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-<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.78.1"><meta name="keywords" content="Biblija, Study, HowTo"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Biblijos studijavimo instrukcija"><link rel="up" href="h2-basics.html" title="Skyrius 2. Biblijos studijavimo pagrindai"><link rel="prev" href="h2-basics-expository.html" title="An Expository Study of Matthew 6:1-18"><link rel="next" href="h2-rules.html" title="Skyrius 3. Biblijos aiškinimo taisyklės (Hermeneutika)"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="h2-basics-expository.html">Ankstesnis</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Skyrius 2. Biblijos studijavimo pagrindai</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="h2-rules.html">Tolesnis</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="sect1"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet"></a>Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</h2></div></div></div>
- <div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-select"></a>To Find a Particular Verse</h3></div></div></div>
- <div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem">
- <p>Pick out a key word or most-unusual word of the verse.</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Turn to this word alphabetically.</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Go down the column of listings until you find your verse.</p>
- </li></ol></div>
- <p>Raskite šias eilutes: </p><div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem">
- <p>
+<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.79.1"><meta name="keywords" content="Biblija, Study, HowTo"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Biblijos studijavimo instrukcija"><link rel="up" href="h2-basics.html" title="Skyrius 2. Biblijos studijavimo pagrindai"><link rel="prev" href="h2-basics-expository.html" title="An Expository Study of Matthew 6:1-18"><link rel="next" href="h2-rules.html" title="Skyrius 3. Biblijos aiškinimo taisyklės (Hermeneutika)"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="h2-basics-expository.html">Ankstesnis</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Skyrius 2. Biblijos studijavimo pagrindai</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="h2-rules.html">Tolesnis</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="sect1"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet"></a>Worksheet: How to Use a Concordance</h2></div></div></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-select"></a>To Find a Particular Verse</h3></div></div></div><div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem"><p>Pick out a key word or most-unusual word of the verse.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Turn to this word alphabetically.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Go down the column of listings until you find your verse.</p></li></ol></div><p>Raskite šias eilutes: </p><div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem"><p>
<span class="quote">„<span class="quote">Faithful are the wounds of a friend</span>“</span>
- </p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>
+ </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
<span class="quote">„<span class="quote">We are ambassadors of Christ.</span>“</span>
- </p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Istorija apie turtuolį ir Lozorių.</p>
- </li></ol></div>
- </div>
- <div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-study"></a>To Do a Topical Study</h3></div></div></div>
- <p>Let's say you wanted to do a study of the word "redemption." First you would
+ </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Istorija apie turtuolį ir Lozorių.</p></li></ol></div></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-study"></a>To Do a Topical Study</h3></div></div></div><p>Let's say you wanted to do a study of the word "redemption." First you would
look up that word in the concordance and look up references listed for
it. Then you could look up related words and references listed for them,
-e.g. "redeem, redeemed, ransom," even "buy" or "bought."</p>
- </div>
- <div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-clarify"></a>To Clarify Word Meanings in the Greek and Hebrew</h3></div></div></div>
- <p>What if you noticed a contradiction in the KJV between Mt.7:1 <span class="quote">„<span class="quote">Judge
+e.g. "redeem, redeemed, ransom," even "buy" or "bought."</p></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-clarify"></a>To Clarify Word Meanings in the Greek and Hebrew</h3></div></div></div><p>What if you noticed a contradiction in the KJV between Mt.7:1 <span class="quote">„<span class="quote">Judge
not lest you be judged</span>“</span>and 1 Cor.2:15 <span class="quote">„<span class="quote">He that is spiritual
judgeth all things.</span>“</span>Maybe there are two different Greek words here,
both being translated "judge" in English? (We're using Strong's from here
- <div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem">
- <p>Look up "judge".</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Go down the column of entries to Mt.7:1. To the right is a number,
-2919. This refers to the Greek word used. Write it down.</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Now look up "judgeth".</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Go down the column to 1 Cor.2:15 . . . . . 350.</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Turn in the back to the Greek dictionary. (Remember, you're in the NT so the
+out.)</p><div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1"><li class="listitem"><p>Look up "judge".</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Go down the column of entries to Mt.7:1. To the right is a number,
+2919. This refers to the Greek word used. Write it down.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Now look up "judgeth".</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Go down the column to 1 Cor.2:15 . . . . . 350.</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Turn in the back to the Greek dictionary. (Remember, you're in the NT so the
language is Greek, while the OT is Hebrew.) Compare the meaning of 2919 with
-the meaning of 350 and you have your answer!</p>
- </li></ol></div>
- </div>
- <div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-names"></a>To Find Meanings of Names</h3></div></div></div>
- <p>By the same process we can find the meaning of a name in the Greek or
- <p>Look up these names and write down their meaning:</p>
- <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
- <p>Nabal</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Abigail</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Joshua</p>
- </li><li class="listitem">
- <p>Barnabus</p>
- </li></ul></div>
- </div>
- </div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="h2-basics-expository.html">Ankstesnis</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="h2-basics.html">Aukštyn</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="h2-rules.html">Tolesnis</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">An Expository Study of Matthew 6:1-18 </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Į pradžią</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Skyrius 3. Biblijos aiškinimo taisyklės (Hermeneutika)</td></tr></table></div></body></html>
+the meaning of 350 and you have your answer!</p></li></ol></div></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="h2-basics-worksheet-names"></a>To Find Meanings of Names</h3></div></div></div><p>By the same process we can find the meaning of a name in the Greek or
+Hebrew.</p><p>Look up these names and write down their meaning:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem"><p>Nabal</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Abigail</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Joshua</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Barnabus</p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="h2-basics-expository.html">Ankstesnis</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="h2-basics.html">Aukštyn</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="h2-rules.html">Tolesnis</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">An Expository Study of Matthew 6:1-18 </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Į pradžią</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Skyrius 3. Biblijos aiškinimo taisyklės (Hermeneutika)</td></tr></table></div></body></html>