/** * @file quicktime.c Quicktime video-source * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* this module is deprecated, in favour of qtcapture or avcapture */ struct vidsrc_st { const struct vidsrc *vs; /* inheritance */ pthread_t thread; pthread_mutex_t mutex; struct vidsz sz; SeqGrabComponent seq_grab; SGDataUPP upp; SGChannel ch; struct mbuf *buf; struct SwsContext *sws; vidsrc_frame_h *frameh; void *arg; bool run; }; static struct vidsrc *vidsrc; static void destructor(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; if (st->seq_grab) { pthread_mutex_lock(&st->mutex); SGStop(st->seq_grab); pthread_mutex_unlock(&st->mutex); if (st->run) { pthread_join(st->thread, NULL); } if (st->upp) { DisposeSGDataUPP(st->upp); } if (st->ch) { SGDisposeChannel(st->seq_grab, st->ch); } CloseComponent(st->seq_grab); } if (st->sws) sws_freeContext(st->sws); mem_deref(st->buf); } static OSErr frame_handler(SGChannel c, Ptr p, long len, long *offset, long chRefCon, TimeValue timeval, short writeType, long refCon) { struct vidsrc_st *st = (struct vidsrc_st *)refCon; ImageDescriptionHandle imageDesc; AVPicture pict_src, pict_dst; struct vidframe vidframe; ComponentResult result; int i, ret; int new_len; (void)c; (void)p; (void)len; (void)offset; (void)chRefCon; (void)timeval; (void)writeType; (void)refCon; if (!st->buf) { imageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); if (!imageDesc) return noErr; result = SGGetChannelSampleDescription(c,(Handle)imageDesc); if (result != noErr) { warning("quicktime: GetChanSampDesc: %d\n", result); DisposeHandle((Handle)imageDesc); return noErr; } st->sz.w = (*imageDesc)->width; st->sz.h = (*imageDesc)->height; /* buffer size after scaling */ new_len = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_YUV420P, st->sz.w, st->sz.h); #if 1 re_fprintf(stderr, "got frame len=%u (%ux%u) [%s] depth=%u\n", len, st->sz.w, st->sz.h, (*imageDesc)->name, (*imageDesc)->depth); #endif DisposeHandle((Handle)imageDesc); st->buf = mbuf_alloc(new_len); if (!st->buf) return noErr; } if (!st->sws) { st->sws = sws_getContext(st->sz.w, st->sz.h, PIX_FMT_YUYV422, st->sz.w, st->sz.h, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!st->sws) return noErr; } avpicture_fill(&pict_src, (uint8_t *)p, PIX_FMT_YUYV422, st->sz.w, st->sz.h); avpicture_fill(&pict_dst, st->buf->buf, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, st->sz.w, st->sz.h); ret = sws_scale(st->sws, pict_src.data, pict_src.linesize, 0, st->sz.h, pict_dst.data, pict_dst.linesize); if (ret <= 0) { re_fprintf(stderr, "scale: sws_scale: returned %d\n", ret); return noErr; } for (i=0; i<4; i++) { vidframe.data[i] = pict_dst.data[i]; vidframe.linesize[i] = pict_dst.linesize[i]; } vidframe.size = st->sz; vidframe.valid = true; st->frameh(&vidframe, st->arg); return noErr; } static void *read_thread(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; ComponentResult result; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&st->mutex); result = SGIdle(st->seq_grab); pthread_mutex_unlock(&st->mutex); if (result != noErr) break; usleep(10000); } return NULL; } static int alloc(struct vidsrc_st **stp, const struct vidsrc *vs, struct media_ctx **ctx, struct vidsrc_prm *prm, const char *fmt, const char *dev, vidsrc_frame_h *frameh, vidsrc_error_h *errorh, void *arg) { ComponentResult result; Rect rect; struct vidsrc_st *st; int err; (void)ctx; (void)fmt; (void)dev; (void)errorh; st = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*st), destructor); if (!st) return ENOMEM; st->vs = vs; st->frameh = frameh; st->arg = arg; err = pthread_mutex_init(&st->mutex, NULL); if (err) { re_fprintf(stderr, "mutex error: %s\n", strerror(err)); goto out; } st->seq_grab = OpenDefaultComponent(SeqGrabComponentType, 0); if (!st->seq_grab) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open component\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } result = SGInitialize(st->seq_grab); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize sequence grabber\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } result = SGSetGWorld(st->seq_grab, NULL, NULL); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set gworld\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } result = SGSetDataRef(st->seq_grab, 0, 0, seqGrabDontMakeMovie); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set data ref\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } result = SGNewChannel(st->seq_grab, VideoMediaType, &st->ch); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate channel (result=%d)\n", result); err = ENOMEM; goto out; } /* XXX: check flags */ result = SGSetChannelUsage(st->ch, seqGrabRecord | seqGrabLowLatencyCapture); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set channel usage\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } rect.top = 0; rect.left = 0; rect.bottom = prm->size.h; rect.right = prm->size.w; result = SGSetChannelBounds(st->ch, &rect); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set channel bounds\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } st->upp = NewSGDataUPP(frame_handler); if (!st->upp) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate data upp\n"); err = ENOMEM; goto out; } result = SGSetDataProc(st->seq_grab, st->upp, (long)st); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to sg callback\n"); err = ENODEV; goto out; } result = SGStartRecord(st->seq_grab); if (result != noErr) { re_fprintf(stderr, "Unable to start record: %d\n", result); err = ENODEV; goto out; } err = pthread_create(&st->thread, NULL, read_thread, st); if (err) { re_fprintf(stderr, "thread error: %s\n", strerror(err)); goto out; } st->run = true; out: if (err) mem_deref(st); else *stp = st; return err; } static int qt_init(void) { return vidsrc_register(&vidsrc, baresip_vidsrcl(), "quicktime", alloc, NULL); } static int qt_close(void) { vidsrc = mem_deref(vidsrc); return 0; } EXPORT_SYM const struct mod_export DECL_EXPORTS(quicktime) = { "quicktime", "videosrc", qt_init, qt_close };