path: root/bibletime/frontend/ctooltipmanager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/frontend/ctooltipmanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/ctooltipmanager.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/ctooltipmanager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94605aa..0000000
--- a/bibletime/frontend/ctooltipmanager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- ctooltipmanager.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Sam Mai 11 2002
- copyright : (C) 2002 by The BibleTime team
- email :
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "ctooltipmanager.h"
-#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
-#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
-#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
-#include "backend/centrydisplay.h"
-#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
-//KDE includes
-#include <klocale.h>
-/** Returns the tooltip text for the given hyperlink. */
-const QString CTooltipManager::textForHyperlink( const QString& link ){
- QString moduleName;
- QString keyName;
- CReferenceManager::Type type;
- CReferenceManager::decodeHyperlink(link, moduleName, keyName, type);
- if (moduleName.isEmpty()) {
- moduleName = CReferenceManager::preferredModule( type );
- }
-// qWarning("link was %s, key is %s", link.latin1(), keyName.latin1());
- if (moduleName.isEmpty()) {
- QString typeName = QString::null;
- switch (type) {
- case CReferenceManager::Bible:
- typeName = i18n("Bible");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::Commentary:
- typeName = i18n("Commentary");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::Lexicon:
- typeName = i18n("Lexicon");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::GenericBook:
- typeName = i18n("Book");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::MorphHebrew:
- typeName = i18n("Hebrew morphological lexicon");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::MorphGreek:
- typeName = i18n("Greek morphological lexicon");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::StrongsHebrew:
- typeName = i18n("Hebrew Strong's lexicon");
- break;
- case CReferenceManager::StrongsGreek:
- typeName = i18n("Greek Strong's lexicon");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return QString::fromLatin1("<font color=\"red\"><center><b>%1</b></center></font><hr/>%2</font>")
- .arg(i18n("Configuration problem!"))
- .arg(i18n("Please make sure the default module for the type <font color=\"blue\"><i>%1</i></font> is properly configured in the options dialog.")
- .arg(typeName)
- );
- };
- if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName)) { //found a default module for the type
- return QString::fromLatin1("<head><style type=\"text/css\">%1</style></head><b>%1</b><hr/>%2")
- .arg(tooltipCSS(m))
- .arg(headingText(m, keyName))
- .arg(moduleText(moduleName, keyName)
- );
- }
- else {
- return QString::fromLatin1("<font color=\"red\"><center><b>%1</b></center>%2</font><hr/>")
- .arg(i18n("Configuration problem!"))
- .arg(i18n("The module <FONT COLOR=\"blue\"><I>%1</I></FONT> was not found on your system. Install the module to make this tooltip work.")
- .arg(moduleName)
- );
- }
-/** Returns the tooltip text for the given hyperlink. */
-const QString CTooltipManager::textForReference( const QString& moduleName, const QString& keyName, const QString& description){
- CSwordModuleInfo* const module = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
- return QString::fromLatin1("<head><style type=\"text/css\">%1</style></head><b>%1 %2</b>%3<hr/>%4")
- .arg(tooltipCSS(module))
- .arg(i18n("Bookmark to"))
- .arg(headingText(module, keyName))
- .arg(!description.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1("<br/><font color=\"#800000\">(%1)</font><br/>").arg(description.stripWhiteSpace()) : QString::null )
- .arg(moduleText(moduleName, keyName));
-/** Returns the text for the given moduleName and key name. */
-const QString CTooltipManager::moduleText( const QString& moduleName, const QString& keyName){
- QString text = QString::null;
- if (CSwordModuleInfo* module = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName)) {
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- key->key( keyName );
- backend()->setFilterOptions( CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults() );
- text = key->renderedText();
- if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) {
- text = QString::null;
- sword::ListKey verses = sword::VerseKey().ParseVerseList((const char*)keyName.local8Bit(), "Genesis 1:1", true);
- for (int i = 0; i < verses.Count(); ++i) {
- sword::VerseKey* element = dynamic_cast<sword::VerseKey*>(verses.GetElement(i));
- if (element && element->isBoundSet()) {
- sword::VerseKey lowerBound = element->LowerBound();
- lowerBound.Headings(false);
- sword::VerseKey upperBound = element->UpperBound();
- upperBound.Headings(false);
- while (lowerBound < upperBound) {
- key->key( (const char*)lowerBound );
- text += QString::fromLatin1("<b>%1:%2</b> %3<br/>")
- .arg(lowerBound.Chapter())
- .arg(lowerBound.Verse())
- .arg(key->renderedText());
- lowerBound++;
- }
- if (lowerBound == upperBound) {
- key->key( (const char*)lowerBound );
- text += QString::fromLatin1("<b>%1:%2</b> %3<br/>")
- .arg(lowerBound.Chapter())
- .arg(lowerBound.Verse())
- .arg(key->renderedText());
- }
- }
- else {
- key->key( (const char*)(*verses.GetElement(i)) );
- text += key->renderedText();
- }
- }
- }
- const QFont font = CBTConfig::get(module->language()).second;
- text = QString::fromLatin1("<div %1 style=\"font-family:%2; font-size:%3pt;\">")
- .arg((module->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::RightToLeft) ? "dir=\"rtl\"" : 0)
- .arg(
- .arg(font.pointSize())
- + text + QString::fromLatin1("</div>");
- }
- return text;
-/** Returns the text for the tooltip beginning. */
-const QString CTooltipManager::headingText( CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& keyName ){
- if (!module) {
- return i18n("Module not set!");
- }
- const QString defaultEnding = QString::fromLatin1(" (<small>%1 \"%2\"</small>)").arg(i18n("Module")).arg(module->name());
- if ((module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) || (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary)) {
- sword::ListKey keys = sword::VerseKey().ParseVerseList((const char*)keyName.local8Bit(), sword::VerseKey("Genesis 1:1"), true);
- if (keys.Count() >= 1)
- return QString::fromLocal8Bit(keys.GetElement(0)->getRangeText()) + defaultEnding;
- else
- return defaultEnding;
- }
- else { //non-versekeys are not localized
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- key->key( keyName );
- return key->key() + defaultEnding;
- };
- return QString::null;
-/** Returns the CSS data used for the tooltips. */
-const QString CTooltipManager::tooltipCSS(CSwordModuleInfo* module){
- CEntryDisplay* const display = module ? module->getDisplay() : 0;
- if (!display)
- return QString::null;
- QString css = QString::null;
- for (int i = CEntryDisplay::MinType; i <= CEntryDisplay::MaxType; ++i) {
- CEntryDisplay::StyleType type = static_cast<CEntryDisplay::StyleType>(i);
- if (type != CEntryDisplay::Body && type != CEntryDisplay::Background) {
- css += display->cssString( type );
- }
- }
- return css;