path: root/tex/bbdb-print-brief.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/bbdb-print-brief.tex')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/bbdb-print-brief.tex b/tex/bbdb-print-brief.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f116270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/bbdb-print-brief.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+%%% bbdb-print-brief.tex - for formatting address lists, one line per entry.
+%%% Authors: Luigi Semenzato <>
+%%% Boris Goldowsky <>
+%%% Copyright (C) 1993 Boris Goldowsky
+%%% Version: 3.91; 19Dec94
+%%% For instructions on using this format file with BBDB, see bbdb-print.el
+%%% which should have come bundled with this file; or write to
+%%% This file is part of the bbdb-print extensions to the Insidious
+%%% Big Brother Database, which is for use with GNU Emacs.
+%%% The Insidious Big Brother Database is free software; you can redistribute
+%%% it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your
+%%% option) any later version.
+%%% BBDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+%%% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+%%% FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+%%% details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+%%% the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+%%% The address-list file should look something like this:
+%%% \input file % this format file's filename
+%%% \setsize{6} % point size of type to use
+%%% % or \setpssize{6} to use PostScript fonts. (optional)
+%%% \setseparator{3} % which style of separators, 0-7
+%%% \separator{A} % include a separator here
+%%% \beginrecord % and start a record
+%%% \name{A. Name}
+%%% \phone{location: (xxx) xxx-xxxx}
+%%% \address{1234 Main Street\\
+%%% Anytown, XX 00000\\}
+%%% \note{note name}{note text}
+%%% \notes{blah blah}
+%%% \endrecord
+%%% \endaddresses % done
+%%% \bye
+\parskip 0pt
+\parindent=0pt % was 10pt
+%%% Fonts
+ \font\rm=ecrm#1
+ \font\bf=ecbx#1
+ \font\it=\ifnum #1=6 ecti7 \else ecti#1 \fi
+ \font\tt=ectt#1
+ \font\bigbf=ecbx#1 scaled \magstep3
+ \rm
+ \baselineskip=#1pt
+ \ifnum #1>9 \advance\baselineskip by 1pt \fi
+ \font\rm=ptmr at #1pt
+ \font\bf=ptmb at #1pt
+ \font\it=ptmri at #1pt
+ \font\tt=pcrr at #1pt
+ {\dimen0=#1pt\global\font\bigbf=ptmb at 1.8\dimen0}
+ \rm
+ \baselineskip=#1pt
+%%% Define separator types
+ \ifnum #1=1
+ \def\sep##1{\line{\hrulefill}\smallskip\mark{##1}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=2
+ \def\sep##1{\hbox{\vrule\hskip -0.4pt\vbox{\hrule\smallskip
+ \centerline{\bf{##1}}\smallskip\hrule}\hskip -0.4pt\vrule
+ \mark{##1}}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=3
+ \def\sep##1{\hbox{\vrule\hskip -0.4pt\vbox{\hrule\smallskip
+ \centerline{\bigbf{##1}}\smallskip\hrule}\hskip -0.4pt\vrule}
+ \medskip\mark{##1}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=4
+ \def\sep##1{\smallskip\centerline{\bigbf{##1}}\medskip\mark{##1}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=5
+ \def\sep##1{\hrule\smallskip
+ \centerline{\bigbf{##1}}\smallskip\hrule\medskip\mark{##1}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=6
+ \def\cute{$\sya\syb\syc\syd$}
+ \def\revcute{$\syd\syc\syb\sya$}
+ \let\sya=\heartsuit\let\syb=\spadesuit
+ \let\syc\diamondsuit\let\syd=\clubsuit
+ \def\cycle{\let\tmp=\sya\let\sya=\syb
+ \let\syb=\syc\let\syc=\syd\let\syd=\tmp}
+ \def\sep##1{\smallskip
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hfil\cute\hfil\bigbf{##1}\hfil\revcute\hfil}
+ \cycle\medskip\mark{##1}}
+ \else \ifnum #1=7
+ \def\cute{$\sya\syb\syc\syd$}
+ \def\revcute{$\syd\syc\syb\sya$}
+ \let\sya=\heartsuit\let\syb=\spadesuit
+ \let\syc=\diamondsuit\let\syd=\clubsuit
+ \def\cycle{\let\tmp=\sya\let\sya=\syb\let\syb=\syc\let\syc=\syd
+ \let\syd=\tmp}
+ \def\sep##1{\hbox{\vrule\vbox{\hrule\smallskip
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hfil\cute\hfil\bigbf{##1}\hfil\revcute\hfil}
+ \smallskip\hrule}\vrule}\medskip\cycle\mark{##1}}
+ \else
+ \def\sep##1{\mark{##1}}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \def\separator##1{\noalign{\sep##1}}
+} % end setseparator
+%%% Macros for formatting the entries.
+\def\firstline#1#2{% the name and (maybe) the first phone number.
+ {\bf #1}\hfil&\hfil#2&\hskip0pt}
+\def\name#1{\firstline{#1}{}} % for backwards compatibility
+ \ifcase\month\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr \or May\or June\or
+ Jul\or Aug\or Sept\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi
+ \space\number\year}
+%%% bbdb-print-brief.tex ends here.