path: root/src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp b/src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp
index 32444b4..e648303 100644
--- a/src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp
+++ b/src/backend/rendering/cdisplayrendering.cpp
@@ -23,139 +23,139 @@
namespace Rendering {
- CDisplayRendering::CDisplayRendering(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions)
-: CHTMLExportRendering(CHTMLExportRendering::Settings(true), displayOptions, filterOptions) {}
+CDisplayRendering::CDisplayRendering(CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions displayOptions, CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOptions)
+ : CHTMLExportRendering(CHTMLExportRendering::Settings(true), displayOptions, filterOptions) {}
+const QString CDisplayRendering::entryLink( const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* module ) {
+ QString linkText;
+ const bool isBible = module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible);
+ CSwordVerseKey vk(module); //only valid for bible modules, i.e. isBible == true
+ vk.Headings(true);
+ if (isBible) {
+ vk.key(item.key());
+ }
+ if (isBible && (vk.Verse() == 0)) {
+ return QString::null; //Warning: return already here
+ }
+ switch (item.settings().keyRenderingFace) {
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey: {
+ linkText = QString::null;
+ break; //no key is valid for all modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = QString::fromUtf8(vk.getShortText());
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteLong: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = vk.key();
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ case KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey: {
+ if (isBible) {
+ linkText = QString::number(vk.Verse());
+ break;
+ }
+ //fall through for non-Bible modules
+ }
+ default: { //default behaviour to return the passed key
+ linkText = item.key();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (linkText.isEmpty()) {
+ return QString("<a name=\"").append(keyToHTMLAnchor(item.key())).append("\"></a>");
+ }
+ else {
+ return QString("<a name=\"").append(keyToHTMLAnchor(item.key())).append("\" ")
+ .append("href=\"")
+ .append(CReferenceManager::encodeHyperlink(
+ module->name(), item.key(), CReferenceManager::typeFromModule(module->type()))
+ )
+ .append("\">").append(linkText).append("</a>\n");
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+const QString CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(const QString& key) {
+ QString ret = key;
+ // Be careful not to remove non-ASCII characters, this causes problems
+ // with many languages.
+ ret = ret.trimmed().remove(QRegExp("\\s")).replace(QString(":"), QString("_"));
+ return ret;
+const QString CDisplayRendering::finishText( const QString& oldText, KeyTree& tree ) {
+ QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules = collectModules(&tree);
+ qDebug("CDisplayRendering::finishText");
+ //marking words is very slow, we have to find a better solution
+ /*
+ //mark all words by spans
+ QString text = oldText;
+ QRegExp re("(\\b)(?=\\w)"); //word begin marker
+ int pos = text.find(re, 0);
- const QString CDisplayRendering::entryLink( const KeyTreeItem& item, CSwordModuleInfo* module ) {
- QString linkText;
- const bool isBible = module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible);
- CSwordVerseKey vk(module); //only valid for bible modules, i.e. isBible == true
- vk.Headings(true);
- if (isBible) {
- vk.key(item.key());
- }
- if (isBible && (vk.Verse() == 0)) {
- return QString::null; //Warning: return already here
- }
- switch (item.settings().keyRenderingFace) {
- case KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey: {
- linkText = QString::null;
- break; //no key is valid for all modules
- }
- case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort: {
- if (isBible) {
- linkText = QString::fromUtf8(vk.getShortText());
- break;
- }
- //fall through for non-Bible modules
- }
- case KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteLong: {
- if (isBible) {
- linkText = vk.key();
- break;
- }
- //fall through for non-Bible modules
- }
- case KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey: {
- if (isBible) {
- linkText = QString::number(vk.Verse());
- break;
- }
- //fall through for non-Bible modules
- }
- default: { //default behaviour to return the passed key
- linkText = item.key();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (linkText.isEmpty()) {
- return QString("<a name=\"").append(keyToHTMLAnchor(item.key())).append("\"></a>");
- }
- else {
- return QString("<a name=\"").append(keyToHTMLAnchor(item.key())).append("\" ")
- .append("href=\"")
- .append(CReferenceManager::encodeHyperlink(
- module->name(), item.key(), CReferenceManager::typeFromModule(module->type()))
- )
- .append("\">").append(linkText).append("</a>\n");
- }
- return QString::null;
- }
- const QString CDisplayRendering::keyToHTMLAnchor(const QString& key) {
- QString ret = key;
- // Be careful not to remove non-ASCII characters, this causes problems
- // with many languages.
- ret = ret.trimmed().remove(QRegExp("\\s")).replace(QString(":"), QString("_"));
- return ret;
- }
- const QString CDisplayRendering::finishText( const QString& oldText, KeyTree& tree ) {
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules = collectModules(&tree);
- qDebug("CDisplayRendering::finishText");
- //marking words is very slow, we have to find a better solution
- /*
- //mark all words by spans
- QString text = oldText;
- QRegExp re("(\\b)(?=\\w)"); //word begin marker
- int pos = text.find(re, 0);
- while (pos != -1) { //word begin found
- //qWarning("found word at %i in %i", pos, text.length());
- int endPos = pos + 1;
- if (!CToolClass::inHTMLTag(pos+1, text)) { //the re has a positive look ahead which matches one char before the word start
- //qWarning("matched %s", text.mid(pos+1, 4).latin1());
- //find end of word and put a marker around it
- endPos = text.find(QRegExp("\\b|[,.:]"), pos+1);
- if ((endPos != -1) && !CToolClass::inHTMLTag(endPos, text) && (endPos - pos >= 3)) { //reuire wordslonger than 3 chars
- text.insert(endPos, "</span>");
- text.insert(pos, "<span class=\"word\">");
- endPos += 26;
- }
- }
- pos = text.find(re, endPos);
- }
- */
- const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang =
- (modules.count() >= 1)
- ? modules.first()->language()
- : CPointers::languageMgr()->defaultLanguage();
- CDisplayTemplateMgr* tMgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
- //Q_ASSERT(modules.count() >= 1);
- CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
- settings.modules = modules;
- settings.langAbbrev = ((modules.count() == 1) && lang->isValid()) ? lang->abbrev() : QString::null;
- if (modules.count() == 1)
- settings.pageDirection = (modules.first()->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::LeftToRight) ? "ltr" : "rtl";
- else
- settings.pageDirection = QString::null;
- return tMgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle), oldText, settings);
- }
+ while (pos != -1) { //word begin found
+ //qWarning("found word at %i in %i", pos, text.length());
+ int endPos = pos + 1;
+ if (!CToolClass::inHTMLTag(pos+1, text)) { //the re has a positive look ahead which matches one char before the word start
+ //qWarning("matched %s", text.mid(pos+1, 4).latin1());
+ //find end of word and put a marker around it
+ endPos = text.find(QRegExp("\\b|[,.:]"), pos+1);
+ if ((endPos != -1) && !CToolClass::inHTMLTag(endPos, text) && (endPos - pos >= 3)) { //reuire wordslonger than 3 chars
+ text.insert(endPos, "</span>");
+ text.insert(pos, "<span class=\"word\">");
+ endPos += 26;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = text.find(re, endPos);
+ }
+ */
+ const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang =
+ (modules.count() >= 1)
+ ? modules.first()->language()
+ : CPointers::languageMgr()->defaultLanguage();
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr* tMgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
+ //Q_ASSERT(modules.count() >= 1);
+ CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
+ settings.modules = modules;
+ settings.langAbbrev = ((modules.count() == 1) && lang->isValid()) ? lang->abbrev() : QString::null;
+ if (modules.count() == 1)
+ settings.pageDirection = (modules.first()->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::LeftToRight) ? "ltr" : "rtl";
+ else
+ settings.pageDirection = QString::null;
+ return tMgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::displayStyle), oldText, settings);