path: root/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a832465..0000000
--- a/bibletime/frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
- cdisplaywindow.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Don Mai 9 2002
- copyright : (C) 2002 by The BibleTime team
- email :
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-//BibleTime includes
-#include "cdisplaywindow.h"
-#include "creadwindow.h"
-#include "cbiblereadwindow.h"
-#include "ccommentaryreadwindow.h"
-#include "clexiconreadwindow.h"
-#include "cbookreadwindow.h"
-#include "cwritewindow.h"
-#include "cplainwritewindow.h"
-#include "chtmlwritewindow.h"
-#include "cmodulechooserbar.h"
-#include "cbuttons.h"
-#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
-#include "frontend/keychooser/ckeychooser.h"
-#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
-#include "frontend/cmdiarea.h"
-#include "frontend/cprofilewindow.h"
-#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
-//Qt includes
-//KDE includes
-#include <kaccel.h>
-CReadWindow* CDisplayWindow::createReadInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const char* name) {
- switch (modules.first()->type()) {
- case CSwordModuleInfo::Bible:
- return new CBibleReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
- case CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary:
- return new CCommentaryReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
- case CSwordModuleInfo::Lexicon:
- return new CLexiconReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
- case CSwordModuleInfo::GenericBook:
- return new CBookReadWindow(modules, parent, name);
- default:
- qWarning("unknown module type");
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-CWriteWindow* CDisplayWindow::createWriteInstance(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea* parent, const CDisplayWindow::WriteWindowType& type, const char* name) {
- if (type == HTMLWindow) {
- return new CHTMLWriteWindow(modules, parent, name);
- }
- else {
- return new CPlainWriteWindow(modules, parent, name);
- };
- return 0;
-CDisplayWindow::CDisplayWindow(ListCSwordModuleInfo modules, CMDIArea *parent, const char *name )
- : KMainWindow(parent, name, WDestructiveClose),
- m_mdi(parent),
-// m_modules(modules),
- m_filterOptions(),
- m_displayOptions(),
- m_displaySettingsButton(0),
- m_keyChooser(0),
- m_swordKey(0),
- m_isReady(false),
- m_moduleChooserBar(0),
- m_mainToolBar(0),
- m_popupMenu(0),
- m_displayWidget(0)
-// qWarning("set modules now");
- setModules(modules);
- // qWarning("modules setting done");
-CMDIArea* const CDisplayWindow::mdi() const {
- return m_mdi;
-/** Returns the right window caption. */
-const QString CDisplayWindow::windowCaption(){
- if (!m_modules.count())
- return QString::null;
-// QString ret = m_modules.first()->name();
-// if (m_modules.count() > 1) {
-// for (; m_modules.current(); {
-// ret += " | " + m_modules.current();
-// }
-// }
- return m_modules.join(" | ");
-/** Returns the used modules as a QPtrList */
-ListCSwordModuleInfo CDisplayWindow::modules() {
- ListCSwordModuleInfo mods;
- for (QStringList::iterator it = m_modules.begin(); it != m_modules.end(); ++it) {
- Q_ASSERT(backend()->findModuleByName(*it));
- if (CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(*it)) {
- mods.append(m);
- }
- }
- return mods;
-/** Set the window caption. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setCaption( const QString& ){
- QWidget::setCaption( windowCaption() );
-void CDisplayWindow::insertKeyboardActions( KAccel* const /*accel*/ ) {
-/** Is called when this window gets the focus or looses the focus. */
-void CDisplayWindow::windowActivated( const bool hasFocus ){
- if (accel()) {
- accel()->setEnabled(hasFocus);
- }
-/** Reimplementation from QWidget. Used to initialize things before the widget is shown. */
-void CDisplayWindow::polish(){
-// qWarning("CDisplayWindow::polish()");
- KMainWindow::polish();
-/** Refresh the settings of this window. */
-void CDisplayWindow::reload() {
- //first make sure all used Sword modules are still present
- for (QStringList::iterator it = m_modules.begin(); it != m_modules.end(); ++it){
- if (!backend()->findModuleByName(*it)) {
- it = m_modules.remove(it);
- if (it == m_modules.end()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_moduleChooserBar) { //necessary for edit windows which have now chooser bar
- m_moduleChooserBar->setModules(modules());
- }
- modulesChanged();
- if (m_modules.count() > 0) {
- lookup();
- }
-/** Returns the filter options used by this window. */
-CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& CDisplayWindow::filterOptions() {
- return m_filterOptions;
-/** Returns the display options used by this display window. */
-CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& CDisplayWindow::displayOptions() {
- return m_displayOptions;
-/** Sets the new display options for this window. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setDisplayOptions( const CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions& displayOptions ){
- m_displayOptions = displayOptions;
-/** Sets the new filter options of this window. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setFilterOptions( CSwordBackend::FilterOptions& filterOptions ){
- m_filterOptions = filterOptions;
-/** Returns true if the widget is ready for use. */
-const bool CDisplayWindow::isReady() const {
- return m_isReady;
-/** Set the ready status */
-void CDisplayWindow::setReady( const bool& ready ){
- m_isReady = ready;
-/** Returns true if the window may be closed. */
-bool CDisplayWindow::queryClose(){
- return true;
-/** Returns the keychooser widget of this display window. */
-CKeyChooser* const CDisplayWindow::keyChooser() const {
- return m_keyChooser;
-/** Sets the keychooser widget for this display window. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setKeyChooser( CKeyChooser* ck ){
- m_keyChooser = ck;
-/** Returns the key of this display window. */
-CSwordKey* CDisplayWindow::key() const {
- return m_swordKey;
-/** Sets the new sword key. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setKey( CSwordKey* key ){
- m_swordKey = key;
-void CDisplayWindow::modulesChanged(){
- if (moduleChooserBar()) { //necessary for write windows
- setModules( m_moduleChooserBar->getModuleList() );
- }
- if (!modules().count()) {
- close();
- }
- else {
- if (displaySettingsButton()) {
- displaySettingsButton()->reset(modules());
- }
- key()->module(modules().first());
- keyChooser()->setModules(modules());
- lookup(key());
- }
-/** Lookup the given key. */
-//void CDisplayWindow::lookup( CSwordKey* ){
-/** Returns the module chooser bar. */
-CModuleChooserBar* const CDisplayWindow::moduleChooserBar() const {
- return m_moduleChooserBar;
-/** Sets the module chooser bar. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setModuleChooserBar( CModuleChooserBar* bar ){
- if (m_moduleChooserBar) {
- disconnect(m_moduleChooserBar, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), this, SLOT(modulesChanged()));
- }
- if (bar) { //if a new bar should be set!
- m_moduleChooserBar = bar;
- connect(bar, SIGNAL(sigChanged()), SLOT(modulesChanged()));
- };
-/** Sets the modules. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setModules( ListCSwordModuleInfo newModules ){
- m_modules.clear();
- for (newModules.first(); newModules.current(); {
- m_modules.append(newModules.current()->name());
- }
-/** Initialize the window. Call this method from the outside, because calling this in the constructor is not possible! */
-const bool CDisplayWindow::init( const QString& keyName ){
- initView();
- setMinimumSize( 350,300 );
- setCaption(windowCaption());
- //setup focus stuff.
- setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus);
- parentWidget()->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus);
- show();
- initConnections();
- initKeyboardActions();
- setupPopupMenu();
- m_filterOptions = CBTConfig::getFilterOptionDefaults();
- m_displayOptions = CBTConfig::getDisplayOptionDefaults();
- if (displaySettingsButton()) {
- displaySettingsButton()->reset(modules());
- }
- if (key()) {
- key()->key(keyName);
- }
- return true;
-/** Returns the main toolbar. */
-KToolBar* const CDisplayWindow::mainToolBar() const{
- return m_mainToolBar;
-/** Sets the main toolbar. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setMainToolBar( KToolBar* bar ){
- m_mainToolBar = bar;
-/** Returns the display settings button */
-CDisplaySettingsButton* const CDisplayWindow::displaySettingsButton() const{
- return m_displaySettingsButton;
-/** Sets the display settings button. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setDisplaySettingsButton( CDisplaySettingsButton* button ){
- if (m_displaySettingsButton)
- disconnect(m_displaySettingsButton, SIGNAL( sigChanged() ),this, SLOT(lookup() ));
- m_displaySettingsButton = button;
- connect(m_displaySettingsButton, SIGNAL(sigChanged()),this, SLOT(lookup()));
-/** Lookup the current key. Used to refresh the display. */
-void CDisplayWindow::lookup(){
- lookup( key() );
-void CDisplayWindow::lookup( const QString& moduleName, const QString& keyName ) {
- if (!isReady())
- return;
- CSwordModuleInfo* m = backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
- if (!m) {
- return;
- }
- if (m && modules().containsRef(m) && !keyName.isEmpty()) {
- key()->key(keyName);
- keyChooser()->setKey(key()); //the key chooser does send an update signal
- }
- else { //given module not chosen by user
- //if the module is displayed in another display window we assume a wrong drop
- QWidgetList windows = mdi()->windowList();
- bool found = false;
- CDisplayWindow* dw = 0;
- for (windows.first(); windows.current(); {
- dw = dynamic_cast<CDisplayWindow*>(windows.current());
- if (dw && dw->modules().containsRef(m)) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found) { //lookup in the window which has the module displayed
- dw->lookup(moduleName, keyName);
- }
- else { //create a new window for the given module
- ListCSwordModuleInfo mList;
- mList.append(m);
- mdi()->emitCreateDisplayWindow(mList, keyName);
- }
- }
-void CDisplayWindow::lookup( const QString& key ) {
- lookup(modules().first()->name(), key);
-/** Update the status of the popup menu entries. */
-void CDisplayWindow::updatePopupMenu(){
-///** Returns the installed popup menu. */
-KPopupMenu* const CDisplayWindow::popup(){
-// qWarning("CReadWindow::popup()");
- if (!m_popupMenu) {
- m_popupMenu = new KPopupMenu(this);
- connect(m_popupMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(updatePopupMenu()));
- if (displayWidget()) {
- displayWidget()->installPopup(m_popupMenu);
- }
- else {
- qWarning("CDisplayWindow:: can't instal popup menu");
- }
- }
- return m_popupMenu;
-/** Returns the display widget used by this implementation of CDisplayWindow. */
-CDisplay* const CDisplayWindow::displayWidget() const {
- return m_displayWidget;
-/** Sets the display widget used by this display window. */
-void CDisplayWindow::setDisplayWidget( CDisplay* newDisplay ){
- m_displayWidget = newDisplay;
-void CDisplayWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e) {
-// qWarning("CDisplayWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)");
- if (!queryClose()) {
- e->ignore();
- }
- else {
- e->accept();
- }