path: root/lisp/bbdb-merge.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/bbdb-merge.el')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/bbdb-merge.el b/lisp/bbdb-merge.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac90ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/bbdb-merge.el
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+;;; BBDB merge/sync framework
+;;; GNU Public License to go here. This file is under GPL, thanks guys.
+;;; Copyright (c) 2000 Waider
+(require 'bbdb)
+(require 'bbdb-com)
+;;; to do:
+;;; smarter phone, notes and address merging.
+(defun bbdb-merge-record (new-record &optional merge-record override)
+ "Generic merge function.
+Merges new-record into your bbdb, using DATE to check who's more
+up-to-date and OVERRIDE to decide who gets precedence if two dates
+match. DATE can be extracted from a notes if it's an alist with an
+element marked timestamp. Set OVERRIDE to 'new to allow the new record
+to stomp on existing data, 'old to preserve existing data or nil to
+merge both together. If it can't find a record to merge with, it will
+create a new record. If MERGE-RECORD is set, it's a record discovered
+by other means that should be merged with.
+Returns the Grand Unified Record."
+ (let* ((firstname (bbdb-record-firstname new-record))
+ (lastname (bbdb-record-lastname new-record))
+ (aka (bbdb-record-aka new-record))
+ (nets (bbdb-record-net new-record))
+ (addrs (bbdb-record-addresses new-record))
+ (phones (bbdb-record-phones new-record))
+ (company (bbdb-record-company new-record))
+ (notes (bbdb-record-raw-notes new-record))
+ (name (bbdb-string-trim (concat firstname " " lastname)))
+ (date (if (listp notes) (cdr (assq 'timestamp notes)) nil))
+ olddate)
+ ;; for convenience
+ (if (stringp notes)
+ (setq notes (list (cons 'notes notes))))
+ ;; See if we have a record that looks right, using an intertwingle
+ ;; search. Could probably parameterize that.
+ ;; bbdb-merge-search-function or some such.
+ (if (null merge-record)
+ (setq merge-record (bbdb-search-simple name nets)))
+ (if merge-record
+ (progn
+ ;; if date is unset, set it to the existing record's date.
+ (setq olddate (bbdb-record-getprop merge-record 'timestamp)
+ date (or date olddate))
+ ;; FIXME if date & olddate are STILL unset, set to today's date.
+ ;; if the old record is actually newer, invert the sense of override
+ (if (string-lessp olddate date)
+ (setq override (cond ((eq 'old override) 'new)
+ ((eq 'new override) 'old)
+ (t nil))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-firstname merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-strings (bbdb-record-firstname merge-record)
+ firstname " ")
+ (if (eq 'new override) firstname
+ (bbdb-record-firstname merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-lastname merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-strings (bbdb-record-lastname merge-record)
+ lastname " ")
+ (if (eq 'new override) lastname
+ (bbdb-record-lastname merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-company merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-strings (bbdb-record-company merge-record)
+ company " ")
+ (if (eq 'new override) company
+ (bbdb-record-company merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-aka
+ merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-lists!
+ (bbdb-record-aka merge-record)
+ (if (listp aka) aka (list aka)) 'string= 'downcase)
+ (if (eq 'new override) aka
+ (bbdb-record-aka merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-net
+ merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-lists!
+ (bbdb-record-net merge-record) nets 'string= 'downcase)
+ (if (eq 'new override) nets
+ (bbdb-record-net merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-phones
+ merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-lists!
+ (bbdb-record-phones merge-record) phones 'equal)
+ (if (eq 'new override) phones
+ (bbdb-record-phones merge-record))))
+ (bbdb-record-set-addresses
+ merge-record
+ (if (null override)
+ (bbdb-merge-lists!
+ (bbdb-record-addresses merge-record) addrs 'equal)
+ (if (eq 'new override) addrs
+ (bbdb-record-addresses merge-record))))
+ ;; lifted from bbdb-com.el
+ (let ((n1 (bbdb-record-raw-notes merge-record))
+ (n2 notes)
+ tmp
+ (bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function ;; XXX
+ 'bbdb-merge-strings))
+ (or (equal n1 n2)
+ (progn
+ (or (listp n1) (setq n1 (list (cons 'notes n1))))
+ (or (listp n2) (setq n2 (list (cons 'notes n2))))
+ (while n2
+ (if (setq tmp (assq (car (car n2)) n1))
+ (setcdr tmp
+ (funcall (or (cdr (assq (car (car n2))
+ bbdb-refile-notes-generate-alist))
+ bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function)
+ (cdr tmp) (cdr (car n2))))
+ (setq n1 (nconc n1 (list (car n2)))))
+ (setq n2 (cdr n2)))
+ (bbdb-record-set-raw-notes merge-record n1)))))
+ ;; we couldn't find a record, so create one
+ (setq merge-record
+ (bbdb-create-internal name company nets addrs phones notes))
+ ;; bite me, bbdb-create-internal
+ (bbdb-record-set-firstname merge-record firstname)
+ (bbdb-record-set-lastname merge-record lastname))
+ ;; more general bitingness
+ (if (equal (bbdb-record-firstname merge-record) "")
+ (bbdb-record-set-firstname merge-record nil))
+ (if (equal (bbdb-record-lastname merge-record) "")
+ (bbdb-record-set-lastname merge-record nil))
+ ;; fix up the in-memory copy.
+ (bbdb-change-record merge-record t)
+ (let ((name (bbdb-record-name merge-record))
+ (lfname (bbdb-record-lastname merge-record))
+ (company (bbdb-record-company merge-record)))
+ (if (> (length name) 0)
+ (bbdb-remhash (downcase name) merge-record))
+ (if (> (length lfname) 0)
+ (bbdb-remhash (downcase lfname) merge-record))
+ (if (> (length company) 0)
+ (bbdb-remhash (downcase company) merge-record)))
+ (bbdb-record-set-namecache merge-record nil)
+ (if (or (bbdb-record-lastname merge-record)
+ (bbdb-record-firstname merge-record))
+ (bbdb-puthash (downcase (bbdb-record-name merge-record)) merge-record))
+ (if (bbdb-record-company merge-record)
+ (bbdb-puthash (downcase (bbdb-record-company merge-record))
+ merge-record))
+ (bbdb-with-db-buffer
+ (if (not (memq merge-record bbdb-changed-records))
+ (setq bbdb-changed-records
+ (cons merge-record bbdb-changed-records))))
+ ;; your record, sir.
+ merge-record))
+;; fixme these could be a macros, I guess.
+(defun bbdb-instring( s1 s2 )
+;; (and case-fold-search
+;; (setq s1 (downcase s1)
+;; s2 (downcase s2)))
+ (catch 'done
+ (while (>= (length s1) (length s2))
+ (if (string= s2 (substring s1 0 (length s2)))
+ (throw 'done t)
+ (setq s1 (substring s1 1))))
+ (throw 'done nil)))
+(defun bbdb-merge-strings (s1 s2 &optional sep)
+ "Merge two strings together uniquely.
+If s1 doesn't contain s2, return s1+sep+s2."
+ (cond ((or (null s1) (string-equal s1 "")) s2)
+ ((or (null s2) (string-equal s2 "")) s1)
+ (t (if (bbdb-instring s2 s1) s1
+ (concat s1 (or sep "") s2)))))
+(defun bbdb-merge-file (&optional bbdb-new override match-fun)
+ "Merge a bbdb file into the in-core bbdb."
+ (interactive "fMerge bbdb file: ")
+ (or bbdb-gag-messages
+ bbdb-silent-running
+ (message "Merging %s" bbdb-new))
+ ;; argh urgle private environment
+ (let* ((bbdb-live-file bbdb-file)
+ (bbdb-file bbdb-new)
+ (bbdb-live-buffer-name bbdb-buffer-name)
+ (bbdb-buffer-name "*BBDB-merge*")
+ (bbdb-buffer nil) ;; hack hack
+ (new-records (bbdb-records))
+ (bbdb-buffer nil) ;; hack hack
+ (bbdb-file bbdb-live-file)
+ (bbdb-buffer-name bbdb-live-buffer-name)
+ (bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function 'bbdb-merge-strings))
+ ;; merge everything
+ (mapc (lambda(rec)
+ (bbdb-merge-record rec
+ (and match-fun
+ (funcall match-fun rec))
+ override))
+ new-records))
+ ;; hack
+ (setq bbdb-buffer (or (get-file-buffer bbdb-file) nil)))
+(defun bbdb-add-or-update-phone ( record location phone-string )
+ "Add or update a phone number in the current record.
+Insert into RECORD phone number for LOCATION consisting of
+PHONE-STRING. Will automatically overwrite an existing phone entry for
+the same location."
+ (let* ((phone (make-vector (if bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p
+ bbdb-phone-length
+ 2)
+ nil)))
+ (if (= 2 (length phone))
+ (aset phone 1 phone-string)
+ (let ((newp (bbdb-parse-phone-number phone-string)))
+ (bbdb-phone-set-area phone (nth 0 newp))
+ (bbdb-phone-set-exchange phone (nth 1 newp))
+ (bbdb-phone-set-suffix phone (nth 2 newp))
+ (bbdb-phone-set-extension phone (or (nth 3 newp) 0))))
+ (bbdb-phone-set-location phone location)
+ ;; "phone" now contains a suitable record
+ ;; we need to check if this is already in the phones list
+ (let ((phones (bbdb-record-phones record))
+ phones-list)
+ (setq phones-list phones)
+ (while (car phones-list)
+ (if (string= (bbdb-phone-location (car phones-list))
+ location)
+ (setq phones (delete (car phones-list) phones)))
+ (setq phones-list (cdr phones-list)))
+ (bbdb-record-set-phones record
+ (nconc phones (list phone))))
+ (bbdb-change-record record nil)
+ ;; update display if record is visible
+ (and (get-buffer-window bbdb-buffer-name)
+ (bbdb-display-records (list record)))
+ nil))
+(provide 'bbdb-merge)