Lancer &bibletime; Comment lancer &bibletime; Lancer &bibletime; &bibletime; is an executable file that is integrated with the desktop. You can launch &bibletime; from the Start Menu with this icon: &bibletime; start icon &bibletime; can also be launched from a terminal command prompt. To launch &bibletime;, open a terminal window and type: &bibletime; Autres gestionnaires de fenêtres &bibletime; can be used with other window managers such as Gnome, BlackBox, Fluxbox, OpenBox or Sawfish, providing the appropriate base libraries are already installed on your computer. Configuration du démarrage From a terminal you can use &bibletime; to open a random verse in the default bible: bibletime --open-default-bible "<random>"To open at a given passage like John 3:16, use: bibletime --open-default-bible "John 3:16"You can also use booknames in your current bookname language. Séquence de démarrage Au démarrage de &bibletime;, vous pouvez voir les écrans suivant avant que la fenêtre principale de &bibletime; ne s'ouvre: Bookshelf Manager Modifies your Bookshelf. This dialog lets you modify your Bookshelf, add or delete works from your system. It will only be shown if no default Bookshelf can be found. Please see this section for further details. If you start off with an empty Bookshelf, it will be helpful to install at least one Bible, Commentary, Lexicon and one Book to get to know &bibletime;'s basic features quickly. Configure &bibletime; dialog Customizes &bibletime;.This dialog lets you adapt &bibletime; to your needs. Please see the detailed description of this dialog.