/** * @file v4l.c Video4Linux video-source * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1 #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ /* needed for RHEL4 kernel 2.6.9 */ #include #include #include #include #include /** * @defgroup v4l v4l * * Video4Linux video-source module */ struct vidsrc_st { const struct vidsrc *vs; /* inheritance */ int fd; pthread_t thread; bool run; struct vidsz size; struct mbuf *mb; enum vidfmt fmt; vidsrc_frame_h *frameh; void *arg; }; static struct vidsrc *vidsrc; static void v4l_get_caps(struct vidsrc_st *st) { struct video_capability caps; if (-1 == ioctl(st->fd, VIDIOCGCAP, &caps)) { warning("v4l: VIDIOCGCAP: %m\n", errno); return; } info("v4l: video: \"%s\" (%ux%u) - (%ux%u)\n", caps.name, caps.minwidth, caps.minheight, caps.maxwidth, caps.maxheight); if (VID_TYPE_CAPTURE != caps.type) { warning("v4l: not a capture device (%d)\n", caps.type); } } static int v4l_check_palette(struct vidsrc_st *st) { struct video_picture pic; if (-1 == ioctl(st->fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &pic)) { warning("v4l: VIDIOCGPICT: %m\n", errno); return errno; } switch (pic.palette) { case VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24: st->fmt = VID_FMT_RGB32; break; case VIDEO_PALETTE_YUYV: st->fmt = VID_FMT_YUYV422; break; default: warning("v4l: unsupported palette %d\n", pic.palette); return ENODEV; } info("v4l: pixel format is %s\n", vidfmt_name(st->fmt)); return 0; } static int v4l_get_win(int fd, int width, int height) { struct video_window win; if (-1 == ioctl(fd, VIDIOCGWIN, &win)) { warning("v4l: VIDIOCGWIN: %m\n", errno); return errno; } info("v4l: video window: x,y=%u,%u (%u x %u)\n", win.x, win.y, win.width, win.height); win.width = width; win.height = height; if (-1 == ioctl(fd, VIDIOCSWIN, &win)) { warning("v4l: VIDIOCSWIN: %m\n", errno); return errno; } return 0; } static void call_frame_handler(struct vidsrc_st *st, uint8_t *buf) { struct vidframe frame; vidframe_init_buf(&frame, st->fmt, &st->size, buf); st->frameh(&frame, st->arg); } static void *read_thread(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; while (st->run) { ssize_t n; n = read(st->fd, st->mb->buf, st->mb->size); if ((ssize_t)st->mb->size != n) { warning("v4l: video read: %d -> %d bytes\n", st->mb->size, n); continue; } call_frame_handler(st, st->mb->buf); } return NULL; } static int vd_open(struct vidsrc_st *v4l, const char *device) { /* NOTE: with kernel 2.6.26 it takes ~2 seconds to open * the video device. */ v4l->fd = open(device, O_RDWR); if (v4l->fd < 0) { warning("v4l: open %s: %m\n", device, errno); return errno; } return 0; } static void destructor(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; if (st->run) { st->run = false; pthread_join(st->thread, NULL); } if (st->fd >= 0) close(st->fd); mem_deref(st->mb); } static int alloc(struct vidsrc_st **stp, const struct vidsrc *vs, struct media_ctx **ctx, struct vidsrc_prm *prm, const struct vidsz *size, const char *fmt, const char *dev, vidsrc_frame_h *frameh, vidsrc_error_h *errorh, void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st; int err; (void)ctx; (void)prm; (void)fmt; (void)errorh; if (!stp || !size || !frameh) return EINVAL; if (!str_isset(dev)) dev = "/dev/video0"; st = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*st), destructor); if (!st) return ENOMEM; st->vs = vs; st->fd = -1; st->size = *size; st->frameh = frameh; st->arg = arg; info("v4l: open: %s (%u x %u)\n", dev, size->w, size->h); err = vd_open(st, dev); if (err) goto out; v4l_get_caps(st); err = v4l_check_palette(st); if (err) goto out; err = v4l_get_win(st->fd, st->size.w, st->size.h); if (err) goto out; /* allocate buffer for the picture */ st->mb = mbuf_alloc(vidframe_size(st->fmt, &st->size)); if (!st->mb) { err = ENOMEM; goto out; } st->run = true; err = pthread_create(&st->thread, NULL, read_thread, st); if (err) { st->run = false; goto out; } out: if (err) mem_deref(st); else *stp = st; return err; } static int v4l_init(void) { return vidsrc_register(&vidsrc, baresip_vidsrcl(), "v4l", alloc, NULL); } static int v4l_close(void) { vidsrc = mem_deref(vidsrc); return 0; } EXPORT_SYM const struct mod_export DECL_EXPORTS(v4l) = { "v4l", "vidsrc", v4l_init, v4l_close };