path: root/bibletime/backend/bt_gbfhtml.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/backend/bt_gbfhtml.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/backend/bt_gbfhtml.cpp b/bibletime/backend/bt_gbfhtml.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33d31a9..0000000
--- a/bibletime/backend/bt_gbfhtml.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
-* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
-* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
-//BibleTime includes
-#include "cswordmoduleinfo.h"
-#include "cswordbackend.h"
-#include "util/cpointers.h"
-#include "bt_gbfhtml.h"
-//sytsme includes
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-//Sword includes
-#include <utilxml.h>
-//Qt includes
-#include <qregexp.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-using namespace Filters;
- setEscapeStringCaseSensitive(true);
- setPassThruUnknownEscapeString(true); //the HTML widget will render the HTML escape codes
- removeTokenSubstitute("Rf");
- // addTokenSubstitute("RB", "<span>"); //start of a footnote with embedded text
- addTokenSubstitute("FI", "<span class=\"italic\">"); // italics begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fi", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FB", "<span class=\"bold\">"); // bold begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fb", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FR", "<span class=\"jesuswords\">");
- addTokenSubstitute("Fr", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FU", "<u>"); // underline begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fu", "</u>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FO", "<span class=\"quotation\">"); // Old Testament quote begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fo", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FS", "<span class=\"sup\">"); // Superscript begin// Subscript begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fs", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("FV", "<span class=\"sub\">"); // Subscript begin
- addTokenSubstitute("Fv", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("TT", "<div class=\"booktitle\">");
- addTokenSubstitute("Tt", "</div>");
- addTokenSubstitute("TS", "<div class=\"sectiontitle\">");
- addTokenSubstitute("Ts", "</div>");
- //addTokenSubstitute("PP", "<span class=\"poetry\">"); // poetry begin
- //addTokenSubstitute("Pp", "</span>");
- addTokenSubstitute("Fn", "</font>"); // font end
- addTokenSubstitute("CL", "<br/>"); // new line
- addTokenSubstitute("CM", "<br/>"); // paragraph <!P> is a non showing comment that can be changed in the front end to <P> if desired
- addTokenSubstitute("CG", "&gt;"); // literal greater-than sign
- addTokenSubstitute("CT", "&lt;"); // literal less-than sign
- addTokenSubstitute("JR", "<span class=\"right\">"); // right align begin
- addTokenSubstitute("JC", "<span class=\"center\">"); // center align begin
- addTokenSubstitute("JL", "</span>"); // align end
-/** No descriptions */
-char BT_GBFHTML::processText(sword::SWBuf& buf, const sword::SWKey * key, const sword::SWModule * module) {
- GBFHTML::processText(buf, key, module);
- if (!module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) {
- return 1; //no processing should be done, may happen in a search
- }
- CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( module->Name() );
- if (m && !(m->has(CSwordModuleInfo::lemmas) || m->has(CSwordModuleInfo::morphTags) || m->has(CSwordModuleInfo::strongNumbers))) { //only parse if the module has strongs or lemmas
- return 1; //WARNING: Return alread here
- }
- //Am Anfang<WH07225> schuf<WH01254><WTH8804> Gott<WH0430> Himmel<WH08064> und<WT> Erde<WH0776>.
- //A simple word<WT> means: No entry for this word "word"
- QString result;
- QString t = QString::fromUtf8(buf.c_str());
- QRegExp tag("([.,;:]?<W[HGT][^>]*>\\s*)+");
- QStringList list;
- int lastMatchEnd = 0;
- int pos =,0);
- if (pos == -1) { //no strong or morph code found in this text
- return 1; //WARNING: Return already here
- }
- //split the text into parts which end with the GBF tag marker for strongs/lemmas
- while (pos != -1) {
- list.append(t.mid(lastMatchEnd, pos+tag.matchedLength()-lastMatchEnd));
- lastMatchEnd = pos + tag.matchedLength();
- pos =, pos + tag.matchedLength());
- }
- //append the trailing text to the list.
- if (!t.right(t.length() - lastMatchEnd).isEmpty()) {
- list.append(t.right(t.length() - lastMatchEnd));
- }
- //list is now a list of words with 1-n Strongs at the end, which belong to this word.
- //now create the necessary HTML in list entries and concat them to the result
- tag = QRegExp("<W([HGT])([^>]*)>");
- tag.setMinimal(true);
- for (QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
- QString e = (*it); //current entry to process
- //qWarning(e.latin1());
- //check if there is a word to which the strongs info belongs to.
- //If yes, wrap that word with the strongs info
- //If not, leave out the strongs info, because it can't be tight to a text
- //Comparing the first char with < is not enough, because the tokenReplace is done already
- //so there might be html tags already.
- const bool textPresent = (e.stripWhiteSpace().remove(QRegExp("[.,;:]")).left(2) != "<W");
- if (!textPresent) {
- result += (*it);
- continue;
- }
- int pos =, 0); //try to find a strong number marker
- bool insertedTag = false;
- bool hasLemmaAttr = false;
- bool hasMorphAttr = false;
- QString value = QString::null;
- int tagAttributeStart = -1;
- while (pos != -1) { //work on all strong/lemma tags in this section, should be between 1-3 loops
- const bool isMorph = (tag.cap(1) == "T");
- value = isMorph ? tag.cap(2) : tag.cap(2).prepend( tag.cap(1) );
- if (value.isEmpty()) {
- break;
- }
- //insert the span
- if (!insertedTag) { //we have to insert a new tag end and beginning, i.e. our first loop
- e.replace(pos, tag.matchedLength(), "</span>");
- pos += 7;
- //skip blanks, commas, dots and stuff at the beginning, it doesn't belong to the morph code
- QString rep("<span ");
- rep.append(isMorph ? "morph" : "lemma").append("=\"").append(value).append("\">");
- hasMorphAttr = isMorph;
- hasLemmaAttr = !isMorph;
- int startPos = 0;
- QChar c = e[startPos];
- while ((startPos < pos) && (c.isSpace() || c.isPunct())) {
- ++startPos;
- c = e[startPos];
- }
- e.insert( startPos, rep );
- tagAttributeStart = startPos + 6; //to point to the start of the attributes
- pos += rep.length();
- }
- else { //add the attribute to the existing tag
- e.remove(pos, tag.matchedLength());
- if (tagAttributeStart == -1) {
- continue; //nothing valid found
- }
- if ((!isMorph && hasLemmaAttr) || (isMorph && hasMorphAttr)) { //we append another attribute value, e.g. 3000 gets 3000|5000
- //search the existing attribute start
- QRegExp attrRegExp( isMorph ? "morph=\".+(?=\")" : "lemma=\".+(?=\")" );
- attrRegExp.setMinimal(true);
- const int foundPos = e.find(attrRegExp, tagAttributeStart);
- if (foundPos != -1) {
- e.insert(foundPos + attrRegExp.matchedLength(), QString("|").append(value));
- pos += value.length() + 1;
- hasLemmaAttr = !isMorph;
- hasMorphAttr = isMorph;
- }
- }
- else { //attribute was not yet inserted
- QString attr;
- attr.setLatin1(isMorph ? "morph" : "lemma").append("=\"").append(value).append("\" ");
- e.insert(tagAttributeStart, attr);
- pos += attr.length();
- hasMorphAttr = isMorph;
- hasLemmaAttr = !isMorph;
- }
- //tagAttributeStart remains the same
- }
- insertedTag = true;
- pos =, pos);
- }
- result += e;
- }
- if (list.count()) {
- buf = (const char*)result.utf8();
- }
- return 1;
-bool BT_GBFHTML::handleToken(sword::SWBuf &buf, const char *token, sword::BasicFilterUserData *userData) {
- if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) { //more than a simple replace
- const unsigned int tokenLength = strlen(token);
- unsigned long i;
- sword::SWBuf value;
- BT_UserData* myUserData = dynamic_cast<BT_UserData*>(userData);
- sword::SWModule* myModule = const_cast<sword::SWModule*>(myUserData->module); //hack to be able to call stuff like Lang()
- if ( !strncmp(token, "WG", 2)
- || !strncmp(token, "WH", 2)
- || !strncmp(token, "WT", 2) ) {
- buf.append('<');
- buf.append(token);
- buf.append('>');
- }
- else if (!strncmp(token, "RB", 2)) {
- myUserData->hasFootnotePreTag = true;
- buf.append("<span class=\"footnotepre\">");
- }
- else if (!strncmp(token, "RF", 2)) {
- //we use several append calls because appendFormatted slows down filtering, which should be fast
- if (myUserData->hasFootnotePreTag) {
- // qWarning("inserted footnotepre end");
- buf.append("</span>");
- myUserData->hasFootnotePreTag = false;
- }
- buf.append(" <span class=\"footnote\" note=\"");
- buf.append(myModule->Name());
- buf.append('/');
- buf.append(myUserData->key->getShortText());
- buf.append('/');
- buf.append( QString::number(myUserData->swordFootnote++).latin1() );
- buf.append("\">*</span> ");
- userData->suspendTextPassThru = true;
- }
- else if (!strncmp(token, "Rf", 2)) { //end of footnote
- userData->suspendTextPassThru = false;
- }
- else if (!strncmp(token, "FN", 2)) { //the end </font> tag is inserted in addTokenSubsitute
- buf.append("<font face=\"");
- for (i = 2; i < tokenLength; i++) {
- if(token[i] != '\"') {
- buf.append( token[i] );
- }
- }
- buf.append("\">");
- }
- else if (!strncmp(token, "CA", 2)) { // ASCII value
- buf.append( (char)atoi(&token[2]) );
- }
- else {
- return GBFHTML::handleToken(buf, token, userData);
- }
- }
- return true;