path: root/bits/make.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bits/make.bat')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/bits/make.bat b/bits/make.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e5248d..0000000
--- a/bits/make.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Written by Yair Friedman (
-rem Based upon the gnus make.bat by David Charlap (
-rem There are two possible problems with this batch file. The emacs.bat batch
-rem file may not exist in all distributions. It is part of the GNU build of
-rem Emacs 20.4 ( If you
-rem install BBDB with some other build, you may have to replace calls to
-rem %1\emacs.bat with something else.
-rem Also, the emacs.bat file that comes with Emacs does not accept more than 9
-rem parameters, so the attempts to compile the .texi files will fail. To
-rem fix that (at least on NT. I don't know about Win95), the following
-rem change should be made to emacs.bat:
-rem %emacs_dir%\bin\emacs.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-rem should become
-rem %emacs_dir%\bin\emacs.exe %*
-rem which will allow the batch file to accept an unlimited number of
-rem parameters.
-rem For the meaning of these look at the Makefile.
-rem Notice that you have to double any backslashes in the path.
-set GNUSDIR=E:\\emacs-20.7\\lisp\\gnus
-set MHEDIR=
-set VMDIR=
-rem give it any value if you want to use rmail with bbdb
-set RMAIL=
-rem This is where you bbdb lisp is going
-set BBDBDIR=D:\\emacs-20.7\\site-lisp\\bbdb-2.2\\lisp
-rem Clear PWD so emacs doesn't get confused
-set PWD=
-if "%1" == "" goto usage
-rem Emacs 20.7 no longer includes emacs.bat. Use emacs.exe if the batch file is
-rem not present -- this also fixes the problem about too many parameters on Win9x.
-set emacs=emacs.exe
-if exist %1\bin\emacs.bat set emacs=emacs.bat
-set VM=-eval "(progn (if (not (string-match \"%VMDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons \"%VMDIR%\" load-path))) (if (load \"vm-version\" t) (cond ((> (string-to-number vm-version) 5.31) (load \"vm\")) (t (load \"vm-vars\") (load \"vm\")))))"
-set GNUS=-eval "(if (not (string-match \"%GNUSDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons \"%GNUSDIR%\" load-path)))"
-set MHE=-eval "(progn (if (not (string-match \"%MHEDIR%\" \"\")) (setq load-path (cons \"%MHEDIR%\" load-path))) (load \"mh-e\"))"
-set PUSHPATH=-eval "(setq load-path (delete \"\" (append (list \".\" \"%OTHERDIR%\") load-path)))"
-cd lisp
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile ./bbdb.el
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-com.el bbdb-hooks.el bbdb-print.el bbdb-ftp.el bbdb-whois.el bbdb-srv.el bbdb-reportmail.el bbdb-snarf.el bbdb-w3.el bbdb-sc.el bbdb-merge.el bbdb-migrate.el
-IF "%RMAIL%" == "" goto afterrmail
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-rmail.el
-IF "%GNUSDIR%" == "" goto aftergnus
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %GNUS% -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-gnus.el
-IF "%VMDIR%"=="" goto aftervm
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %VM% -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-vm.el
-IF "%MHEDIR%"=="" goto aftermhe
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file %PUSHPATH% -l ./bbdb.elc %MHE% -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-mhe.el
-echo home is where the heart is.
-rem echo > bbdb-autoloads.el
-rem call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -l autoload -eval "(setq generated-autoload-file \"%BBDBDIR%\\bbdb-autoloads.el\")" -eval "(setq make-backup-files nil)" -eval "(setq autoload-package-name \"bbdb\")" -f batch-update-autoloads %BBDBDIR%
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile bbdb-autoloads.el
-if not "%2%"=="copy" goto info
-attrib -r %1\lisp\bbdb\*
-copy *.el* %1\lisp\bbdb
-set EMACSINFOHACK="(while (re-search-forward \"@\\(end \\)?ifnottex\" nil t) (replace-match \"\"))"
-cd ..\texinfo
-call %1\bin\%emacs% -batch -q -no-site-file bbdb.texinfo -eval %EMACSINFOHACK% -eval "(setq max-lisp-eval-depth 600)" -f texinfo-every-node-update -f texinfo-format-buffer -f save-buffer
-if not "%2" == "copy" goto done
-copy %1\info
-cd ..
-goto end
-echo Usage: make :emacs-dir: [copy]
-echo where: :emacs-dir: is the directory you installed emacs in
-echo eg. d:\emacs\20.4
-echo copy indicates that the compiled files should be copied to your
-echo emacs lisp, info, and etc directories
-rem Restore PWD so whoever called this batch file doesn't get confused