/** * @file panel.c Video-info filter -- panel * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Creytiv.com */ #include #include #include #include "vidinfo.h" static void rrd_append(struct panel *panel, uint64_t val) { if (!panel) return; panel->rrdv[panel->rrdc++] = val; panel->rrd_sum += val; if (panel->rrdc >= panel->rrdsz) { panel->rrdc = 0; panel->rrd_sum = 0; } } static int rrd_get_average(struct panel *panel, uint64_t *average) { if (!panel->rrdc) return ENOENT; *average = panel->rrd_sum / panel->rrdc; return 0; } static void tmr_handler(void *arg) { struct panel *panel = arg; uint64_t now = tmr_jiffies(); tmr_start(&panel->tmr, 2000, tmr_handler, panel); if (panel->ts) { panel->fps = 1000.0 * panel->nframes / (now - panel->ts); } panel->nframes = 0; panel->ts = now; } static void destructor(void *arg) { struct panel *panel = arg; tmr_cancel(&panel->tmr); mem_deref(panel->label); mem_deref(panel->rrdv); if (panel->cr) cairo_destroy(panel->cr); if (panel->surface) cairo_surface_destroy(panel->surface); } int panel_alloc(struct panel **panelp, const char *label, unsigned yoffs, int width, int height) { struct panel *panel; int err; if (!panelp || !width || !height) return EINVAL; panel = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*panel), destructor); if (!panel) return ENOMEM; err = str_dup(&panel->label, label); if (err) goto out; panel->size.w = width; panel->size.h = height; panel->yoffs = yoffs; panel->xoffs = TEXT_WIDTH; panel->size_text.w = TEXT_WIDTH; panel->size_text.h = height; panel->surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, panel->size_text.w, panel->size_text.h); panel->cr = cairo_create(panel->surface); if (!panel->surface || !panel->cr) { warning("vidinfo: cairo error\n"); return ENOMEM; } cairo_select_font_face (panel->cr, "Hyperfont", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size (panel->cr, height-2); panel->rrdc = 0; panel->rrdsz = (width - TEXT_WIDTH) / 2; panel->rrdv = mem_reallocarray(NULL, panel->rrdsz, sizeof(*panel->rrdv), NULL); if (!panel->rrdv) { err = ENOMEM; goto out; } tmr_start(&panel->tmr, 0, tmr_handler, panel); info("new panel '%s' (%u x %u) with RRD size %u\n", label, width, height, panel->rrdsz); out: if (err) mem_deref(panel); else *panelp = panel; return err; } static void overlay(struct vidframe *dst, unsigned yoffs, struct vidframe *src) { uint8_t *pdst, *psrc; unsigned x, y; pdst = dst->data[0] + yoffs * dst->linesize[0]; psrc = src->data[0]; for (y=0; ysize.h; y++) { for (x=0; xsize.w; x++) { /* copy the luma component if visible */ if (psrc[x] > 16) pdst[x] = psrc[x]; } pdst += dst->linesize[0]; psrc += src->linesize[0]; } } static int draw_text(struct panel *panel, struct vidframe *frame) { char buf[256]; int width = panel->size_text.w; int height = panel->size_text.h; struct vidframe f; struct vidframe *f2 = NULL; cairo_t *cr = panel->cr; double tx, ty; int err; tx = 1; ty = height - 3; /* draw background */ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_fill (cr); /* Draw text */ if (re_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %2.2f fps", panel->label, panel->fps) < 0) return ENOMEM; cairo_move_to (cr, tx, ty); cairo_text_path (cr, buf); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); cairo_fill_preserve (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.6); cairo_stroke (cr); vidframe_init_buf(&f, VID_FMT_RGB32, &panel->size_text, cairo_image_surface_get_data(panel->surface)); err = vidframe_alloc(&f2, frame->fmt, &panel->size_text); if (err) goto out; vidconv(f2, &f, 0); overlay(frame, panel->yoffs, f2); out: mem_deref(f2); return err; } static void dim_frame(struct vidframe *frame, unsigned yoffs, unsigned height) { unsigned x, y; uint8_t *p; bool lower = (yoffs > 0); double grade = lower ? 1.00 : (1.00 - PANEL_HEIGHT/100.0); p = frame->data[0] + yoffs * frame->linesize[0]; /* first dim the background */ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < frame->size.w; x++) { p[x] = p[x] * grade; } p += frame->linesize[0]; if (lower) grade -= 0.01; else grade += 0.01; } } static void draw_graph(struct panel *panel, struct vidframe *frame) { uint64_t avg; unsigned y0 = panel->yoffs; size_t i; if (rrd_get_average(panel, &avg)) return; for (i=0; irrdc; i++) { uint64_t value; double ratio; unsigned pixels; unsigned x = panel->xoffs + (unsigned)i * 2; unsigned y; value = panel->rrdv[i]; ratio = (double)value / (double)avg; pixels = (unsigned)((double)panel->size.h * ratio * 0.5f); pixels = min(pixels, panel->size.h); y = y0 + panel->size.h - pixels; vidframe_draw_vline(frame, x, y, pixels, 220, 220, 220); } } int panel_draw(struct panel *panel, struct vidframe *frame) { int err; if (!panel || !frame) return EINVAL; dim_frame(frame, panel->yoffs, panel->size.h); err = draw_text(panel, frame); if (err) return err; draw_graph(panel, frame); return 0; } void panel_add_frame(struct panel *panel, uint64_t pts) { if (!panel) return; if (panel->pts_prev) { rrd_append(panel, pts - panel->pts_prev); } panel->nframes++; panel->pts_prev = pts; }