path: root/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 677 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dbbec1e..0000000
--- a/bibletime/frontend/cbtconfig.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
-* Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers.
-* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
-//BibleTime includes
-#include "cbtconfig.h"
-#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
-#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
-#include "util/cpointers.h"
-//Qt includes
-#include <qapplication.h>
-#include <qfontdatabase.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include <qstringlist.h>
-#include <qmap.h>
-//KDE includes
-#include <kdeversion.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#if KDE_VERSION >= 0x030200
-#include <kactioncollection.h>
-#include <kaction.h>
-#include <kconfig.h>
-#include <kcharsets.h>
-#include <kglobal.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kaccel.h>
-#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
-#include <khtml_settings.h>
-//Sword includes
-#include <versekey.h>
-//init statics
-QFont* CBTConfig::m_defaultFont = 0;
-CBTConfig::FontCache* CBTConfig::fontConfigMap = 0;
-/* No constructor and destructor, because this class only contains static methods.
- It won't be instantiated. */
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case bibletimeVersion: return "bibletimeVersion";
- case language: return "language";
- case displayStyle: return "displayStyle";
- case bookshelfCurrentItem: return "bookshelfCurrentItem";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QString CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case bibletimeVersion: return "NOT YET INSTALLED"; // main() will realize this and set the value to VERSION
- case language: return (KGlobal::locale()->language()).local8Bit();
- case displayStyle: return CDisplayTemplateMgr::defaultTemplate();
- case bookshelfCurrentItem: return QString();
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case standardBible: return "standardBible";
- case standardCommentary: return "standardCommentary";
- case standardLexicon: return "standardLexicon";
- case standardDailyDevotional: return "standardDailyDevotional";
- case standardHebrewStrongsLexicon: return "standardHebrewLexicon";
- case standardGreekStrongsLexicon: return "standardGreekLexicon";
- case standardHebrewMorphLexicon: return "standardHebrewMorphLexicon";
- case standardGreekMorphLexicon: return "standardGreekMorphLexicon";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QString CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
- // CSwordBackend* b = CPointers::backend();
- switch ( ID ) {
- case standardBible: return "KJV";
- case standardCommentary: return "MHC";
- case standardLexicon: return "ISBE";
- case standardDailyDevotional: return ""; //no default
- case standardHebrewStrongsLexicon: return "StrongsHebrew";
- case standardGreekStrongsLexicon: return "StrongsGreek";
- case standardHebrewMorphLexicon: return "StrongsHebrew";
- case standardGreekMorphLexicon: return "StrongsGreek";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case firstSearchDialog: return "firstSearchDialog";
- case readOldBookmarks: return "readOldBookmarks";
- case toolbar: return "toolbar";
- case mainIndex: return "mainIndex";
- case infoDisplay: return "infoDisplay";
- case autoTileVertical: return "autoTileVertical";
- case autoTileHorizontal: return "autoTileHorizontal";
- case autoCascade: return "autoCascade";
- case lineBreaks: return "lineBreaks";
- case verseNumbers: return "verseNumbers";
- case tips: return "RunOnStart";
- case logo: return "logo";
- case autoDeleteOrphanedIndices: return "autoDeleteOrphanedIndices";
- case crashedLastTime: return "crashedLastTime";
- case crashedTwoTimes: return "crashedTwoTimes";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case footnotes: return "footnotes";
- case strongNumbers: return "strongNumbers";
- case headings: return "headings";
- case morphTags: return "morphTags";
- case lemmas: return "lemmas";
- case hebrewPoints: return "hebrewPoints";
- case hebrewCantillation: return "hebrewCantillation";
- case greekAccents: return "greekAccents";
- case textualVariants: return "textualVariants";
- case scriptureReferences: return "scriptureReferences";
- case morphSegmentation: return "morphSegmentation";
- case bookshelfContentsX: return "bookshelfContentsX";
- case bookshelfContentsY: return "bookshelfContentsY";
- case magDelay: return "magDelay";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const bool CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case firstSearchDialog: return true;
- case readOldBookmarks: return false;
- case toolbar: return true;
- case mainIndex: return true;
- case infoDisplay: return true;
- case autoTileVertical: return true;
- case autoTileHorizontal: return false;
- case autoCascade: return false;
- case lineBreaks: return false;
- case verseNumbers: return true;
- case tips: return true;
- case logo: return true;
- case autoDeleteOrphanedIndices: return true;
- case crashedLastTime: return false;
- case crashedTwoTimes: return false;
- }
- return false;
-const int CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case footnotes: return int(true);
- case strongNumbers: return int(true);
- case headings: return int(true);
- case morphTags: return int(true);
- case lemmas: return int(true);
- case hebrewPoints: return int(true);
- case hebrewCantillation: return int(true);
- case greekAccents: return int(true);
- case textualVariants: return int(false);
- case scriptureReferences: return int(true);
- case morphSegmentation: return int(true);
- case bookshelfContentsX: return 0;
- case bookshelfContentsY: return 0;
- case magDelay: return 400;
- }
- return 0;
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::intLists ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case leftPaneSplitterSizes: return "leftPaneSplitterSizes";
- case mainSplitterSizes: return "mainSplitterSizes";
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QValueList<int> CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::intLists ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case leftPaneSplitterSizes: //fall through
- case mainSplitterSizes: {
- return QValueList<int>();
- }
- }
- return QValueList<int>();
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case searchCompletionTexts: return QString("searchCompletionTexts");
- case searchTexts: return QString("searchTexts");
- case bookshelfOpenGroups: return QString("bookshelfOpenGroups");
- }
- return QString::null;
-const QStringList CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case searchTexts: {
- QStringList list;
- list.append(QString::null);
- return list;
- }
- case searchCompletionTexts:
- return QStringList();
- case bookshelfOpenGroups:
- return QStringList();
- }
- return QStringList();
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID) {
- switch (ID) {
- case searchScopes:
- return QString("SearchScopes");
- };
- return QString::null;
-const CBTConfig::StringMap CBTConfig::getDefault( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID) {
- switch ( ID ) {
- case searchScopes: {
- CBTConfig::StringMap map;
- map.insert(i18n("Old testament"), QString("Gen - Mal"));
- map.insert(i18n("Moses/Pentateuch/Torah"),QString("Gen - Deut"));
- map.insert(i18n("History"), QString("Jos - Est"));
- map.insert(i18n("Prophets"), QString("Isa - Mal"));
- map.insert(i18n("New testament"), QString("Mat - Rev"));
- map.insert(i18n("Gospels"), QString("Mat - Joh"));
- map.insert(i18n("Letters/Epistles"), QString("Rom - Jude"));
- map.insert(i18n("Paul's Epistles"), QString("Rom - Phile"));
- //make the list to the current bookname language!
- CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
- sword::VerseKey vk;
- vk.setLocale("en_US");
- for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
- sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
- QString data;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
- data += QString::fromUtf8(list.GetElement(i)->getRangeText()) + "; ";
- }
- map[it.key()] = data; //set the new data
- };
- return map;
- };
- default:
- return CBTConfig::StringMap();
- }
- return CBTConfig::StringMap();
-const QString CBTConfig::getKey( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language ) {
- return language->name();
-const QFont& CBTConfig::getDefault( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const) {
- //language specific lookup of the font name
- //return KApplication::font();
- if (m_defaultFont) {
- return *m_defaultFont;
- }
- static KStaticDeleter<QFont> sd;
- //TODO: We need a better way to get the KDE konqueror KHTML settings
- KConfig conf("konquerorrc");
- KHTMLSettings settings;
- settings.init(&conf);
- const QString fontName = settings.stdFontName();
- const int fontSize = settings.mediumFontSize();
- sd.setObject(m_defaultFont, new QFont(fontName, fontSize));
- return *m_defaultFont;
-const QString CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::strings ID) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "strings");
- return config->readEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
-CSwordModuleInfo* const CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::modules ID) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "modules");
- QString name = config->readEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
- return CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(name);
-const bool CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::bools ID) {
- //special behaviour for the KTipDialog class
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, (ID == CBTConfig::tips) ? "TipOfDay" : "bools");
- return config->readBoolEntry(getKey(ID),getDefault(ID));
-const int CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::ints ID) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "ints");
- return config->readNumEntry(getKey(ID), getDefault(ID));
-const QValueList<int> CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::intLists ID ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "intlists");
- return config->readIntListEntry(getKey(ID));
-const QStringList CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "stringlists");
- return config->readListEntry(getKey(ID));
-const CBTConfig::StringMap CBTConfig::get
- ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, getKey(ID));
- if (config->hasGroup(getKey(ID))) {
- CBTConfig::StringMap map = config->entryMap(getKey(ID));
- switch (ID) {
- case searchScopes: { //make sure we return the scopes in the chosen language. saved keys are in english
- CBTConfig::StringMap::Iterator it;
- sword::VerseKey vk;
- for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
- sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
- QString data;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
- data += QString::fromUtf8(list.GetElement(i)->getRangeText()) + "; ";
- }
- map[it.key()] = data; //set the new data
- };
- return map;
- }
- default:
- return getDefault(ID);
- }
- }
- return getDefault(ID);
-const CBTConfig::FontSettingsPair CBTConfig::get
- ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language ) {
- if (fontConfigMap && fontConfigMap->contains(language)) {
- return fontConfigMap->find(language).data();
- }
- if (!fontConfigMap) {
- static KStaticDeleter<FontCache> sd;
- sd.setObject(fontConfigMap, new FontCache());
- }
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "font standard settings");
- FontSettingsPair settings;
- settings.first = config->readBoolEntry(getKey(language));
- config->setGroup("fonts");
- settings.second =
- settings.first
- ? config->readFontEntry(getKey(language))
- : getDefault(language);
- fontConfigMap->insert(language, settings); //cache the value
- return settings;
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::strings ID, const QString value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "strings");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::modules ID, CSwordModuleInfo* const value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "modules");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value ? value->name() : QString::null);
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::modules ID, const QString& value ) {
- CSwordModuleInfo* module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(value);
- if (module) {
- CBTConfig::set
- (ID, module);
- }
-void CBTConfig::set
- (const CBTConfig::bools ID,const bool value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- //special behaviour to work with KTipDialog class of KDE
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, (ID == CBTConfig::tips) ? "TipOfDay" : "bools");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
-void CBTConfig::set
- (const CBTConfig::ints ID, const int value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "ints");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::intLists ID, const QValueList<int> value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "intlists");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::stringLists ID, const QStringList value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "stringlists");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(ID), value);
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CBTConfig::stringMaps ID, const CBTConfig::StringMap value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, getKey(ID));
- config->deleteGroup(getKey(ID)); //make sure we only save the new entries and don't use old ones
- config->sync();
- config->setGroup(getKey(ID));
- switch (ID) {
- case searchScopes: {
- /**
- * We want to make sure that the search scopes are saved with english key names so loading them
- * will always work with each locale set.
- */
- CBTConfig::StringMap::ConstIterator it;
- QString data;// = QString::null;
- sword::VerseKey vk;
- for (it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) {
- sword::ListKey list = vk.ParseVerseList(, "Genesis 1:1", true);
- data = QString::null;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i) {
- if ( sword::VerseKey* range = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(list.GetElement(i)) ) {
- range->setLocale("en");
- data += QString::fromUtf8( range->getRangeText() ) + ";";
- }
- }
- config->writeEntry(it.key(), data);
- }
- break;
- }
- default: {
- for (CBTConfig::StringMap::ConstIterator it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) {
- config->writeEntry(it.key(),;
- }
- break;
- }
- };
-void CBTConfig::set
- ( const CLanguageMgr::Language* const language, const FontSettingsPair& value ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "fonts");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(language), value.second);
- config->setGroup("font standard settings");
- config->writeEntry(getKey(language), value.first);
- if (fontConfigMap && fontConfigMap->contains(language)) {
- fontConfigMap->remove
- (language); //remove it from the cache
- }
-const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults() {
- CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions options;
- options.lineBreaks = get
- (CBTConfig::lineBreaks);
- options.verseNumbers = get
- (CBTConfig::verseNumbers);
- return options;
-const CSwordBackend::FilterOptions CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults() {
- CSwordBackend::FilterOptions options;
- options.footnotes = true; //required for the info display
- options.strongNumbers = true; //get(CBTConfig::strongNumbers);
- options.headings = get(CBTConfig::headings);
- options.morphTags = true;//required for the info display
- options.lemmas = true;//required for the info display
- options.hebrewPoints = get(CBTConfig::hebrewPoints);
- options.hebrewCantillation = get(CBTConfig::hebrewCantillation);
- options.greekAccents = get(CBTConfig::greekAccents);
- options.textualVariants = get(CBTConfig::textualVariants);
- options.scriptureReferences = get(CBTConfig::scriptureReferences);
- options.morphSegmentation = get(CBTConfig::morphSegmentation);
- return options;
-void CBTConfig::setupAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection) {
- QString groupName;
- switch (type) {
- case allWindows : {
- groupName = "Displaywindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case writeWindow : {
- groupName = "Writewindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case readWindow : {
- groupName = "Readwindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case bookWindow : {
- groupName = "Book shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case bibleWindow : {
- groupName = "Bible shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case commentaryWindow : {
- groupName = "Commentary shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case lexiconWindow : {
- groupName = "Lexicon shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case application : {
- groupName = "Application shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- };
- actionCollection->readShortcutSettings(groupName, CBTConfig::getConfig());
-void CBTConfig::saveAccelSettings(const CBTConfig::keys type, KActionCollection* const actionCollection) {
- QString groupName;
- switch (type) {
- case allWindows : {
- groupName = "Displaywindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case writeWindow : {
- groupName = "Writewindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case readWindow : {
- groupName = "Readwindow shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case bookWindow : {
- groupName = "Book shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case bibleWindow : {
- groupName = "Bible shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case commentaryWindow : {
- groupName = "Commentary shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case lexiconWindow : {
- groupName = "Lexicon shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- case application : {
- groupName = "Application shortcuts";
- break;
- };
- };
- actionCollection->writeShortcutSettings(groupName, CBTConfig::getConfig());
-const QString CBTConfig::getModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& module ) {
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "Module keys");
- return config->readEntry(module, QString::null);
-void CBTConfig::setModuleEncryptionKey( const QString& module, const QString& key ) {
- // if (CSwordModuleInfo* const mod = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(module) ) {
- // // if an empty key is set for an unencrypted module do nothing
- // if (key.isEmpty() && !mod->isEncrypted()) {
- // return;
- // }
- // }
- // else if (key.isEmpty()) {
- // return;
- // };
- KConfig* config = CBTConfig::getConfig();
- KConfigGroupSaver groupSaver(config, "Module keys");
- config->writeEntry(module, key);
-KConfig* const CBTConfig::getConfig() {
- KConfig* config = KGlobal::config();
- if (KApplication::kApplication()->sessionSaving()) {
- qWarning("Using session config");
- // config = KApplication::kApplication()->sessionConfig();
- }
- else if (KApplication::kApplication()->isRestored()) {
- qWarning("isRestored(): Using session config");
- }
- return config;