/** * @file src/account.c User-Agent account * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #include #include #include #include "core.h" enum { REG_INTERVAL = 3600, }; static void destructor(void *arg) { struct account *acc = arg; size_t i; list_clear(&acc->aucodecl); list_clear(&acc->vidcodecl); mem_deref(acc->auth_user); mem_deref(acc->auth_pass); for (i=0; ioutbound); i++) mem_deref(acc->outbound[i]); mem_deref(acc->regq); mem_deref(acc->rtpkeep); mem_deref(acc->sipnat); mem_deref(acc->stun_user); mem_deref(acc->stun_pass); mem_deref(acc->stun_host); mem_deref(acc->mnatid); mem_deref(acc->mencid); mem_deref(acc->aor); mem_deref(acc->dispname); mem_deref(acc->buf); } static int param_dstr(char **dstr, const struct pl *params, const char *name) { struct pl pl; if (msg_param_decode(params, name, &pl)) return 0; return pl_strdup(dstr, &pl); } static int param_u32(uint32_t *v, const struct pl *params, const char *name) { struct pl pl; if (msg_param_decode(params, name, &pl)) return 0; *v = pl_u32(&pl); return 0; } static int stunsrv_decode(struct account *acc, const struct sip_addr *aor) { struct pl srv; struct uri uri; int err; if (!acc || !aor) return EINVAL; memset(&uri, 0, sizeof(uri)); if (0 == msg_param_decode(&aor->params, "stunserver", &srv)) { info("using stunserver: '%r'\n", &srv); err = uri_decode(&uri, &srv); if (err) { warning("account: %r: decode failed: %m\n", &srv, err); memset(&uri, 0, sizeof(uri)); } if (0 != pl_strcasecmp(&uri.scheme, "stun")) { warning("account: unknown scheme: %r\n", &uri.scheme); return EINVAL; } } err = 0; if (pl_isset(&uri.user)) err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_user, &uri.user); else err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_user, &aor->uri.user); if (pl_isset(&uri.password)) err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_pass, &uri.password); else err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_pass, &aor->uri.password); if (pl_isset(&uri.host)) err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_host, &uri.host); else err |= pl_strdup(&acc->stun_host, &aor->uri.host); acc->stun_port = uri.port; return err; } /** Decode media parameters */ static int media_decode(struct account *acc, const struct pl *prm) { int err = 0; if (!acc || !prm) return EINVAL; err |= param_dstr(&acc->mencid, prm, "mediaenc"); err |= param_dstr(&acc->mnatid, prm, "medianat"); err |= param_dstr(&acc->rtpkeep, prm, "rtpkeep" ); err |= param_u32(&acc->ptime, prm, "ptime" ); return err; } /* Decode answermode parameter */ static void answermode_decode(struct account *prm, const struct pl *pl) { struct pl amode; if (0 == msg_param_decode(pl, "answermode", &amode)) { if (0 == pl_strcasecmp(&amode, "manual")) { prm->answermode = ANSWERMODE_MANUAL; } else if (0 == pl_strcasecmp(&amode, "early")) { prm->answermode = ANSWERMODE_EARLY; } else if (0 == pl_strcasecmp(&amode, "auto")) { prm->answermode = ANSWERMODE_AUTO; } else { warning("account: answermode unknown (%r)\n", &amode); prm->answermode = ANSWERMODE_MANUAL; } } } static int csl_parse(struct pl *pl, char *str, size_t sz) { struct pl ws = PL_INIT, val, ws2 = PL_INIT, cma = PL_INIT; int err; err = re_regex(pl->p, pl->l, "[ \t]*[^, \t]+[ \t]*[,]*", &ws, &val, &ws2, &cma); if (err) return err; pl_advance(pl, ws.l + val.l + ws2.l + cma.l); (void)pl_strcpy(&val, str, sz); return 0; } static int audio_codecs_decode(struct account *acc, const struct pl *prm) { struct pl tmp; if (!acc || !prm) return EINVAL; list_init(&acc->aucodecl); if (0 == msg_param_exists(prm, "audio_codecs", &tmp)) { struct pl acs; char cname[64]; unsigned i = 0; if (msg_param_decode(prm, "audio_codecs", &acs)) return 0; while (0 == csl_parse(&acs, cname, sizeof(cname))) { struct aucodec *ac; struct pl pl_cname, pl_srate, pl_ch = PL_INIT; uint32_t srate = 8000; uint8_t ch = 1; /* Format: "codec/srate/ch" */ if (0 == re_regex(cname, str_len(cname), "[^/]+/[0-9]+[/]*[0-9]*", &pl_cname, &pl_srate, NULL, &pl_ch)) { (void)pl_strcpy(&pl_cname, cname, sizeof(cname)); srate = pl_u32(&pl_srate); if (pl_isset(&pl_ch)) ch = pl_u32(&pl_ch); } ac = (struct aucodec *)aucodec_find(cname, srate, ch); if (!ac) { warning("account: audio codec not found:" " %s/%u/%d\n", cname, srate, ch); continue; } /* NOTE: static list with references to aucodec */ list_append(&acc->aucodecl, &acc->acv[i++], ac); if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(acc->acv)) break; } } return 0; } #ifdef USE_VIDEO static int video_codecs_decode(struct account *acc, const struct pl *prm) { struct pl tmp; if (!acc || !prm) return EINVAL; list_init(&acc->vidcodecl); if (0 == msg_param_exists(prm, "video_codecs", &tmp)) { struct pl vcs; char cname[64]; unsigned i = 0; if (msg_param_decode(prm, "video_codecs", &vcs)) return 0; while (0 == csl_parse(&vcs, cname, sizeof(cname))) { struct vidcodec *vc; vc = (struct vidcodec *)vidcodec_find(cname, NULL); if (!vc) { warning("account: video codec not found: %s\n", cname); continue; } /* NOTE: static list with references to vidcodec */ list_append(&acc->vidcodecl, &acc->vcv[i++], vc); if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(acc->vcv)) break; } } return 0; } #endif static int sip_params_decode(struct account *acc, const struct sip_addr *aor) { struct pl auth_user; size_t i; int err = 0; if (!acc || !aor) return EINVAL; acc->regint = REG_INTERVAL + (rand_u32()&0xff); err |= param_u32(&acc->regint, &aor->params, "regint"); err |= param_dstr(&acc->regq, &aor->params, "regq"); for (i=0; ioutbound); i++) { char expr[16] = "outbound"; expr[8] = i + 1 + 0x30; expr[9] = '\0'; err |= param_dstr(&acc->outbound[i], &aor->params, expr); } /* backwards compat */ if (!acc->outbound[0]) { err |= param_dstr(&acc->outbound[0], &aor->params, "outbound"); } err |= param_dstr(&acc->sipnat, &aor->params, "sipnat"); if (0 == msg_param_decode(&aor->params, "auth_user", &auth_user)) err |= pl_strdup(&acc->auth_user, &auth_user); else err |= pl_strdup(&acc->auth_user, &aor->uri.user); if (pl_isset(&aor->dname)) err |= pl_strdup(&acc->dispname, &aor->dname); return err; } static int encode_uri_user(struct re_printf *pf, const struct uri *uri) { struct uri uuri = *uri; uuri.password = uuri.params = uuri.headers = pl_null; return uri_encode(pf, &uuri); } static int password_prompt(struct account *acc) { char pwd[64]; char *nl; int err; (void)re_printf("Please enter password for %r@%r: ", &acc->luri.user, &acc->luri.host); /* note: blocking UI call */ fgets(pwd, sizeof(pwd), stdin); pwd[sizeof(pwd) - 1] = '\0'; nl = strchr(pwd, '\n'); if (nl == NULL) { (void)re_printf("Invalid password (0 - 63 characters" " followed by newline)\n"); return EINVAL; } *nl = '\0'; err = str_dup(&acc->auth_pass, pwd); if (err) return err; return 0; } int account_alloc(struct account **accp, const char *sipaddr) { struct account *acc; struct pl pl; int err = 0; if (!accp || !sipaddr) return EINVAL; acc = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*acc), destructor); if (!acc) return ENOMEM; err = str_dup(&acc->buf, sipaddr); if (err) goto out; pl_set_str(&pl, acc->buf); err = sip_addr_decode(&acc->laddr, &pl); if (err) { warning("account: invalid SIP address: `%r'\n", &pl); goto out; } acc->luri = acc->laddr.uri; acc->luri.password = pl_null; err = re_sdprintf(&acc->aor, "%H", encode_uri_user, &acc->luri); if (err) goto out; /* Decode parameters */ acc->ptime = 20; err |= sip_params_decode(acc, &acc->laddr); answermode_decode(acc, &acc->laddr.params); err |= audio_codecs_decode(acc, &acc->laddr.params); #ifdef USE_VIDEO err |= video_codecs_decode(acc, &acc->laddr.params); #endif err |= media_decode(acc, &acc->laddr.params); if (err) goto out; /* optional password prompt */ if (!pl_isset(&acc->laddr.uri.password)) { err = password_prompt(acc); if (err) goto out; } else { err = pl_strdup(&acc->auth_pass, &acc->laddr.uri.password); if (err) goto out; } if (acc->mnatid) { err = stunsrv_decode(acc, &acc->laddr); if (err) goto out; acc->mnat = mnat_find(acc->mnatid); if (!acc->mnat) { warning("account: medianat not found: %s\n", acc->mnatid); } } if (acc->mencid) { acc->menc = menc_find(acc->mencid); if (!acc->menc) { warning("account: mediaenc not found: %s\n", acc->mencid); } } out: if (err) mem_deref(acc); else *accp = acc; return err; } /** * Sets the displayed name. Pass null in dname to disable display name * * @param acc User-Agent account * @param dname Display name (NULL to disable) * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int account_set_display_name(struct account *acc, const char *dname) { if (!acc) return EINVAL; acc->dispname = mem_deref(acc->dispname); if (dname) return str_dup(&acc->dispname, dname); return 0; } /** * Authenticate a User-Agent (UA) * * @param acc User-Agent account * @param username Pointer to allocated username string * @param password Pointer to allocated password string * @param realm Realm string * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int account_auth(const struct account *acc, char **username, char **password, const char *realm) { if (!acc) return EINVAL; (void)realm; *username = mem_ref(acc->auth_user); *password = mem_ref(acc->auth_pass); return 0; } struct list *account_aucodecl(const struct account *acc) { return (acc && !list_isempty(&acc->aucodecl)) ? (struct list *)&acc->aucodecl : aucodec_list(); } #ifdef USE_VIDEO struct list *account_vidcodecl(const struct account *acc) { return (acc && !list_isempty(&acc->vidcodecl)) ? (struct list *)&acc->vidcodecl : vidcodec_list(); } #endif struct sip_addr *account_laddr(const struct account *acc) { return acc ? (struct sip_addr *)&acc->laddr : NULL; } uint32_t account_regint(const struct account *acc) { return acc ? acc->regint : 0; } static const char *answermode_str(enum answermode mode) { switch (mode) { case ANSWERMODE_MANUAL: return "manual"; case ANSWERMODE_EARLY: return "early"; case ANSWERMODE_AUTO: return "auto"; default: return "???"; } } int account_debug(struct re_printf *pf, const struct account *acc) { struct le *le; size_t i; int err = 0; if (!acc) return 0; err |= re_hprintf(pf, "\nAccount:\n"); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " address: %s\n", acc->buf); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " luri: %H\n", uri_encode, &acc->luri); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " aor: %s\n", acc->aor); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " dispname: %s\n", acc->dispname); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " answermode: %s\n", answermode_str(acc->answermode)); if (!list_isempty(&acc->aucodecl)) { err |= re_hprintf(pf, " audio_codecs:"); for (le = list_head(&acc->aucodecl); le; le = le->next) { const struct aucodec *ac = le->data; err |= re_hprintf(pf, " %s/%u/%u", ac->name, ac->srate, ac->ch); } err |= re_hprintf(pf, "\n"); } err |= re_hprintf(pf, " auth_user: %s\n", acc->auth_user); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " mediaenc: %s\n", acc->mencid ? acc->mencid : "none"); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " medianat: %s\n", acc->mnatid ? acc->mnatid : "none"); for (i=0; ioutbound); i++) { if (acc->outbound[i]) { err |= re_hprintf(pf, " outbound%d: %s\n", i+1, acc->outbound[i]); } } err |= re_hprintf(pf, " ptime: %u\n", acc->ptime); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " regint: %u\n", acc->regint); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " regq: %s\n", acc->regq); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " rtpkeep: %s\n", acc->rtpkeep); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " sipnat: %s\n", acc->sipnat); err |= re_hprintf(pf, " stunserver: stun:%s@%s:%u\n", acc->stun_user, acc->stun_host, acc->stun_port); if (!list_isempty(&acc->vidcodecl)) { err |= re_hprintf(pf, " video_codecs:"); for (le = list_head(&acc->vidcodecl); le; le = le->next) { const struct vidcodec *vc = le->data; err |= re_hprintf(pf, " %s", vc->name); } err |= re_hprintf(pf, "\n"); } return err; }