Introductie About &bibletime; &bibletime; is a Bible study tool with support for different types of texts and languages. Even large amounts of works modules are easy to install and manage. It is built on the &sword; library, which provides the back-end functionality for &bibletime;, such as viewing Bible text, searching etc. &sword; is the flagship product of the &cbs;. &bibletime; is designed to be used with works encoded in one of the formats supported by the &sword; project. Complete information on the supported document formats can be found in the developers section of the &sword; Project, &cbs;. Beschikbare modules Over 200 documents in 50 languages are available from the &cbs;. These include: Bijbels The full Bible text, with optional things like Strong's Numbers, headings and/or footnotes in the text. Bibles are available in many languages, and include not only modern versions, but also ancient texts like the Codex Leningradensis ("WLC", Hebrew), and the Septuagint ("LXX", Greek). This is the most advanced section in the library of the &sword; project. Boeken Books available include "Imitation of Christ", "Enuma Elish", and "Josephus: The Complete Works" Bijbelcommentaren Commentaries available include classics like John Wesley's "Notes on the Bible", Matthew Henry's commentary and Luther's "Commentary on Galatians." With the Personal commentary you can record your own personal notes to sections of the Bible. Dagelijkse overdenkingen Veel mensen waarderen deze dagelijkse porties van Gods Woord. Onder de beschikbare modules bevinden zich Daily Light on the Daily Path (Dagelijks Licht op het Dagelijkse Pad) en de Losungen. Lexicons/Woordenboeken Lexicons available include: Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes, and the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia. Dictionaries available include Strong's Hebrew Bible Dictionary, Strong's Greek Bible Dictionary, Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language 1913, Nave's Topical Bible. Motivatie Our desire is to serve God, and to do our part to help others grow in their relationship with Him. We have striven to make this a powerful, quality program, and still make it simple and intuitive to operate. It is our desire that God be praised, as He is the source of all good things.
Jakobus 1:17, NBG51 Iedere gave, die goed, en elk geschenk, dat volmaakt is, daalt van boven neder, van de Vader der lichten, bij wie geen verandering is of zweem van ommekeer.
God zegene u wanneer u dit programma gebruikt.