path: root/bits/bbdb-anniv.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'bits/bbdb-anniv.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/bits/bbdb-anniv.el b/bits/bbdb-anniv.el
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index 9e6205d..0000000
--- a/bits/bbdb-anniv.el
+++ /dev/null
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-;;; bbdb-anniv.el --- Get anniversaries from BBDB
-;; Copyright (C) 1998 Ivar Rummelhoff
-;; Author: Ivar Rummelhoff <>
-;; Maintainer: Ivar Rummelhoff <>
-;; Created: 11 March 1998
-;; Time-stamp: <00/08/07 10:52:12 ivarru>
-;; Keywords: calendar
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; If you have not received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this software, it can be obtained from the GNU Project's
-;; World Wide Web server (, from
-;; its FTP server (, by sending an electronic
-;; mail to this program's maintainer or by writing to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; (require 'bbdb-anniv)
-;; (add-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook #'bbdb-include-anniversaries)
-;; will include BBDB-anniversaries when the diary is displayed
-;; (fancy). The anniversaries are stored in the field `anniversary'
-;; in the format
-;; CLASS-OR-FORMAT-STRING is one of two things:
-;; * an identifier for a class of anniversaries (eg. birthday or
-;; wedding) from `bbdb-anniversary-format-alist'.
-;; * the (format) string displayed in the diary.
-;; It defaults to the value of `bbdb-default-anniversary-format'
-;; ("birthday" by default).
-;; The substitutions in the format string are (in order):
-;; * the name of the record containing this anniversary
-;; * the number of years
-;; * an ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th) for the year
-;; See the documentation of `bbdb-anniversary-format-alist' for
-;; further options.
-;; Example (my own record):
-;; 1973-06-22
-;; 20??-??-?? wedding
-;; 1998-03-12 %s created bbdb-anniv.el %d years ago
-;; If you use the hook `sort-diary-entries', you should make sure that
-;; it is executed after `bbdb-include-anniversaries'.
-(require 'bbdb)
-(require 'diary-lib)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defgroup bbdb-utilities-anniversaries nil
- "Customizations for including diary anniversaries from BBDB."
- :link '(emacs-library-link :tag "Lisp File" "bbdb-anniv.el")
- :group 'bbdb-utilities)
-(defcustom bbdb-anniversaries nil
- "Should BBDB anniversaries be included when the diary is displayed (fancy)?
-You must modify via \\[customize] for this variable to have an effect."
- :set #'(lambda (symbol value)
- (if value
- (add-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook
- #'bbdb-include-anniversaries)
- (remove-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook
- #'bbdb-include-anniversaries)))
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb-anniv)
-(defcustom bbdb-default-anniversary-format "birthday"
- "Default anniversary class"
- :type 'string
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb)
-(defcustom bbdb-anniversary-format-alist
- '( ("birthday" . "Birthday: %s (%d%s)")
- ("wedding" . "%s's %d%s wedding anniversary") )
- "How different types of anniversaries should be formatted.
-An alist of elements (STRING . FORMAT) where STRING is the name of an
-anniversary class and format is either:
-1) A format string with the following substitutions (in order):
- * the name of the record containing this anniversary
- * the number of years
- * an ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th) for the year
-2) A function to be called with three arguments: NAME YEARS SUFFIX
- (string int string) returning a string for the diary or nil.
-3) An emacs lisp form that should evaluate to a string (or nil) in the
- scope of variables NAME, YEARS and SUFFIX (among others)."
- :type 'sexp
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb)
-(defcustom bbdb-anniversary-field 'anniversary
- "Which BBDB field contains anniversaries."
- :type 'symbol
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb)
-(defcustom bbdb-extract-date-fun 'bbdb-anniv-extract-date
- "How to retrieve `month date year' from the anniversary field."
- :type 'function
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb)
-(defcustom bbdb-anniversary-reminder-days 0
- "Number of days warning you are given of an impending anniversary.
-Modify this to give yourself a n-day warning of those important
-anniversaries. This works in a naive fashion, extending (forwards) the
-range of days for which diary entries are being listed. When set to 0,
-the behaviour is to only list anniversaries on the day."
- :type 'integer
- :group 'bbdb-utilities-anniversaries
- :require 'bbdb)
-;; YYYY-MM-DD => (month date year)
-(defun bbdb-anniv-extract-date (time-str)
- (multiple-value-bind (y m d) (bbdb-split time-str "-")
- (list (string-to-number m)
- (string-to-number d)
- (string-to-number y))))
-(defun bbdb-anniv-split (str)
- (let ((pos (string-match "[ \t]" str)))
- (if pos (list (substring str 0 pos)
- (bbdb-string-trim (substring str pos)))
- (list str nil))))
-(defvar number)
-(defvar original-date)
-(defun bbdb-include-anniversaries ()
- (let ((dates (loop repeat (+ number bbdb-anniversary-reminder-days)
- for num from (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
- original-date)
- for date = original-date
- then (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute num)
- ;; ((MM . DD) . YYYY)
- collect (cons (cons (extract-calendar-month date)
- (extract-calendar-day date))
- (extract-calendar-year date))))
- annivs date years
- split class form)
- (dolist (rec (bbdb-records))
- (when (setq annivs (bbdb-record-getprop
- rec bbdb-anniversary-field))
- (setq annivs (bbdb-split annivs "\n"))
- (while annivs
- (setq split (bbdb-anniv-split (pop annivs)))
- (multiple-value-bind (m d y)
- (funcall bbdb-extract-date-fun (car split))
- (when (and (or (setq date (assoc (cons m d) dates))
- (and (= d 29)
- (= m 2)
- (setq date (assoc '(3 . 1) dates))
- (not (calendar-leap-year-p (cdr date)))))
- (< 0 (setq years (- (cdr date) y))))
- (let* ((class (or (cadr split)
- bbdb-default-anniversary-format))
- (form (or (cdr (assoc class
- bbdb-anniversary-format-alist))
- class)) ; (as format string)
- (name (bbdb-record-name rec))
- (suffix (diary-ordinal-suffix years))
- (text (cond
- ((functionp form)
- (funcall form name years suffix))
- ((listp form) (eval form))
- (t (format form name years suffix)))))
- (when text
- (bbdb-anniv-add
- (list (caar date) (cdar date) (cdr date)) ; MM DD YYYY
- text))))))))))
-(defun bbdb-anniv-add (a b)
- (add-to-diary-list a b ""))
-(provide 'bbdb-anniv)
-;;; bbdb-anniv.el ends here