path: root/src/backend/config/btconfigcore.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/backend/config/btconfigcore.h')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/backend/config/btconfigcore.h b/src/backend/config/btconfigcore.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c24b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/config/btconfigcore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+* In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
+* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
+* Copyright 1999-2014 by the BibleTime developers.
+* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QMutex>
+#include <QStringList>
+ \note Session keys are QStrings because we even want to handle cases where the
+ configuration file is manually changed. When creating new sessions, they
+ are still generated from unsigned integers.
+class BtConfigCore {
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(BtConfigCore)
+public: /* Types: */
+ typedef QHash<QString, QString> SessionNamesHashMap;
+public: /* Methods: */
+ /**
+ \param[in] settingsFile The filename of the settings file.
+ */
+ explicit BtConfigCore(const QString & settingsFile);
+ inline ~BtConfigCore() { sync(); }
+ /**
+ \returns the key of the current session.
+ */
+ inline const QString & currentSessionKey() const {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ return m_currentSessionKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ \returns the name of the current session.
+ */
+ inline const QString & currentSessionName() const {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ typedef QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator SSHCI;
+ SSHCI it = m_sessionNames.constFind(m_currentSessionKey);
+ Q_ASSERT(it != m_sessionNames.constEnd());
+ return it.value();
+ }
+ /**
+ \returns a hashmap with the keys and printable names of the sessions.
+ */
+ inline const SessionNamesHashMap & sessionNames() const {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ return m_sessionNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Notifies the configuration system that the session settings
+ should be read from and saved to the given session.
+ \pre The session with the given key must exist.
+ \param[in] key the key of the session to switch to.
+ \post the sessionValue() and value() methods will work with the settings
+ of the given session.
+ */
+ void setCurrentSession(const QString & key);
+ /**
+ \brief Creates a new session with the given name.
+ \pre The given name must not be an empty string.
+ \param[in] name the name of the session
+ \returns the key of the created session.
+ */
+ QString addSession(const QString & name);
+ /**
+ \brief Deletes the session with the given key.
+ \pre The session with the given key must exist.
+ \pre The session with the given key must not be the current session.
+ \param[in] key the key of the session to delete.
+ \post The session with the given key and its settings are deleted.
+ \returns whether deleting the session was successful.
+ */
+ void deleteSession(const QString & key);
+ /**
+ \brief Returns the settings value for the given global key.
+ \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
+ \param[in] defaultValue The value to return if no saved value is found.
+ \returns the value of type specified by the template parameter.
+ */
+ template<typename T>
+ inline T value(const QString & key, const T & defaultValue = T()) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ return m_settings.value(group() + key,
+ QVariant::fromValue(defaultValue)).template value<T>();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Returns the settings value for the given global key as a QVariant.
+ \param[in] key Key to get the value for.
+ \param[in] defaultValue The value to return if no saved value is found.
+ \returns the value.
+ */
+ inline QVariant qVariantValue(const QString & key,
+ const QVariant & defaultValue = QVariant())
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ return m_settings.value(group() + key,
+ QVariant::fromValue(defaultValue));
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Returns the settings value for the given session key.
+ \param[in] key Session key to get the value for.
+ \param[in] defaultValue The value to return if no saved value is found.
+ \returns the value of type specified by the template parameter.
+ */
+ template<typename T>
+ inline T sessionValue(const QString & key, const T & defaultValue = T()) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ return m_settings.value(m_cachedCurrentSessionGroup + group() + key,
+ QVariant::fromValue(defaultValue)).template value<T>();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Sets a value for a global settings key.
+ \param[in] key Ket to set.
+ \param[in] value Value to set.
+ */
+ template<typename T>
+ inline void setValue(const QString & key, const T & value) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ m_settings.setValue(group() + key, QVariant::fromValue<T>(value));
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Sets a value for a session settings key.
+ \param[in] key Ket to set.
+ \param[in] value Value to set.
+ */
+ template<typename T>
+ inline void setSessionValue(const QString & key, const T & value) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ m_settings.setValue(m_cachedCurrentSessionGroup + group() + key,
+ QVariant::fromValue<T>(value));
+ }
+ /**
+ \returns a list of first-level keys in the current group in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childKeys();
+ /**
+ \pre subkey is not empty
+ \param[in] subkey the subkey
+ \returns a list of keys under the current group and subkey in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childKeys(const QString & subkey);
+ /**
+ \returns a list of first-level groups in the current group in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childGroups();
+ /**
+ \pre subkey is not empty
+ \param[in] subkey the subkey
+ \returns a list of groups under the current group and subkey in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childGroups(const QString & subkey);
+ /**
+ \returns a list of first-level groups in the current group in session settings.
+ */
+ QStringList sessionChildGroups();
+ /**
+ \pre subkey is not empty
+ \param[in] subkey the subkey
+ \returns a list of groups under the current group and subkey in session settings.
+ */
+ QStringList sessionChildGroups(const QString & subkey);
+ /**
+ \brief removes a key all its children from global settings.
+ \param[in] key the key to remove
+ */
+ void remove(const QString & key);
+ /**
+ \brief removes a key all its children from session settings.
+ \param[in] key the key to remove
+ */
+ void sessionRemove(const QString & key);
+ /**
+ \brief Synchronize the underlying QSettings.
+ */
+ inline void sync() {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ m_settings.sync();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Appends the given prefix to the current group.
+ The current group is automatically prepended to all keys when reading or
+ writing settings values. The behaviour is similar to QSettings::beginGroup().
+ \warning Locks the object (recursively) until endGroup().
+ \param[in] prefix the prefix to append
+ */
+ inline void beginGroup(QString prefix) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!prefix.isEmpty());
+ while (prefix.startsWith('/'))
+ prefix.remove(0, 1);
+ Q_ASSERT(!prefix.isEmpty());
+ while (prefix.endsWith('/'))
+ prefix.chop(1);
+ Q_ASSERT(!prefix.isEmpty());
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ m_groups.append(prefix);
+ m_cachedGroup = QString();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Resets the current group to its previous value.
+ Call this function after you are done with a started group. Every call to
+ beginGroup() must be matched with a call to this function in the same
+ thread.
+ \warning Locks the object (recursively) until endGroup().
+ */
+ inline void endGroup() {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!m_groups.isEmpty(), "BtConfig", "endGroup() called, but no beginGroup() active.");
+ m_groups.removeLast();
+ m_cachedGroup = QString();
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Returns the current group.
+ Returns the group the BtConfig is currently set to. It will contain a
+ trailing / so is suitable to be preprended to a key directly.
+ \returns the group string or an empty string if no group is set.
+ */
+ inline QString group() const {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
+ if (m_cachedGroup.isNull()) {
+ m_cachedGroup = m_groups.isEmpty()
+ ? ""
+ : m_groups.join("/") + '/';
+ }
+ return m_cachedGroup;
+ }
+private: /* Methods: */
+ /**
+ \Brief Same childKeys(), but not thread-safe.
+ \returns a list of first-level keys in the current group in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childKeys__();
+ /**
+ \Brief Same childGroups(), but not thread-safe.
+ \returns a list of first-level groups in the current group in global settings.
+ */
+ QStringList childGroups__();
+ /**
+ \Brief Same sessionChildGroups(), but not thread-safe.
+ \returns a list of first-level groups in the current group in session settings.
+ */
+ QStringList sessionChildGroups__();
+protected: /* Fields: */
+ /** Required for asynchronous access */
+ mutable QMutex m_mutex;
+private: /* Fields: */
+ /** Underlying backend */
+ QSettings m_settings;
+ /** List of active group prefixes */
+ QStringList m_groups;
+ /** Cached group() string or QString::null if not cached */
+ mutable QString m_cachedGroup;
+ /** Index of currently active session */
+ QString m_currentSessionKey;
+ /** Cached group name of the currently active session */
+ mutable QString m_cachedCurrentSessionGroup;
+ /** Keys and names all sessions */
+ SessionNamesHashMap m_sessionNames;
+ // Helper key strings:
+ static const QString GROUP_SESSIONS;
+ static const QString KEY_CURRENT_SESSION;
+ static const QString GROUP_SESSION;
+ static const QString KEY_SESSION_NAME;
+ static const QString UI_FONT_SIZE;