/** * @file x11grab.c X11 grabbing video-source * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1 #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 #include #ifndef SOLARIS #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 1 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @defgroup x11grab x11grab * * X11 window-grabbing video-source module * * * XXX: add option to select a specific X window and x,y offset */ struct vidsrc_st { const struct vidsrc *vs; /* inheritance */ Display *disp; XImage *image; pthread_t thread; bool run; int fps; struct vidsz size; enum vidfmt pixfmt; vidsrc_frame_h *frameh; void *arg; }; static struct vidsrc *vidsrc; static int x11grab_open(struct vidsrc_st *st, const struct vidsz *sz) { int x = 0, y = 0; st->disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!st->disp) { warning("x11grab: error opening display\n"); return ENODEV; } st->image = XGetImage(st->disp, RootWindow(st->disp, DefaultScreen(st->disp)), x, y, sz->w, sz->h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); if (!st->image) { warning("x11grab: error creating Ximage\n"); return ENODEV; } switch (st->image->bits_per_pixel) { case 32: st->pixfmt = VID_FMT_RGB32; break; case 16: st->pixfmt = (st->image->green_mask == 0x7e0) ? VID_FMT_RGB565 : VID_FMT_RGB555; break; default: warning("x11grab: not supported: bpp=%d\n", st->image->bits_per_pixel); return ENOSYS; } return 0; } static inline uint8_t *x11grab_read(struct vidsrc_st *st) { const int x = 0, y = 0; XImage *im; im = XGetSubImage(st->disp, RootWindow(st->disp, DefaultScreen(st->disp)), x, y, st->size.w, st->size.h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap, st->image, 0, 0); if (!im) return NULL; return (uint8_t *)st->image->data; } static void call_frame_handler(struct vidsrc_st *st, uint8_t *buf) { struct vidframe frame; vidframe_init_buf(&frame, st->pixfmt, &st->size, buf); st->frameh(&frame, st->arg); } static void *read_thread(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; uint64_t ts = tmr_jiffies(); uint8_t *buf; while (st->run) { if (tmr_jiffies() < ts) { sys_msleep(4); continue; } buf = x11grab_read(st); if (!buf) continue; ts += (1000/st->fps); call_frame_handler(st, buf); } return NULL; } static void destructor(void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st = arg; if (st->run) { st->run = false; pthread_join(st->thread, NULL); } if (st->image) XDestroyImage(st->image); if (st->disp) XCloseDisplay(st->disp); } static int alloc(struct vidsrc_st **stp, const struct vidsrc *vs, struct media_ctx **ctx, struct vidsrc_prm *prm, const struct vidsz *size, const char *fmt, const char *dev, vidsrc_frame_h *frameh, vidsrc_error_h *errorh, void *arg) { struct vidsrc_st *st; int err; (void)ctx; (void)fmt; (void)dev; (void)errorh; if (!stp || !prm || !size || !frameh) return EINVAL; st = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*st), destructor); if (!st) return ENOMEM; st->vs = vs; st->size = *size; st->fps = prm->fps; st->frameh = frameh; st->arg = arg; err = x11grab_open(st, size); if (err) goto out; st->run = true; err = pthread_create(&st->thread, NULL, read_thread, st); if (err) { st->run = false; goto out; } out: if (err) mem_deref(st); else *stp = st; return err; } static int x11grab_init(void) { return vidsrc_register(&vidsrc, baresip_vidsrcl(), "x11grab", alloc, NULL); } static int x11grab_close(void) { vidsrc = mem_deref(vidsrc); return 0; } EXPORT_SYM const struct mod_export DECL_EXPORTS(x11grab) = { "x11grab", "vidsrc", x11grab_init, x11grab_close };