_incoming_call_answer), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(call_menu), menu_item); menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Reject"); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "call", call); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_incoming_call_reject), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(call_menu), menu_item); } #endif static void denotify_incoming_call(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call *call) { GSList *item, *next; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,40,0) char id[64]; re_snprintf(id, sizeof id, "incoming-call-%p", call); id[sizeof id - 1] = '\0'; g_application_withdraw_notification(mod->app, id); #endif /* Remove call submenu */ for (item = mod->incoming_call_menus; item; item = next) { GtkWidget *menu_item = item->data; next = item->next; if (call == g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menu_item), "call")) { gtk_widget_destroy(menu_item); mod->incoming_call_menus = g_slist_delete_link(mod->incoming_call_menus, item); } } } static void answer_activated(GSimpleAction *action, GVariant *parameter, gpointer arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; struct call *call = get_call_from_gvariant(parameter); (void)action; if (call) { denotify_incoming_call(mod, call); mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_ANSWER, call); } } static void reject_activated(GSimpleAction *action, GVariant *parameter, gpointer arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; struct call *call = get_call_from_gvariant(parameter); (void)action; if (call) { denotify_incoming_call(mod, call); mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_HANGUP, call); } } static struct call_window *new_call_window(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call *call) { struct call_window *win = call_window_new(call, mod); if (call) { mod->call_windows = g_slist_append(mod->call_windows, win); } return win; } static struct call_window *get_call_window(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call *call) { GSList *wins; for (wins = mod->call_windows; wins; wins = wins->next) { struct call_window *win = wins->data; if (call_window_is_for_call(win, call)) return win; } return NULL; } static struct call_window *get_create_call_window(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call *call) { struct call_window *win = get_call_window(mod, call); if (!win) win = new_call_window(mod, call); return win; } void gtk_mod_call_window_closed(struct gtk_mod *mod, struct call_window *win) { if (!mod) return; mod->call_windows = g_slist_remove(mod->call_windows, win); } static void ua_event_handler(struct ua *ua, enum ua_event ev, struct call *call, const char *prm, void *arg ) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; struct call_window *win; gdk_threads_enter(); switch (ev) { case UA_EVENT_REGISTERING: case UA_EVENT_UNREGISTERING: case UA_EVENT_REGISTER_OK: case UA_EVENT_REGISTER_FAIL: accounts_menu_set_status(mod, ua, ev); break; #ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS case UA_EVENT_CALL_INCOMING: notify_incoming_call(mod, call); break; #endif case UA_EVENT_CALL_CLOSED: win = get_call_window(mod, call); if (win) call_window_closed(win, prm); else denotify_incoming_call(mod, call); break; case UA_EVENT_CALL_RINGING: win = get_create_call_window(mod, call); if (win) call_window_ringing(win); break; case UA_EVENT_CALL_PROGRESS: win = get_create_call_window(mod, call); if (win) call_window_progress(win); break; case UA_EVENT_CALL_ESTABLISHED: win = get_create_call_window(mod, call); if (win) call_window_established(win); break; case UA_EVENT_CALL_TRANSFER_FAILED: win = get_create_call_window(mod, call); if (win) call_window_transfer_failed(win, prm); break; default: break; } gdk_threads_leave(); } #ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS static void message_handler(const struct pl *peer, const struct pl *ctype, struct mbuf *body, void *arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; char title[128]; char msg[512]; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,40,0) GNotification *notification; #elif defined(USE_LIBNOTIFY) NotifyNotification *notification; #endif (void)ctype; /* Display notification of chat */ re_snprintf(title, sizeof title, "Chat from %r", peer); title[sizeof title - 1] = '\0'; re_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg, "%b", mbuf_buf(body), mbuf_get_left(body)); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,40,0) notification = g_notification_new(title); g_notification_set_body(notification, msg); g_application_send_notification(mod->app, NULL, notification); g_object_unref(notification); #elif defined(USE_LIBNOTIFY) (void)mod; if (!notify_is_initted()) return; notification = notify_notification_new(title, msg, "baresip"); notify_notification_show(notification, NULL); g_object_unref(notification); #endif } #endif static void popup_menu(struct gtk_mod *mod, GtkMenuPositionFunc position, gpointer position_arg, guint button, guint32 activate_time) { if (!mod->contacts_inited) { init_contacts_menu(mod); mod->contacts_inited = TRUE; } /* Update things that may have been changed through another UI */ update_current_accounts_menu_item(mod); update_ua_presence(mod); gtk_widget_show_all(mod->app_menu); gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(mod->app_menu), NULL, NULL, position, position_arg, button, activate_time); } static gboolean status_icon_on_button_press(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, GdkEventButton *event, struct gtk_mod *mod) { popup_menu(mod, gtk_status_icon_position_menu, status_icon, event->button, event->time); return TRUE; } void gtk_mod_connect(struct gtk_mod *mod, const char *uri) { if (!mod) return; mqueue_push(mod->mq, MQ_CONNECT, (char *)uri); } static void warning_dialog(const char *title, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char msg[512]; GtkWidget *dialog; va_start(ap, fmt); (void)re_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof msg, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, "%s", title); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(dialog), "%s", msg); g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(dialog), "response", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), dialog); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), title); gtk_widget_show(dialog); } static void mqueue_handler(int id, void *data, void *arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; const char *uri; struct call *call; int err; struct ua *ua = uag_current(); (void)mod; switch ((enum gtk_mod_events)id) { case MQ_POPUP: gdk_threads_enter(); popup_menu(mod, NULL, NULL, 0, GPOINTER_TO_UINT(data)); gdk_threads_leave(); break; case MQ_CONNECT: uri = data; err = ua_connect(ua, &call, NULL, uri, NULL, VIDMODE_ON); if (err) { gdk_threads_enter(); warning_dialog("Call failed", "Connecting to \"%s\" failed.\n" "Error: %m", uri, err); gdk_threads_leave(); break; } gdk_threads_enter(); err = new_call_window(mod, call) == NULL; gdk_threads_leave(); if (err) { ua_hangup(ua, call, 500, "Server Error"); } break; case MQ_HANGUP: call = data; ua_hangup(ua, call, 0, NULL); break; case MQ_QUIT: ua_stop_all(false); break; case MQ_ANSWER: call = data; err = ua_answer(ua, call); if (err) { gdk_threads_enter(); warning_dialog("Call failed", "Answering the call " "from \"%s\" failed.\n" "Error: %m", call_peername(call), err); gdk_threads_leave(); break; } gdk_threads_enter(); err = new_call_window(mod, call) == NULL; gdk_threads_leave(); if (err) { ua_hangup(ua, call, 500, "Server Error"); } break; case MQ_SELECT_UA: ua = data; uag_current_set(ua); break; } } static void *gtk_thread(void *arg) { struct gtk_mod *mod = arg; GtkMenuShell *app_menu; GtkWidget *item; GError *err = NULL; gdk_threads_init(); gtk_init(0, NULL); g_set_application_name("baresip"); mod->app = g_application_new ("com.creytiv.baresip", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); g_application_register (G_APPLICATION (mod->app), NULL, &err); if (err != NULL) { warning ("Unable to register GApplication: %s", err->message); g_error_free (err); err = NULL; } #ifdef USE_LIBNOTIFY notify_init("baresip"); #endif mod->status_icon = gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name("call-start"); gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text (mod->status_icon, "baresip"); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mod->status_icon), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(status_icon_on_button_press), mod); gtk_status_icon_set_visible(mod->status_icon, TRUE); mod->contacts_inited = false; mod->dial_dialog = NULL; mod->call_windows = NULL; mod->incoming_call_menus = NULL; /* App menu */ mod->app_menu = gtk_menu_new(); app_menu = GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->app_menu); /* Account submenu */ mod->accounts_menu = gtk_menu_new(); mod->accounts_menu_group = NULL; item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Account"); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, item); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(item), mod->accounts_menu); /* Add accounts to submenu */ for (struct le *le = list_head(uag_list()); le; le = le->next) { struct ua *ua = le->data; accounts_menu_add_item(mod, ua); } /* Status submenu */ mod->status_menu = gtk_menu_new(); item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Status"); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(app_menu), item); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(item), mod->status_menu); /* Open */ item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label(NULL, "Open"); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "presence", GINT_TO_POINTER(PRESENCE_OPEN)); g_signal_connect(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_presence_set), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->status_menu), item); gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item), TRUE); /* Closed */ item = gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_MENU_ITEM(item), "Closed"); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "presence", GINT_TO_POINTER(PRESENCE_CLOSED)); g_signal_connect(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_presence_set), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(mod->status_menu), item); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new()); /* Dial */ item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Dial..."); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, item); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_dial), mod); /* Dial contact */ mod->contacts_menu = gtk_menu_new(); item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("Dial _contact"); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, item); gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(item), mod->contacts_menu); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new()); /* About */ item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("A_bout"); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_about), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, item); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, gtk_separator_menu_item_new()); /* Quit */ item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic("_Quit"); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_on_quit), mod); gtk_menu_shell_append(app_menu, item); g_action_map_add_action_entries(G_ACTION_MAP(mod->app), app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS(app_entries), mod); info("gtk_menu starting\n"); uag_event_register( ua_event_handler, mod ); mod->run = true; gtk_main(); mod->run = false; uag_event_unregister(ua_event_handler); if (mod->dial_dialog) { mem_deref(mod->dial_dialog); mod->dial_dialog = NULL; } return NULL; } static void vu_enc_destructor(void *arg) { struct vumeter_enc *st = arg; list_unlink(&st->af.le); } static void vu_dec_destructor(void *arg) { struct vumeter_dec *st = arg; list_unlink(&st->af.le); } static int16_t calc_avg_s16(const int16_t *sampv, size_t sampc) { int32_t v = 0; size_t i; if (!sampv || !sampc) return 0; for (i=0; iavg_rec = calc_avg_s16(sampv, *sampc); vu->started = true; return 0; } static int vu_decode(struct aufilt_dec_st *st, int16_t *sampv, size_t *sampc) { struct vumeter_dec *vu = (struct vumeter_dec *)st; vu->avg_play = calc_avg_s16(sampv, *sampc); vu->started = true; return 0; } static struct aufilt vumeter = { LE_INIT, "gtk_vumeter", vu_encode_update, vu_encode, vu_decode_update, vu_decode }; static int cmd_popup_menu(struct re_printf *pf, void *unused) { (void)pf; (void)unused; mqueue_push(mod_obj.mq, MQ_POPUP, GUINT_TO_POINTER(GDK_CURRENT_TIME)); return 0; } static const struct cmd cmdv[] = { {'G', 0, "Pop up GTK+ menu", cmd_popup_menu }, }; static int module_init(void) { int err = 0; err = mqueue_alloc(&mod_obj.mq, mqueue_handler, &mod_obj); if (err) return err; aufilt_register(&vumeter); #ifdef USE_NOTIFICATIONS err = message_init(message_handler, &mod_obj); if (err) return err; #endif err = cmd_register(cmdv, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdv)); if (err) return err; /* start the thread last */ err = pthread_create(&mod_obj.thread, NULL, gtk_thread, &mod_obj); if (err) return err; return err; } static int module_close(void) { cmd_unregister(cmdv); if (mod_obj.run) { gdk_threads_enter(); gtk_main_quit(); gdk_threads_leave(); } pthread_join(mod_obj.thread, NULL); mem_deref(mod_obj.mq); aufilt_unregister(&vumeter); message_close(); #ifdef USE_LIBNOTIFY if (notify_is_initted()) notify_uninit(); #endif g_slist_free(mod_obj.accounts_menu_group); g_slist_free(mod_obj.call_windows); g_slist_free(mod_obj.incoming_call_menus); uag_event_unregister(ua_event_handler); return 0; } EXPORT_SYM const struct mod_export DECL_EXPORTS(gtk) = { "gtk", "application", module_init, module_close, };