/** * @file src/play.c Audio-file player * * Copyright (C) 2010 Creytiv.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "core.h" enum {SILENCE_DUR = 2000, PTIME = 40}; /** Audio file player */ struct play { struct le le; struct play **playp; struct lock *lock; struct mbuf *mb; struct auplay_st *auplay; struct tmr tmr; int repeat; bool eof; }; #ifndef PREFIX #define PREFIX "/usr" #endif static char play_path[256] = PREFIX "/share/baresip"; static struct list playl; static void tmr_polling(void *arg); static void tmr_stop(void *arg) { struct play *play = arg; mem_deref(play); } static void tmr_repeat(void *arg) { struct play *play = arg; lock_write_get(play->lock); play->mb->pos = 0; play->eof = false; tmr_start(&play->tmr, 1000, tmr_polling, arg); lock_rel(play->lock); } static void tmr_polling(void *arg) { struct play *play = arg; lock_write_get(play->lock); tmr_start(&play->tmr, 1000, tmr_polling, arg); if (play->eof) { if (play->repeat > 0) play->repeat--; if (play->repeat == 0) tmr_start(&play->tmr, 1, tmr_stop, arg); else tmr_start(&play->tmr, SILENCE_DUR, tmr_repeat, arg); } lock_rel(play->lock); } /** * NOTE: DSP cannot be destroyed inside handler */ static bool write_handler(uint8_t *buf, size_t sz, void *arg) { struct play *play = arg; lock_write_get(play->lock); if (play->eof) goto silence; if (mbuf_get_left(play->mb) < sz) { memset(buf, 0, sz); (void)mbuf_read_mem(play->mb, buf, mbuf_get_left(play->mb)); play->eof = true; } else { (void)mbuf_read_mem(play->mb, buf, sz); } silence: if (play->eof) memset(buf, 0, sz); lock_rel(play->lock); return true; } static void destructor(void *arg) { struct play *play = arg; list_unlink(&play->le); tmr_cancel(&play->tmr); lock_write_get(play->lock); play->eof = true; lock_rel(play->lock); mem_deref(play->auplay); mem_deref(play->mb); mem_deref(play->lock); if (play->playp) *play->playp = NULL; } static int aufile_load(struct mbuf *mb, const char *filename, uint32_t *srate, uint8_t *channels) { struct aufile_prm prm; struct aufile *af; int err; err = aufile_open(&af, &prm, filename, AUFILE_READ); if (err) return err; while (!err) { uint8_t buf[4096]; size_t i, n; int16_t *p = (void *)buf; n = sizeof(buf); err = aufile_read(af, buf, &n); if (err || !n) break; switch (prm.fmt) { case AUFMT_S16LE: /* convert from Little-Endian to Native-Endian */ for (i=0; ipos = 0; *srate = prm.srate; *channels = prm.channels; } return err; } /** * Play a tone from a PCM buffer * * @param playp Pointer to allocated player object * @param tone PCM buffer to play * @param srate Sampling rate * @param ch Number of channels * @param repeat Number of times to repeat * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int play_tone(struct play **playp, struct mbuf *tone, uint32_t srate, uint8_t ch, int repeat) { struct auplay_prm wprm; struct play *play; struct config *cfg; int err; if (playp && *playp) return EALREADY; cfg = conf_config(); if (!cfg) return ENOENT; play = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*play), destructor); if (!play) return ENOMEM; tmr_init(&play->tmr); play->repeat = repeat; play->mb = mem_ref(tone); err = lock_alloc(&play->lock); if (err) goto out; wprm.fmt = AUFMT_S16LE; wprm.ch = ch; wprm.srate = srate; wprm.ptime = PTIME; err = auplay_alloc(&play->auplay, cfg->audio.alert_mod, &wprm, cfg->audio.alert_dev, write_handler, play); if (err) goto out; list_append(&playl, &play->le, play); tmr_start(&play->tmr, 1000, tmr_polling, play); out: if (err) { mem_deref(play); } else if (playp) { play->playp = playp; *playp = play; } return err; } /** * Play an audio file in WAV format * * @param playp Pointer to allocated player object * @param filename Name of WAV file to play * @param repeat Number of times to repeat * * @return 0 if success, otherwise errorcode */ int play_file(struct play **playp, const char *filename, int repeat) { struct mbuf *mb; char path[512]; uint32_t srate; uint8_t ch; int err; if (playp && *playp) return EALREADY; if (re_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", play_path, filename) < 0) return ENOMEM; mb = mbuf_alloc(1024); if (!mb) return ENOMEM; err = aufile_load(mb, path, &srate, &ch); if (err) { warning("play: %s: %m\n", path, err); goto out; } err = play_tone(playp, mb, srate, ch, repeat); out: mem_deref(mb); return err; } void play_init(void) { list_init(&playl); } /** * Close all active audio players */ void play_close(void) { list_flush(&playl); } void play_set_path(const char *path) { str_ncpy(play_path, path, sizeof(play_path)); }