2009-10-06 Martin Gruner * Release 2.3 2009-09-30 Martin Gruner * Release 2.3.rc1 2009-09-29 Jaak Ristioja * Added a case-insensitive module filter to the bookshelf dock widget. 2009-09-26 Martin Gruner * Improved DBus interface for easier detection of BibleTime service as requested by Teus Benshop. 2009-09-25 Martin Gruner * Release 2.3.beta1 2009-09-20 Thomas Abthorpe * Link Spanish Howto to the build 2009-09-19 Jaak Ristioja * Added a new bookshelf models implemented on top of the Qt Model/View framework. * Rewrote the bookshelf dock widget in the main window. 2009-09-18 Gary Holmlund * Fix bug id 2807600 - Limit movability of toolbar components * Fix bug id 2832540 - Personal note relocated 2009-09-14 Martin Gruner * Fixed a nasty bug which prevented non-KJV-verses to be shown in modules with differing versification systems 2009-09-07 Martin Gruner * Fixed a nasty bug causing a small memory leak and preventing the bookname language from being updated instantly in the bible key choosers after a language change. 2009-09-05 Gary Holmlund * Added new feature called "Change location". It is a shortcut (Ctrl-L) that changes the focus to the toolbar field for the bible reference or book location. This is like the Ctrl-L feature of FireFox. * Fixed the "Search with works of this window" shortcut so it appears in the shortcut editor. Moved its shortcut key from Ctrl-L to Ctrl-N 2009-09-01 Martin Gruner * Fixed bug causing wrong behaviour on verse number click 2009-08-27 Thomas Abthorpe * Link Danish Howto to the build 2009-08-26 Martin Gruner * Add Patch by Kang Sun to avoid compiler warnings * Release 2.2 2009-08-19 Martin Gruner * Release 2.2.rc1 2009-08-17 Jaak Ristioja * Made the verse key chooser dropdown buttons appear on hover for better toolbar layout * Fixed template display problems on dark color schemes. 2009-08-15 Jaak Ristioja * Fixed mouse cursor vanishing problem when using the verse key chooser scroll buttons 2009-08-12 Martin Gruner * Release 2.2.beta1 2009-08-09 Jaak Ristioja * Fixed install manager performance issue on installing many works at once 2009-08-03 Gary Holmlund * Fix the Forward/backward in history toolbar buttons to work with shortcuts 2009-07-25 Gary Holmlund * Add shortcut page to config settings dialog * Rework of how actions are setup, many shortcuts had not been working 2009-07-12 Martin Gruner * Release 2.1 2009-07-05 Martin Gruner * Release 2.1.rc1 2009-06-28 Martin Gruner * Release 2.1.beta1 2009-06-27 Thomas Abthorpe * Add Brazilian Portuguese Handbook translation to the build 2009-06-19 Gary Holmlund * Config Dialog does not open for first time starting of BibleTime 2009-06-08 Martin Gruner * Require Sword 1.6.0, obsolete support code removed * Require CMake 2.6.0 * Re-enabled -Werror for debug builds 2009-06-06 Gary Holmlund * Config and Bookshelf Manager dialogs will remember their last size and position * Fix warning coming from document_magnifier.svg 2009-06-06 Martin Gruner * Release 2.0.1 2009-06-02 Martin Gruner * Fix bug #2799800: Display broken when verse numbers are turned off 2009-05-30 Gary Holmlund * Fix defect, the main window icon was missing - defect # 2798758 * Removed debug code writing a out.txt file in the current directory without warning 2009-05-28 Martin Gruner * release 2.0 2009-05-20 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.rc1 2009-05-16 Gary Holmlund * Fix problem causing Mag window to update when it should not. 2009-05-16 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.beta3, hopefully the last beta 2009-05-11 Martin Gruner * Added detection of curl and icu, which is optional, but may be required by Sword for linking 2009-05-08 Martin Gruner * Rewrote Sword library detection code for compiling in a hopefully platform-independent way 2009-04-26 Gary Holmlund * Change Mag window to use language specific font type and size. 2009-04-29 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.beta2 2009-04-26 Gary Holmlund * Fix clicking of links in the Mag Window. 2009-04-25 Gary Holmlund * Fix drag/drop onto the display window. 2009-04-25 Martin Gruner * include bugfix from Fabio Correa: fix cmake syntax for "make test" generation 2009-04-24 Thomas Abthorpe * Add Hungarian Handbook translation to the build 2009-04-21 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.beta1 2009-04-21 Martin Gruner * Applied cmake patch from Greg Hellings with slight modifications * Applied translation patches from Jaak Ristioja * Applied patch from Jaak Ristioja which makes generated config.h obsolete * Applied patch from Jaak Ristioja which simplifies .moc file generation 2009-04-09 Gary Holmlund * Add translatable text for several dialogs These words need transating: Ok, Open, Save, Cancel, Close, Discard, Apply, Reset, Restore Defaults, Help, Save All, Yes, Yes To All, No, No To All 2009-03-25 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.alpha3 2009-03-23 Martin Gruner * revived contributor data in about dialog 2009-03-22 Thomas Abthorpe * Add Czech translation to the build 2009-03-20 Gary Holmlund * Use docking windows instead of splitters for the left side windows. The docking windows can be moved by dragging from their title bar. They can be moved to the left, right, top, or bottom of the main window. They can be dropped above, below, or on top of other docking windows. If dropped on top of another docking window, tabs are automatically created. They can be resized by dragging from their edges. The location of the docking windows can be saved by saving a session. The default session ensures that they look the same as the last session. Each docking window has a menu under "View" to toggle its visibility. 2009-03-20 Martin Gruner * release 2.0.alpha2 2009-03-12 Gary Holmlund * Use default browser instead of just konqueror or firefox. This should work much better for non-linux platforms 2009-03-12 Gary Holmlund * New Help > About dialog with BibleTime, Sword, Qt, and License tabs. 2009-03-10 Martin Gruner * Slightly improved clucene integration robustness with exception handling. 2009-03-07 Gary, Eeli, Greg, Martin * many platform-compatibility enhancements * release 2.0.alpha1 2009-02-22 Gary * Completed the port to QT. KDE is no longer required. (Hooray!) 2009-02-07 Gary, Eeli, Martin * several bugfixes * releasing 1.7 final 2009-02-03 Gary, Eeli, Martin * tons of bugfixes * threading disabled in Bookshelf Manager because of non-threadsafe ftp library in Sword * beginnings of port to QTWebKit by Gary (code disabled by default) * release 1.7rc1 2008-11-05 Martin Gruner * more const modifier fixes in various sources to improve standards conformity 2008-09-12 Martin Gruner * Bugfixes to the cmake build framework (with MacOS contributions by Greg Hellings) * const modifier fixes in various sources to improve standards conformity by Eeli 2008-08-27 Martin Gruner * Released 1.7.beta1 for distributions to package * several bugfixes 2008-05 * MAJOR CHANGES FOR 1.7 * * The code is in svn instead of cvs * Port to KDE4/QT4, reduced KDE dependency to a minimum * Command line options have changed (--help is out of date) * Configuration files have been moved to ~/.bibletime/ * New build system: cmake * i18n of UI strings is now handled by QT * tr() function in the source code, .ts files for translations * UI strings have been changed radically * Massive code cleanups and internal refactoring * New classes, rewritten and renamed classes, removed classes * Better directory structure * Cleaned up #includes * New bookshelf manager * New external communications interface DBUS (instead of DCOP) * Bookshelf improvements * Separation of works and bookmarks on two tabs * Different work grouping types supported * Hide/Unhide feature to select which modules should be displayed * Corrections and enhancements to session management * Search dialog now has a history for the modules to search in * Bugfixes to backend filters and display templates * Disabled features * Key binding configuration (maybe this will re-appear in a later release) * Search analysis (should re-appear soon) * Startup tips (probably not coming back) * Drag and Drop in the main window Bookshelf (should re-appear) * "About" dialogs in Help menu ("About BibleTime" is probably needed back) * Eeli Kaikkonen and Martin Gruner are responsible for most of the work with the help of Jeremy Erickson and some other contributors, Joachim Ansorg has retired from coding 2007-11-01 Martin Gruner * Released 1.6.5 with several important bugfixes 2007-04-18 Joachim Ansorg * Released version 1.6.4 2007-04-02 Joachim Ansorg * Updated list of contributors 2007-03-23 Joachim Ansorg * Printing now uses the windows's display settings (verse-numbers) 2007-03-22 Joachim Ansorg * Applied a patch by Eeli Kaikkonen to have a delay before the mag content appears * Added Eeli Kaikkonen to the list of contributors 2007-03-22 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed the osis filter to work with the new NETfree module 2007-03-14 Joachim Ansorg * Added our own thmlplain filter to fix a CLucene indexing bug 2007-02-25 David Blue * Added CSS to templates to display Lord in small-caps when tagged that way in the module. Fixes Bug #1660413. 2007-02-19 Joachim Ansorg * Added Chunshek Chan to the contributors 2007-02-03 Martin Gruner * more fixes to the make system * released 1.6.3b 2006-01-28 Joachim Ansorg * fixes to the make system * released 1.6.3a 2007-01-27 Martin Gruner * fixed searching in unicode texts which I broke on 2006-12-05; please accept my apologies. * released 1.6.3 2007-01-27 Martin Gruner * fixed session loading code to handle main window properties correctly * fixed hotkey configuration for books 2007-01-14 Martin Gruner * another search fix, set max lucene field size to 1 MiB. BibleTime should not truncate long entries any more. 2006-12-27 Joachim Ansorg * Added Jeremy Erickson to the contributors * Changed copyright to 1999-2007 2006-12-26 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed some Makefile.am issues * Added some contributors to the about dialog 2006-12-14 Martin Gruner * fixed handbook typo * fixed required clucene version to 0.9.16 2006-12-07 Martin Gruner * packaged BibleTime 1.6.2 2006-12-07 Daniel Glassey * add --enable-howto to be able to disable building bible study howto (required by Debian :/) 2006-12-05 Martin Gruner * BibleTime will now index, search and display pre-chapter and pre-book headings; small cleanups * searching should work as expected now with regard to headings 2006-12-02 Martin Gruner * allow automake 1.10 2006-11-30 Joachim Ansorg * Fix for missing text if GBF red letter words were used 2006-11-27 Joachim Ansorg * The tree state is restored if a change in the Sword setup forces a reload at runtime. 2006-11-25 Martin Gruner * Fixed 2 tooltips which were swapped * removed old leftover code that caused problems with --enable-final 2006-11-24 Joachim Ansorg * Updated contributors in the about dialog 2006-11-01 Martin Gruner * Reverted Analyzer Change of 1.6.1 to use StandardAnalyzer again, but without stop words. Whitespace Analyzer did not correctly strip punctuation, so that hits were missing. Sorry. Search should work as expected now. * Added ability to display Book and Chapter headings 2006-10-25 Martin Gruner * Fixed crash on module uninstallation * released BibleTime 1.6.1 2006-10-21 Martin Gruner * Fixed KJV 2006 display, stripping NT transcription footnotes correctly again * Changed Search to use WhitespaceAnalyzer instead of StandardAnalyzer. Now the default stop words of StandardAnalyzer are ignored. * Fixed search result highlighting for queries with "*" - do not highlight across word boundaries any more * Fixed fullscreen toggeling 2006-10-10 Martin Gruner * small clucene.m4 bugfix for nonstandard sword installations 2006-09-22 Joachim Ansorg * Release of BibleTime 1.6 2006-09-12 Martin Gruner * Fixed personal commentary display bug 2006-08-25 Martin Gruner * Changed location of bibletime.desktop to /usr/share/applications 2006-08-23 Martin Gruner * released BibleTime 1.6rc1 2006-08-21 Martin Gruner * Fixed Keychooser Hotkeys to cross testament boundary 2006-08-20 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed the shrinking to zero of the left mainwindow's left part * Fixed crossrefs in the clucene index * Improved the layout of the searchdialog options * Modules which require a more recent Sword are not loaded 2006-08-20 Martin Gruner * Added documentation for "Find text in read window" 2006-08-07 Martin Gruner * verse keychooser bugfix and cleanups 2006-08-01 David Blue * Matched the High Contrast Template to the High Contrast Black Text colours in kde 2006-07-25 David Blue * Fixed display of crossrefs in all templates 2006-06-20 Martin Gruner * major patch to the printing system: printing works dynamically and respects the display and filter settings, instead of loading the default settings at program startup time * Joachim, why does printing not work with headings and scriprefs and other markup elements? Besides, it always shows verse numbers, even if they are turned off * Please test printing 2006-06-17 Martin Gruner * Released BibleTime 1.6beta3 2006-06-15 Martin Gruner * BibleTime now unlocks immediately * The module icon reflects this immediately * unlock status reflects correct/incorrect key now, instead of empty/set (possibly false) key * Sword config setting and text retrieval prevention from locked modules are not implemented yet, not as important (and I dunno how to do it right now) * fixed display profile bug with maximized state; you may need to delete old sessions * removed workaround code for lucene 0.9.10 2006-06-09 Martin Gruner * patched clucene.m4 to support and require clucene 0.9.12 2006-05-23 Martin Gruner * Applied more patches by Mark Zealey 2006-05-22 Martin Gruner * Applied keychooser patch by Mark Zealey, BibleTime now uses an entirely different and improved key chooser for Bibles and Commentaries. 2006-05-18 Martin Gruner * First patch after a month! * Fixed UI issue in Bookshelf Manager which ended up in wrong place after cancelling index download 2006-04-26 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.6beta2 2006-04-19 Martin Gruner * Updated INSTALL.in 2006-04-09 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed popup menu in the commentary window 2006-04-06 Martin Gruner * Fixed all delayed popup menus to show up immediately 2006-03-30 Martin Gruner * Fixed "make messages" to include autogenerated .cpp and .h files (from .ui files) by running "make" first before extracting the messages * small enhancement to the crazy template 2006-03-30 Joachim Ansorg * Fix: Support robinson codes in the new KJV2006 module 2006-03-25 Joachim Ansorg * Support special x-p milestone in the new KJV2006 module. * Support multiple lemmas and morphs per word in the KJV006 module * Fix: OSIS filter fix for seg elements * Fix: Display templates did not show headings in bold if a font was set for the module language 2006-03-24 Gabriel Beddingfield * Added isWritable() check (and error message) before saving in CPlainWriteWindow. 2006-03-24 Martin Gruner * Added DCOP call reloadModules() 2006-03-21 Martin Gruner * Fixed a ThML crossref parsing bug 2006-03-18 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.6beta1 2006-03-04 Martin Gruner * added an CSwordModule::unlockKeyIsValid() function 2006-02-25 Joachim and Martin: BibleTime Bug Squashing Party I * Disabled sorting for the "manage indices" columns * Added "automatically delete orphaned indices when BibleTime starts" option * Fixed display window toolbar problems, now there are 2 toolbars * Added support for "n" attribute in footnotes * Fixes to the display templates 2006-02-22 Martin Gruner * Orphaned and defect indices are now automatically deleted 2006-02-15 Joachim Ansorg * Fix: Modules without indexes created an empty index directory. * Fix: Module indexes are completely removed now 2006-02-14 Martin Gruner * Extended index logic to allow for additional indexes per module in future 2006-02-14 Joachim Ansorg * Search window: The result count in the module list are sortable now * The "Strong's search" items in the context menus of display windows are disabled now if there's no number to search for 2006-02-10 Joachim Ansorg * Several smaller fixes to the searchdialog gui * Moved searchdialog classes into several namespaces (Search::*) * Added the icon for the "Search Strong's Number" option * Bumped version number to 1.5.95, i.e. a 1.6pre version * Sometime the wrong text was shows for notes 2006-02-01 Lee Carpenter * Applied Jim Campbell's updates to the Strong's search feature. 2006-01-26 Lee Carpenter * Added an index size field to the 'Manage search indices' page. 2006-01-22 Lee Carpenter * Added a page to the Bookshelf Manager to add/delete search indices. 2006-01-19 Lee Carpenter * Applied Jim Campbell's patches to add Strong's highlighting in search results. 2006-01-18 Lee Carpenter * Converted search dialog to use Designer .ui templates for layout. 2006-01-02 Martin Gruner * Search dialog UI cleanups * Added index version tracking 2005-12-30 Martin Gruner * Simplified Search Dialog, code cleanups * Added index creation progress dialog 2005-11-13 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.5.3 * Patch: Applied patches by Jeremy Erickson to compile with KDE 3.0-3.3. 2005-11-09 Martin Gruner * Added support for OSIS tables 2005-11-06 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Changed popup title in commentary windows to "Commentary window" instead of "Lexicon window" * Patch: Applied patch by Jeremy Erickson to CMDIArea to compile with Qt 3.2 2005-10-24 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Allow download of locked modules 2005-10-16 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.5.2 2005-10-15 Joachim Ansorg * New feature: Remember open groups in the bookshelf on next startup * New feature: Remember selected item of the bookshelf on next startup 2005-10-11 Joachim Ansorg * New feature: Added new method called getModulesOfType to our DCOP interface. 2005-10-07 Joachim Ansorg * New feature: The display windows now have a search dialog to search in the displayed text (also activated by CTRL+F) * Bugfix: Changed key accel of "Search open works" to CTRL + O, because the standard action used CTRL + F, which we use in the new feature above. Changed the settings in hdbk-reference as well. * Bugfix: Hopefully the last fix for the parsing. We have to work around a Sword parsing problem. 2005-10-05 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Enter in a keychooser did not change the display under special circuamstance * Buffix: Newlines entered in the plain text editor were not displayed in the HTML editor or the read display window * Bugfix: One more parsing fix 2005-10-03 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Fix for bookshelf manager where the "Install works" button was always greyed out * Bugfix: Another fix to reference parsing * Feature: Refs in ThML modules (e.g. TSK) are now splitted if it doesn't alter content 2005-10-01 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Fix for the key parsing where only a partial reference was given 2005-09-25 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Crash on FedoraCore4 if the settings dialog has been closed 2005-09-16 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: ThML modules like the ISV crashed BibleTime if the default Bible couldn't be found 2005-09-12 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.5.1 * BibleTime-i18n package 1.5.1 2005-09-10 Joachim Ansorg * New feature: DCOP interface to control BibleTime. The available commands are avilable by calling "dcop bibletime BibleTimeInterface". To read the DCOP documentation please have a look at the file bibletime/bibletimeinterface.h * Bugfix: The bookshelf manager didn't work with KDE systems which were configured to use a double click * Bugfix: A trailing slash in the hostname prevented the bookshelf manager to connect to that remote host 2005-08-24 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: More Drag&Drop fixes * Bugfix: Some compilers complained about a missing namespace declaration in the backend code 2005-08-24 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Copyright infos for a module is now displayed as correctly enocoded text * Bugfix: Larger fontsize for the display styles "Default" and "Green" 2005-08-18 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfix: Bookmark drag&drop should work now 2005-08-01 Joachim Ansorg * New feature: Display templates can now be stored in $KDEDIR/share/apps/bibletime/display-templates/ and $HOME/.kde/share/apps/bibletime/display-templates/ 2005-07-16 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.5 * Handbook update by Martin * Hotkeys reviewed 2005-06-17 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.5rc2 * Most of the bugs reported for rc1 are fixed * Major handbook update * Display windows scroll now to the right position after they opened and after a resize 2005-06-10 Joachim Ansorg * API doc updates (BibleTime.DoxyFile) * Fixed code to compile with GCC 3.3.6, 3.4.4 and 4.0 2005-06-06 Joachim Ansorg * Added the missing "Delete session" menu item * The sessions items are now disabled if no sub-menu items are present 2005-05-29 Joachim Ansorg * Releases BibleTime 1.5rc1 -Tons of bugfixes, new features and improvements 2004-07-17 Daniel Glassey * Added English and German man files courtesy of Erik Schanze 2004-07-16 Martin Gruner * Added invocation of KDE's graphical regular expression editor. -invoke simply by selecting "regular expression" as search type. 2004-01-29 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.4.1 release -Bugfixes, especially in the Sword setup dialog part -Changed default icons to crystalsvg -Updated GUI translations 2003-12-28 Joachim Ansorg * BibleTime 1.4 release -New SwordSetup Dialog to setup Sword's configuration, to install modules from remote or local sources and to uninstall modules. -Bugfixes 2003-08-28 Joachim Ansorg * Released BibleTime 1.3. Major changes are: -Redesign of the main index; bookmarks are seperated into an own folder, modules are sorted by type and language; better menu structure -Better bookmark file format, bookmarks are saved now in XML. Old bookmarks can still be imported. -Improved Drag&Drop to work with multiple items, e.g. twenty search result items -Redesign of the search dialog; it's easier to use now and better to navigate -Better support for GenBooks (Generic Books) -Improved support for writing commentaries. There's a plain text editor and a WYSIWYG editor now. -BibleTime 1.3 requires Sword 1.5.6 now -Many, many bugs and memory leaks fixed -Updates to all translations, including new languages We're sorry for the long time it took to prepare the 1.3 release! We hope to improve release cycles with the next releases. 2003-03-10 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed BibleTime to work in all places with the new SWBuffer class. Should be now more bug free. 2003-02-28 Joachim Ansorg * Released 1.3rc1 which uses a Sword snapshot. We're in message freeze now - translators can finally start. * Fixed BT to use Sword's new filter stuff 2003-01-19 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed BT_BASICFILTER::ProcessRWPRefs, made simpled and more bug free 2003-01-18 Joachim Ansorg * Removed install instructions from CResMgr and the actions XML file * Fixed missing insertion of KAction objects into our KAccel object 2003-01-17 Joachim Ansorg * Removed installation instructions, the webpage and README/INSTALL files are good enough 2003-01-16 Joachim Ansorg * Bugfixes: -Loading of profiles switched of auto-cascading and auto-tiling -Debugged CMDIArea, was old, buggy code. Should work now more robust. * Code cleanups for CDisplayWindow 2003-01-14 Joachim Ansorg * Last fixes for beta4: -Changes everything to use CResMgr instead of ugly #defined -Added support for new Red letter words strip filter -Everything is now in CResMgr -Many small bugfixes 2003-01-11 Joachim Ansorg * Searchdialog search result page highlights searched text * Default color of strongs and morph codes changed to Qt::darkBlue 2003-01-07 Joachim Ansorg * Major speed improvements for displaying lexicons together 2003-01-04 Martin Gruner * Release 1.3beta3 release * Changes in comparision with 1.2.x: - New main index with better module grouping (using language and type), better bookmark format (XML), import for old bookmarks from 1.2.2 - Drag&Drop works now with multiple items (e.g. 200 search result items) - Many more changes we don't remember 2002-06-02 Martin Gruner * Moved the english docs to bibletime/docs, and the pot file to bibletime/pot. Created a new package bibletime-i18n-de for German docs, with the folders docs/ and po/. Revised gen_am.sh file to suit the new arrangement, and it does at least run and create all the necessary Makefile.am files for English and German. 2002-05-03 Martin * Ported to KDE3: BibleTime 1.2. No new features. Text rendering works much better now (right-to-left), as well as font / charset handling -- thanks to Trolltech. 2002-10-04 Martin Gruner * Differences between 1.0 and 1.1: - Improved interface: o Better optionsdialog: Better structure, more powerful settings o Better menu structure: The documentation is now accessible from the Help menu, ... o Keyaccelerators for each display window type o much more - General Book Support (GBS): Books like "Josephus" are supported now. Operations like bookmarking, printing, copying or saving work just like with Bibles, commentaries or lexicons. - Crossreference support Crossreferences work now. For example you can click now on a strong number to open the module for it which displayes the chosen number. The same for Bibles, morph tags etc. Tooltips work for the links, too. - Improved Unicode support Unicode encoded modules are now supported in a better way. Choosing the font and the displaying of the text works better. RTL support and better rendering is still missing. - Profile management. Profiles capture the current state of the working area (opened display windows, scrollbar positions, set keys ...). Profiles can be loaded to restore the old state and can be saved to store the current state for later. Automatically restoring the windows after startup is possible, too. - Better crash management. BibleTime tries now to save settings if a crash occured. Although we implemented this, we don't know how to make BibleTime crash ;) It's just for your safety. - Speed improvements. Printing is almost two times faster now. Searching in modules is also faster, but this was improved in the Sword library by the Sword developers. - Improved display windows. Independent display settings for each window (footnotes, strongs ...) - Fullscreen mode of the main application window - Improved commentary editor: Ask if the text should be saved if the window or BibleTime should be closed if the changed text was not saved before. 2001-11-24 Fred Saalbach * Moved documentation to bibletime-docs - includes .po files, handbook, etc. * This will reduce the size of the main program and allow more flexibility for the creation of RPM's. * Compile time for the main program will also be reduced. 2001-09-22 Fred Saalbach * Fixed problem with sgml tag by replacing it with the in the english handbook. * This only is a problem with systems running kde 2 and document * text descripter "-//KDE//DTD DocBook V3.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN" * kdb2html finishes without errors now. 2001-08-30 Joachim Ansorg * Added $(DESTDIR) to Makefile.am files * Solved compilation errors 2001-08-17 Joachim Ansorg * Optimizations to CSwordBibleModuleInfo * Fixed bug in CBibleKeyChooser * New structure in the optionsdialog * Key accelerators for each display window type * Fullscreen button 2001-07-28 Joachim Ansorg * The new configure options are cached now (sword lib,includes, distribution name and version, RPM prefix and group) 2001-07-27 Joachim Ansorg * Added history box in the HTML dialog widget if history browsing is enabled 2001-07-16 Joachim Ansorg * Implemented better configure script. We have now options to link to a static Sword library! * Added rudimentary support for version checking 2001-06-20 Joachim Ansorg * Release BibleTime 1.0! We're really glad we got it out now! Enjoy! Sorry for the large delay! 2001-03-08 Joachim Ansorg * Released BibleTime 1.0beta1. 2001-02-17 Joachim Ansorg * Added QTextEdit, QTextView, and QRichText classes from Qt3 (ported by David Faure) * Removed the Qt2 classes QTextView, QTextBrowser and the class KTextEdit 2001-02-13 Joachim Ansorg * Changed the direction of the spin boxes and of the scrollbutton in the presenters * Updated QWorkspace to the one of Qt 2.2.4 2001-02-07 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed bugs in the groupmanager, searchdialog and presenters 2001-02-04 Joachim Ansorg * Added new features: RMB menus in the presenters and in the searchdialog 2001-02-03 Joachim Ansorg * Added Makefile system to create and install the handbook * Fred added his really nice handbook in .docbook format * Improved printing dialog: Now the styles are saved and restored correctly, needs some tweaking * Fixed some bugs in the printing system, removed the range specifiers of the printing dialog 2001-02-02 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed some bug in CTipWindow * Fixed some bugs in our copy of QTextView * Fixed some bug in CStyleEditorDialog * Fixed some bug in the printing system * Improved CBiblePresenter and CPrinterDialog 2001-01-30 Joachim Ansorg * Updated ToDo 2001-01-27 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed the graphical search analysis, it should now work 99% 2001-01-21 Joachim Ansorg * Improved the style editor 2001-01-19 Joachim Ansorg * Improved the search anaylsis a little bit 2001-01-18 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed some bugs in the searchdialog * The bug with indexed modules and first search is now fixed, it was an error in Sword * Fixed some nasty bugs in the Sword backend * Marking searched words in the key text for multiple words works now 100% * The last book is now shown in the graphical search analysis 2001-01-18 Joachim Ansorg * Changed icon names and updated icon directories * Included all icons we need * Improved the BibleTime icons 2001-01-01 Joachim Ansorg A BLESSED NEW YEAR! -Added the command line option --debug to enable debug messages 2000-12-29 Joachim Ansorg *Changed behaviour if a book, chapter or verse was changed in the Bible-keychooser 2000-12-29 Joachim Ansorg * Changed iconname so it will be found 2000-12-26 Joachim Ansorg * Improved printing support (correct handling of singals ...) 2000-12-22 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed a bug in CGroupmanager: BibleTime does now start without installed modules! 2000-12-19 Joachim Ansorg * Some work on the oresenters and keychoosers * Fixed a small bug in cprintitemlist.cpp 2000-12-16 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed the crash in ctipwindow.cpp 2000-12-08 Joachim Ansorg * Fixed some printing bugs * Added QWorkspace of Qt 2.2.2 to our sources, so everybody has the fixed QWorkspace version 2000-12-05 Jochim Ansorg ~ * Drag& Drop on presenters works again * Finished "context sensitive" presenter refreshing 2000-12-04 Jochim Ansorg * Fixed this nasty "Default verse color" bug (was a wrong placed readEntry instead of readColorEntry in bibletime.cpp) * Fixed unifont support, it works no with non-ISO-8859-1 languages and fonts 2000-12-03 Jochim Ansorg * Changed the latin1() calls of QString to (const char*) ... local8Bit() * Changed QTextView a little bit: Do not set contents pos to 0,0 in QTexView::setText(), the result is a fester displaying of the texts * Changed the optionsdialog to display the language name and not the abbrevation 2000-11-28 Joachim Ansorg * You can now switch between different book translations on runtime! * Improved "context sensitive" presenter refresh (e.g. if footnotes are enabled only presenters with modules having them will be refreshed) * Fixed some memory leaks. 2000-11-04 Joachim Ansorg * Solved some bugs * Updated ceditwidget.cpp so saving HTML is correct, loading is still incomplete * Made te frontend a shared lib and moved sources which should be there into frontend libfrontend is now called libbibletime_frontend.la. * Made --enable-shared the default options (changed to configure.in.in) 2000-10-30 Joachim Ansorg * Added sources and headers of QTextView, QTextBrowser and QRichText * Added signal wordHighlighted in QTextView 2000-10-29 Joachim Ansorg * Removed the toggle toolbar/footnotes/strongs bugs * Removed the bug Troy found (deletion of the searchresult) 2000-10-24 Joachim Ansorg * Removed the old backend and introduced a new, better faster backend with a new backend * Fixed some GUI bugs (ported from 0.3) * Fixed some backend bugs, removed CSwordVerseKey operators * Added portuguese translation of 0.3's messages, but it's still useable for 1.0CVS --Lots of time passed by 2000-07-24 Joachim Ansorg *Released 0.3! A really long time! We hope you like it! ---Changelog will be continued after final 0.3 1999-12-30 Joachim Ansorg *We should be now ready for 0.22 ;-) 1999-12-26 Joachim Ansorg *Removed the commented out #includes *Updated AUTHORS file 1999-12-25 Joachim Ansorg *make now use of getFontList (in global.h) to get the fonts *Added some ASSERT *Check it objects are zero in fontmanagement dialog 1999-12-24 Joachim Ansorg *BibleTime 0.21 - I hope it's a nice Christmas present ;-) 1999-12-23 Joachim Ansorg *Changed some icons in CEditWidget to newer names 1999-12-22 Birger Langkjer *Updated danish translation *Added bibletime/optionsdialog/Makefile.in because this prevented me from compiling the first time. 1999-12-21 Joachim Ansorg *The searchresult tab is now disabled if the list is empty *The moduletree-tabs are disable if the correspondig trees are empty 1999-12-20 Joachim Ansorg *The fontmanagement dialog is now grayed out if there's no entry in the list 1999-12-20 Birger Langkjer *Updated danish translation 1999-12-19 Joachim Ansorg *Fontmanagementdialog uses now a XFonts list, not the list provided by KDE. This solves the problems on systems without KFontManager *Added files global.h and global.cpp which should contain global functions *Fixed some typos in the german translation 1999-12-18 Joachim Ansorg *Added Apply-Button in the optionsdialog 1999-12-17 Joachim Ansorg *Tried to fix the charset problem in ktipoftheday.cpp *Updated AUTHORS list 1999-12-16 Joachim Ansorg *Updated Michal's Czech translation 1999-12-15 Joachim Ansorg *Added Czech language file: Thanks to Michal Rovnan� 1999-12-12 Joachim Ansorg *Removed function CNotesEditor::isTextSelected() *Added possibility to select type of highlighting of text for the notes editor *Added load and save of current highlighting type 1999-12-04 Joachim Ansorg *Convrted the bmp images to jpg *Bibletime uses now kimgio everywhere *Added danish translation 1999-11-27 Joachim Ansorg *Removed unused images *BibleTime 0.2 1999-11-26 Joachim Ansorg *Finished the whole german handbook *Removed the own filters (plainhtml, rwphtml and gbfhtml),use (newer) filters of SWORD version *You can now select the entries in the bookmark-manager with the upper and lower keys and activate them with RETURN 1999-11-25 Joachim Ansorg *Updated ToDo and Readme *Caption of mainwindow now contains the current chapter and verse 1999-11-24 Joachim Ansorg *Made some labels in the printer-optionsdialog bigger to fit french translation *ResizeEvent in SearchScopeDialog 1999-11-20 Joachim Ansorg *Startuplogo is now a PNG, this makes the distribution smaller *To make this work make use of kimgio 1999-11-18 Joachim Ansorg *Finished my part on german handbook 1999-11-16 Joachim Ansorg *Worked on translation of handbook to german *Translated some tips in german tipdatabase 1999-11-14 Joachim Ansorg *The searchbuttons and the three radiobuttons are now resized 1999-11-12 Joachim Ansorg *Fixed Bug: Now you can paste into the loojupline 1999-11-10 Joachim Ansorg *Fixed bug in CDocBrowser on non KDE 1.1.2 systems 1999-11-07 Joachim Ansorg *Tidied up kwrite - removed lots of commented code 1999-11-03 Joachim Ansorg *Updated authors list *Thorsten added the new printer dialog - it works now 1999-11-03 Joachim Ansorg *Added optimized paint function committed in the KDevelop mailing list by Vladimir Dvorak Thanks Vladimir! *Readded the nl.po file - it was lost by some reason 1999-11-01 Joachim Ansorg *Updated handbook - Jeff's work is really great! *You can now use more than 31 tips in a tipdatabase 1999-10-23 Joachim Ansorg *Renamed members in BibleTimeView: tTabView to treeTabView and sTabView to browserTabView We need this because sTabView and tTabView are confusing *Changed CChartWidget to resize the different graphs to the height of the window *Changed topPanner to leftPanner in BibleTimeView - this is a better name *Updated API documentation *Fixed BUG: Now the recentText part in BibleTimeView is saved correctly again *Noticed that KDE 1.1.2 has the calcScrollBars bug solved, no we use only our own function in KDE version before 1.1.2 1999-10-21 Joachim Ansorg *Bugfix: Key acelelerators are now saved after changing and restored on new startup *Updated API documentation *Updated ktipofday.cpp and ktipofday.h from KDevelop to compile with GCC 2.95 1999-10-19 Joachim Ansorg *Fixed a bug in CDocBrowser: If you lookup some text, the module wasn't highlighted *Added own submenu for the lookup part in CDocBrowser 1999-10-18 Joachim Ansorg *BibleTime needs now the upcoming SWORD 1.45 1999-10-17 Joachim Ansorg *Fixed bug: standard accelerators are now really disabled 1999-10-16 Joachim Ansorg *Added Jeff to AUTHORS *Updated german translation 1999-10-15 Joachim Ansorg *Solved a bug in the linkmanager: If you open the dialog and click OK the existing items were deleted *Added a script to put all i18n() things into the translation template. It called make-messages.sh. It's on the topdir. *Commented out the first lines of BibleTimeMgr to get BibleTime to compile without modifications of SWORD. Please uncomment these lines to make use of the PLAINFootnotes option filter. Make the declarations in the header file to protected on which the compiler complains about. 1999-10-14 Joachim Ansorg *Implemented context sensitive enabling and disabling of the edit menu entries *Updated KWrite sourcen to the newest one shipped with KDevelop *Added Class CKNewAccel - provides disabling and enabling of accels by reeourceentry like ID_FILE_PRINT 1999-10-13 Joachim Ansorg *Added refreshing of the list in CDocBrowser *BibleTime does not load an empty HTML file (e.g. when you load a file via a HREf module and the server is unknown -> KFM returns an empty file) *Improved a little bit the internet support 1999-10-12 Joachim Ansorg *Implemented functions in linkmanager. Implemented the link management in CDocBrowser::showURL. Needs some work: We have to decide if the file is local or remote and downloda it first or we put a new option in the dialog. 1999-10-10 Joachim Ansorg *Added new german index.sgml *Updated icons. You can now recpgnize what the icons mean *Added BibleTimeDoc::slotMoveToPreviousVerse() and BibleTimeDoc::slotMoveToNextVerse() Changed BibleTimeApp uses these functions to jump to the previous / next verse Added needed pixmaps and keyaccels 1999-10-09 Joachim Ansorg *Worked on the handbook *Added Quickhelp for the widgets in the link management dialog. 1999-10-08 Joachim Ansorg *Added some text to the handbook *Removed the german index.sgml file, because it makes no senss. We will add this if the english one is ready to translate it into german. *Cleaned up KListView::addChildItem() *Finished dialog of the link manager, needs implementation of functions to work 1999-10-05 Joachim Ansorg *Added -lz to bibletime/Makefile.am to avoid compilation problems on RedHat 5.2 systems *Added some needed icons and changed iconnames in the sourcecode *Solved some spelling errors in the CBugReportDlg and changed some kdevelop to bibletime in the class *Now you can't print by pressing STRG+P if printing is disabled 1999-10-03 Joachim Ansorg *Changed CForeignFontOptions: The fonts are now saved in function saveSettings(), not after changing the font *Changed OptionsDialog: The different options are displayed in a tree. *Removed old OptionsDialog *Created new subdirectory optionsdialog. We will need it for later development 1999-10-01 Joachim Ansorg *Changed some QColor (QRGB ...) to (QColor) (QRGB ...) to solve compilation problems on Debian. 1999-09-29 Joachim Ansorg *font auto-switching works now *Changed the line to edit the fontname to a combobox 1999-09-29 Joachim Ansorg *Implemented more features of font-auto-switching, needs still work 1999-09-28 Joachim Ansorg *Implemented simple switching between fonts - will work on it *Implemented signal BibleTimeDoc::sigSetBibleFont(const QString) Implemented slot BibleTimeView::slotSetBibleFont(const QString) These signal and the slot will be used in the near future for switching of fonts. *Connected the signal and the slot in BibleTimeApp::initView 1999-09-25 Joachim Ansorg *On print the printerdialog is shown before the QT-dilaog. But printing doesn't work at the moment. We have to implement the slot slotPrint() of CPrinterDialog to make it work. *Changes in cnoteseditor.cpp the #define BUTTON_BAR_HEIGHT to an abosolut value. Solves a problem with the height of the editor. *Updated the startuplogo. It's now much more nice as the previous version. *Integrated the startuplogo in the aboutdialog. It's now displayed in the upper left corner of the box. *The class KStartupLogo looks now for the size of the startuplogo and resize the widget in the right way if the size have changed. *CDocBrowserColor: Made some hardcoded texts to i18n("") 1999-09-19 Joachim Ansorg *Reorganized the icons: There are now two directories: pics and toolbar. pics contains the directory mini/ which contains the mini icons. Mini icons are named with a trailing mini-. The directory toolbar contains the icons which are only used in the toolbar. This should be the new standard we use. 1999-09-19 Joachim Ansorg *Changed names and install paths of some icon *Added some needed icons we forgot *Added function BibleTimeApp::slotHelpContents(): calls the online help *Solved: Changes of the key accelerators doesn't change the accels in the menus *rendered Footnotes are now displayed in dark red, too *Cleaned up DCocBrowser 1999-09-18 Joachim Ansorg *Optimized a little bit the paintText function of CChartWidget 1999-09-17 Joachim Ansorg *Changed a little bit the GBFHTML filter: Anotations are now displayed in dark red *Decided to use use the PLAINHTML filter as standard If no filter is specified in the .conf file of the module we use now the PLAINHTML filter. Perhaps we need to change this 1999-09-16 Joachim Ansorg *Fixed this stupid bug related to the crash while searching the web bible 1999-09-14 Joachim Ansorg *Change the GBFHTML filter a little bit It displays now the word explained in a footnote formatted as bold 1999-09-14 Joachim Ansorg *Updated program version to 0.2 1999-09-12 Joachim Ansorg *Added some tips to the tipdatabase *Added class KStartupLogo to display a picture on startup 1999-09-10 Joachim Ansorg *Rewrite of the Searchanalysis, it's now up to 63 times faster *Text in the CChartWidget is now painted rotated (90) 1999-09-05 Joachim Ansorg *Added analysis of searchresults -> needs still some work *updated de.po translation errors *updated homepage 1999-09-04 Joachim Ansorg *created sub folders: gfx and printing *Added CPrinterDialog of KHexedit 0.81 -> isn't used at the moment 1999-09-02 Joachim Ansorg *Added classes for searchanalysis and a ChartWidget *Updated configure.in - it checks now for headers and the SWORD lib in two steps 1999-08-30 Joachim Ansorg *Changed and corrected some GUI errors 1999-08-29 Joachim Ansorg *Decided to update this Changelog frequently *Changed the notesEditor to a non-tabbar look *New class CNotesEditor 1999-08-27 Joachim Ansorg *First public release of BibleTime: Version 0.1