path: root/lisp
diff options
authorDidier Verna <>2001-01-08 15:34:16 +0000
committerDidier Verna <>2001-01-08 15:34:16 +0000
commita38215651b0b430c786a59e260831facd40ffd76 (patch)
tree2bbb02b9a53c3be57bd8628dd6f9ee02648b27fc /lisp
parent6dabd2174518b72cdd87c17a7b9a2ca3667d21c2 (diff)
new files for autoconf support
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/ b/lisp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39dcb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+EMACS = @EMACS@ -no-site-file -no-init-file
+# this is lovely, isn't it? Surprisingly enough, it seems to work...
+VM = -eval '(progn (if (not (string-match "$(VMDIR)" "")) \
+ (setq load-path (cons "$(VMDIR)" load-path))) \
+ (if (load "vm-version" t) \
+ (cond ((> (string-to-number vm-version) 5.31) \
+ (load "vm")) \
+ (t (load "vm-vars") (load "vm")))))'
+GNUS = -eval '(if (not (string-match "$(GNUSDIR)" "")) \
+ (setq load-path (cons "$(GNUSDIR)" load-path)))'
+MHE = -eval '(progn (if (not (string-match "$(MHEDIR)" "")) \
+ (setq load-path (cons "$(MHEDIR)" load-path))) \
+ (load "mh-e"))'
+# This is hideous and sick, but FSF 19.34 doesn't ship with split, and we
+# can't load bbdb.el to get bbdb-split because we have to put OTHERDIRS
+# at the front of the load-path before loading bbdb.el. This makes my
+# head hurt.
+PUSHPATH= -eval "`\
+ dir=\". $(OTHERDIRS)\"; \
+ echo \(setq load-path \(append \(list ; \
+ for i in $$dir ; do \
+ echo \\"$$i\\"\ ; \
+ done ;\
+ echo \) load-path\)\) ; \
+ `"
+# @echo $(PUSHPATH)
+# echo
+# $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -eval '(message (prin1-to-string load-path))'
+#-eval '(setq load-path \
+# (append (bbdb-split (if (/= 0 (length "$(OTHERDIRS)")) \
+# (concat ". " "$(OTHERDIRS)") \
+# ".") " ") \
+# load-path))'
+.SUFFIXES: .elc .el .tar .Z .gz .uu
+DEPSRCS= bbdb-com.el bbdb-hooks.el bbdb-gnus.el bbdb-mhe.el \
+ bbdb-rmail.el bbdb-vm.el bbdb-ftp.el bbdb-whois.el \
+ bbdb-xemacs.el bbdb-print.el bbdb-srv.el bbdb-reportmail.el \
+ bbdb-merge.el bbdb-migrate.el
+DEPBINS= ${DEPSRCS:.el=.elc}
+SRCS= bbdb.el $(DEPSRCS)
+BINS= bbdb.elc $(DEPBINS)
+all: rmail gnus vm mhe bbdb info autoloads
+bbdb-autoloads.el: $(DEPSRCS)
+ @rm -f $@;
+ @echo " " > $@;
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q -l autoload \
+ --eval '(setq generated-autoload-file "'`pwd`'/$@")' \
+ --eval "(if (featurep 'xemacs) (delete-file generated-autoload-file))" \
+ --eval '(setq make-backup-files nil)' \
+ --eval '(setq autoload-package-name "bbdb")' \
+ -f batch-update-autoloads `pwd`
+bbdb-autoloads.elc: bbdb-autoloads.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q -f batch-byte-compile ./$^
+bbdb.elc: bbdb.el
+bbdb-com.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-com.el
+bbdb-ftp.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-ftp.el
+bbdb-merge.elc: bbdb-merge.el
+bbdb-migrate.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-migrate.el
+bbdb-print.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-print.el
+bbdb-snarf.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-snarf.el
+bbdb-whois.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-whois.el
+bbdb-w3.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-w3.el
+bbdb-xemacs.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-xemacs.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc -f batch-byte-compile $<
+bbdb.elc: bbdb.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q -f batch-byte-compile ./bbdb.el
+bbdb-gnus.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-gnus.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc $(GNUS) \
+ -f batch-byte-compile $(@:.elc=.el)
+bbdb-mhe.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-mhe.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc $(MHE) \
+ -f batch-byte-compile $(@:.elc=.el)
+bbdb-rmail.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-rmail.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc $(RMAIL) \
+ -f batch-byte-compile $(@:.elc=.el)
+bbdb-vm.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-vm.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc $(VM) \
+ -f batch-byte-compile $(@:.elc=.el)
+bbdb-srv.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-srv.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc -eval '(or (fboundp (quote define-obsolete-variable-alias)) (if (locate-library "gnuserv-compat") (load-library "gnuserv-compat"))) (if (and (locate-library "gnuserv") (locate-library "itimer")) (byte-compile-file "bbdb-srv.el") (message "Optional package bbdb-srv skipped - gnuserv not found"))'
+bbdb-reportmail.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-reportmail.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc -eval '(if (locate-library "reportmail") (byte-compile-file "bbdb-reportmail.el") (message "Optional package bbdb-reportmail skipped - reportmail not found"))'
+bbdb-sc.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-sc.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc -eval '(if (locate-library "supercite") (byte-compile-file "bbdb-sc.el") (message "Optional package bbdb-sc skipped - supercite not found"))'
+# bbdb-hooks uses VM macros if it can find VM. If you don't have VM,
+# then the $(VM) makefile variable should be undefined or empty.
+bbdb-hooks.elc: bbdb.elc bbdb-hooks.el
+ $(EMACS) -batch -q $(PUSHPATH) -l ./bbdb.elc $(VM) \
+ -f batch-byte-compile $(@:.elc=.el)
+autoloads: bbdb-autoloads.elc
+extras: bbdb-print.elc bbdb-ftp.elc bbdb-whois.elc bbdb-xemacs.elc \
+ bbdb-srv.elc bbdb-reportmail.elc bbdb-snarf.elc bbdb-w3.elc \
+ bbdb-sc.elc bbdb-merge.elc bbdb-migrate.elc
+bbdb: bbdb.elc bbdb-com.elc bbdb-hooks.elc autoloads extras
+rmail: bbdb bbdb-rmail.elc
+vm: bbdb bbdb-vm.elc
+mhe: bbdb bbdb-mhe.elc
+gnus: bbdb bbdb-gnus.elc
+# aliases
+mh: mhe
+mh-e: mhe
+ @for fname in `cd RCS; ls |sed 's/,v$$//g'` ; do \
+ if [ -w "$$fname" ] ; then \
+ echo "File $$fname needs to be checked in" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done ; \
+ if [ -z "$(REVTAG)" ] ; then \
+ echo "REVTAG needs to be set" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ rcs "-n$(REVTAG)": RCS/* ; \
+ co -kv RCS/*
+ -rm bbdb.elc bbdb-*.elc bbdb-autoloads.elc