Utilisation du programme Vue d'ensemble du programme This is what a typical &bibletime; session looks like: The &bibletime; application window You can easily see the different parts of the application. The top left window is used to open installed works in the Bookshelf tab, and with the Bookmarks tab you can manage your bookmarks. The little "Mag" window below the Bookshelf is used to display extra information that is embedded in documents. When you move your mouse over a footnote marker, for example, then the Mag will display the actual content of the footnote. The toolbar gives you quick access to important functions, and the Desk on the right side is where you do your real work. Examinons chacune des parties de l'application. Regardons les différentes parties de l'application une par une. La bibliothèque La bibliothèque donne la liste les modules installées, classées par catégories et par langues. La catégorie "Signets" permet de conserver vos signets et d'y accéder. Lire des modules Pour ouvrir une module, cliquez avec le bouton gauche de la souris sur la catégorie souhaitée. (Bibles, Commentaires, Lexiques, Livres, Devotionals ou Glossaires) pour en afficher le contenu. Cliquez ensuite sur une module pour l'ouvrir. Une fenêtre de lecture apparaîtra dans l'espace de bureau. Le glisser-déplacer fonctionne ici If you are reading a certain work, and want to open another work at the passage you are reading, you can use a shortcut. Simply click with the left mouse button on the verse/passage reference (pointer changes to hand) and drag it to the Bookshelf. Drop it on the work you want to open, and it will be opened for reading at the specified location. You can also drag a verse reference into an existing read window, then it will jump to the specified location. Informations supplémentaires à propos des modules If you click with the right mouse button on the symbol of a work, you will see a menu with additional entries that are relevant for this work. "About this work" opens a window with lots of interesting information about the selected work. "Unlock this work" opens a small dialog for encrypted documents, where you can enter the unlock key to access the work. For additional information on locked works, please see this page on the Crosswire Bible Society web site. Rechercher dans des modules You can search in a work by clicking with the right mouse button on its symbol and selecting "Search in work(s)". By pressing &Shift; and clicking on other works you can select more than one. Then follow the same procedure to open the search dialog. You will be searching in all of these documents. A complete description of the operation of the search features can be found here. Utilisez les signets Le glisser-déplacer fonctionne ici Click with the right mouse button on the bookmark category of the bookshelf and select "Create new folder" to create a new bookmark subfolder. You can use normal drag & drop functions to drag verse references from read windows or search results to the bookmark folder, and to rearrange bookmarks between folders. You can also import bookmarks from other people or export bookmarks to share them. To do this, open the context menu of the bookmark folder as described above, and select "Export bookmarks". This will bring up a dialog box for you to save the bookmark collection. You can import bookmarks in a similar way. You can also click with the right on folders and bookmarks to change their names and descriptions. Le zoom Cette petite fenêtre dans le coin inférieur gauche de la fenêtre de &bibletime; est complètement passive. Quand le pointeur de la souris est au-dessus d'un passage avec une information complémentaire (les uméros Strong par exemple), cette information est affichée dans le zoom, et pas dans le texte-même. Essayez. Le bureau The Desk is where the real work with &bibletime; takes place. Here you can open works from the Bookshelf, read them, search in them, and even save your annotations in the personal commentary module (see below). Lire des modules Comme nous l'avons déjà vu, vous pouvez ouvrir des modules pour les lire en cliquant simplement sur leur icône dans la bibliothèque. Une fenêtre de lecture s'ouvre alors dans le bureau. Chaque fenêtre de lecture a sa propre barre d'outils, avec des outils pour naviguer au sein de l'module affichée ainsi que des boutons d'historique semblables à ceux de votre navigateur web. Le positionnement de la fenêtre de lecture Of course, you can open multiple works at the same time. There are several possibilities for arranging the read windows on the desk. Please have a look at the entry Window in the main menu. There you can see that you can either control the placement of the read windows completely yourself, or have &bibletime; handle the placement automatically. To achieve this, you have to select one of the automatic placement modes available at Window Arrangement mode . Just try it out, it's simple and works. Éditer votre propre commentaire Pour conserver vos commentaires à propos de passage de la Bible, vous devez au préalable installer une module spécifique de la Crosswire Bible Society, appelé "Commentaire personnel" ("Personal commentary"). If you open the personal commentary by clicking on its symbol in the Bookshelf with a left mouse button, it opens in read mode. You will not be able to edit it in this mode. Should you wish to write annotations into the personal commentary, you have to open it with the right mouse button and then select Edit this work and then either Plain text(source code editor) or HTML(basic gui wysiwyg editor). If Edit this work is deactivated, please check if you have write permission for the files of the personal commentary. Drag & drop works here. Drop a verse reference and the text of the verse will be inserted. Rechercher dans des modules Searching text in an open read window You can look for a word or phrase in the open read window (e.g. the chapter of a bible that you're reading) just like you are used to from other programs. This function can be reached either by clicking with the right mouse button and selecting Find..., or by using the hotkey &Ctrl;F. Read on to learn how you can search in entire works. Accéder au dialogue de recherche You can search in a work by clicking with the right mouse button on its symbol in the Bookshelf and selecting Search in work(s). By holding &Shift; or &Ctrl; and clicking on other work's names you can select more than one. Then follow the same procedure to open the search dialog. You will be searching in all of these works at the same time. You can also access the search dialog by clicking on Search from the main menu, and selecting the appropriate entry. Une troisième manière de lancer une recherche consiste à cliquer sur l'icône de recherche dans une fenêtre de lecture ouverte. Configuration de la recherche Onglets du dialogue rechercher Sélectionner les modules At the top of the options tab you will find Choose(works). If you would like to search in multiple works, click on this button and you will be offered a menu where you can select the works you want to search in. Limiter l'étendue de la recherche You can narrow the scope of your search to certain parts of the Bible by selecting one of the predefined scopes from the list in Search scope. You can define your own search ranges by clicking the Setup ranges button. Basic Search Syntax Introduction Enter search terms separated by spaces. By default the search function will return results that match any of the search terms (OR). To search for all the terms separate the terms by AND. You can use wildcards: '*' matches any sequence of characters, while '?' matches any single character. The use of brackets allows you to group your search terms, e.g. '(Jesus OR spirit) AND God'. To search text other than the main text, enter the text type followed by ':', and then the search term. For example, to search for the Strong's number H8077, use 'strong:H8077'. Available text types: Search Types Prefix Meaning heading: searches headings footnote: searches footnotes strong: searches Strong's Numbers morph: searches morphology codes
&bibletime; uses the Lucene search engine to perform your searches. It has many advanced features, and you can read more about it here: http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/index.html
Résultats de recherche Here you can see how many instances of the search string were found, sorted by works. Clicking on a work with the right mouse button allows you to copy, save, or print all verses that were found in a certain work at once. This also works when you click on one or more of the references to copy, save or print them. Clicking on a particular reference opens that verse up in context in the preview window below. Faites glisser une référence et déposez-la sur l'icône d'une module dans la bibliothèque pour ouvrir cette module à ce verset dans une nouvelle fenêtre de lecture. Faites glisser une référence et déposez-la sur une fenêtre de lecture ouverte, et elle ira automatiquement à ce verset. Faites glisser une référence et déposez-la dans un dossier de signets de la bibliothèque et le verset s'ajoutera aux signets. Analyse de la recherche Click on Search analysis to open the search analysis display. This gives a simple graphic analysis of the number of instances the search string was found in each book of the Bible, and you can also save the analysis. La boîte de dialogue d'analyse de la recherche
Le <guimenuitem>Gestionnaire de Bibliothèque</guimenuitem> The Bookshelf Manager is a tool to manage your Bookshelf. You can install new works to your Bookshelf, and update or remove existing works from your Bookshelf. Access it by clicking Settings Bookshelf Manager in the main menu. Configurer les chemins vers les bibliothèques Here you can specify where &bibletime; may store your Bookshelf on the hard drive. You can even store it in multiple directories. Default is "~/.sword/". If you have a sword CD, but do not want to install all the works on the hard disk, but use them directly from the CD, then you can add the path to the CD as one of your bookshelf paths. When you start &bibletime;, it will show all works on the CD if it is present. Installer/mettre à jour module With this facility, you can connect to a repository of works (called "library"), and transfer one or more works to your local Bookshelf. These libraries may be local (e.g. a Sword CD), or remote (e.g. Crosswire's online repository of Sword modules, or another site offering Sword modules). You can manage your libraries with Add library and Delete library. Pour commencer une installation ou une mise à jour, choisissez la bibliothèque à laquelle vous désirez vous connecter et une bibliothèque locale où installer l'module. Cliquez ensuite sur Connecter à la bibliothèque. &bibletime; parcourra le contenu de la bibliothèque et vous proposera une liste d'modules que vous pouvez ajouter à votre bibliothèque; ou que vous avez déjà installés mais dont une nouvelle version est disponible. Marquez ensuite toutes les modules à installer ou à mettre à jour et cliquez sur Installer modules. Elles seront alors transférées dans votre bibliothèque. Enlever des modules Vous pouvez enlever une ou plusieurs modules de votre bibliothèque pour libérer de l'espace disque. Marquer les modules à effacer et cliquez surEnlever modules. Search Indexes This option allows you to create new search indexes and cleanup orphaned index files for removed works. If you are having problems with your search function, visit this feature. Exporter et imprimer In many places, you can open a context menu by clicking with the right mouse button. Depending on context, it will allow you to Select, Copy (to clipboard), Save or Print text. This works for example in the read windows, when you click on the normal text or the verse reference, or in the search result page when you click on a work or one or more verse references. It is pretty straightforward, so just try it out. L'imprimer à partir de &bibletime; est plutôt rudimentaire et est destinée à rendre des services simples. Si vous rédigez un document ou une présentation contenant du texte d'modules de &bibletime;, nous vous invitons à utiliser un outil d'édition ou de présentation sur votre système pour mettre en forme votre document plutôt que d'imprimer directement à partir de &bibletime;.