path: root/utils/bbdb-to-netscape.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/bbdb-to-netscape.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/utils/bbdb-to-netscape.el b/utils/bbdb-to-netscape.el
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7d5a4..0000000
--- a/utils/bbdb-to-netscape.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- Mode:Emacs-Lisp -*-
-;;; This file is the part of the Insidious Big Brother Database (aka BBDB),
-;;; copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Jamie Zawinski <>.
-;;; Converting a BBDB database to a Netscape Address Book.
-;;; last change21-feb-97.
-;;; The Insidious Big Brother Database is free software; you can redistribute
-;;; it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
-;;; option) any later version.
-;;; BBDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-;;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-;;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-;;; details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; This file attempts to convert a BBDB database to a Netscape Address Book
-;;; file. It doesn't work very well. If you fix it, let me know. -- jwz
-(require 'bbdb)
-(defun bbdb-mozilla-insert-url (string)
- (let ((p (point))
- c)
- (insert string)
- (goto-char (prog1 p (setq p (point))))
- (while (progn
- (skip-chars-forward "-a-zA-Z0-9.@/_\r\n" p)
- (< (point) p))
- (setq c (following-char))
- (delete-char 1)
- (insert (format "%%%02X" c))
- (setq p (+ 2 p)))
- (goto-char p)))
-(defun bbdb-mozilla-insert-html (string)
- (let ((p (point))
- c)
- (insert string)
- (goto-char (prog1 p (setq p (point))))
- (while (progn
- (skip-chars-forward "^&<>" p)
- (< (point) p))
- (setq c (following-char))
- (delete-char 1)
- (cond ((= c ?&) (insert "&amp;") (setq p (+ p 4)))
- ((= c ?<) (insert "&lt;") (setq p (+ p 3)))
- (t (insert "&gt;") (setq p (+ p 3)))))
- (goto-char p)))
-(defun bbdb-mozilla-emit-record (record aliases)
- (let (addr)
- (cond ((setq addr (car (bbdb-record-net record)))
- (insert " <DT><A HREF=\"mailto:")
- (bbdb-mozilla-insert-url addr)
- (insert "\"")
- (let ((nick nil))
- (cond (nick
- (insert " NICKNAME=\"")
- (bbdb-mozilla-insert-html nick)
- (insert "\"")))
- (insert ">"))
- (let ((name (or (bbdb-record-name record)
- (bbdb-record-company record)
- "")))
- (bbdb-mozilla-insert-html name))
- (insert "</A>\n")
- (let ((notes nil))
- (cond (notes
- )))
- t)
- (t nil))))
-(defun bbdb-to-netscape ()
- (let* ((target (cons bbdb-define-all-aliases-field
- "^[a-z, ]+$"))
- (records1 (bbdb-search (bbdb-records)
- nil ; name
- nil ; company
- nil ;"netscape\\.com" ; net
- target ; notes
- ))
- (records records1)
- result record aliases match
- (lists nil)
- (single-aliases nil)
- (count 0)
- )
- (message "%d" (length records1))
- (while records
- (setq record (car records))
- (setq aliases (bbdb-record-getprop record bbdb-define-all-aliases-field))
- (setq aliases (and aliases (bbdb-split aliases ",")))
- (while aliases
- (if (setq match (assoc (car aliases) result))
- (nconc match (cons record nil))
- (setq result (cons (list (car aliases) record) result)))
- (setq aliases (cdr aliases)))
- (setq records (cdr records)))
- (while result
- (let ((alias (downcase (car (car result))))
- (expansion (cdr (car result))))
- (cond
- ((cdr expansion)
- (setq lists (cons (cons alias expansion) lists)))
- (expansion
- (setq single-aliases (cons (cons (car expansion) alias)
- single-aliases))))
- (setq result (cdr result))))
-; (setq records (bbdb-records))
- (setq records records1)
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*netscape-address-book*"))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert "<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Addressbook-file-1>\n"
- "<!-- This is an automatically generated file.\n"
- "It will be read and overwritten.\n"
- "Do Not Edit! -->\n"
- "<TITLE>" (user-full-name) "'s Address book</TITLE>\n"
- "<H1>" (user-full-name) "'s Address book</H1>\n"
- "\n"
- "<DL><p>\n")
- (while records
- (setq record (car records))
- (insert " <DT><A HREF=\"mailto:")
- (let ((net (car (bbdb-record-net record))))
- (if net (insert net))
- (insert "\" ALIASID=\"")
- (prin1 count (current-buffer))
- (insert "\"")
- (message "%d..." count)
- (setq count (1+ count))
- (cond ((setq match (cdr (assq record single-aliases)))
- (insert " NICKNAME=\"")
- (princ match (current-buffer))
- (insert "\"")))
- (insert ">")
- (insert (or (bbdb-record-name record)
- net
- (bbdb-record-company record)
- "")))
- (insert "</A>\n")
- (let ((phones (bbdb-record-phones record))
- (addrs (bbdb-record-addresses record))
- (aka (bbdb-record-aka record))
- phone
- )
- (insert "<DD>")
- (setq match nil)
- (while phones
- (setq phone (car phones))
- (setq match t)
- (insert (format " %14s: " (bbdb-phone-location phone)))
- (insert (bbdb-phone-string phone) "\n<BR>")
- (setq phones (cdr phones)))
- (let (addr c s)
- (while addrs
- (setq addr (car addrs))
- (setq match t)
- (insert (format " %14s: " (bbdb-address-location addr)))
- (if (= 0 (length (setq s (bbdb-address-street1 addr)))) nil
- (indent-to 17) (insert s "\n<BR>"))
- (if (= 0 (length (setq s (bbdb-address-street2 addr)))) nil
- (indent-to 17) (insert s "\n<BR>"))
- (if (= 0 (length (setq s (bbdb-address-street3 addr)))) nil
- (indent-to 17) (insert s "\n<BR>"))
- (indent-to 17)
- (insert (setq c (bbdb-address-city addr)))
- (setq s (bbdb-address-state addr))
- (if (and (> (length c) 0) (> (length s) 0)) (insert ", "))
- (insert s " ")
- (insert (bbdb-address-zip-string addr) "\n<BR>")
- (setq addrs (cdr addrs))))
- (cond (aka
- (setq match t)
- (insert (format " %14s: %s\n<BR>" "AKA"
- (mapconcat (function identity) aka ", ")))))
- (let ((notes (bbdb-record-raw-notes record)))
- (if (stringp notes)
- (setq notes (list (cons 'notes notes))))
- (while notes
- (if (memq (car (car notes))
- '(mail-alias password bbdb mail-name face mark-char aka))
- nil
- (setq match t)
- (insert (format " %14s: " (car (car notes))))
- (let ((p (point)))
- (insert (cdr (car notes)))
- (save-excursion
- (save-restriction
- (narrow-to-region p (1- (point)))
- (goto-char (1+ p))
- (while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
- (forward-char -1)
- (insert "<BR>")
- (forward-char 1)
- (insert (make-string 17 ?\ )))))
- (insert "\n")))
- (setq notes (cdr notes)))))
- (or match (delete-char -4))
- (setq records (cdr records))
- )
- (insert "</DL><p>\n")
- ))