Verwijzing Hoofdmenu verwijzing In deze sectie kunt u gedetailleerde beschrijvingen vinden van alle items in het hoofdmenu van &bibletime;. Ze zijn in precies dezelfde volgorde gerangschikt als ze voorkomen in &bibletime;, met alle sub-items genoemd onder het hoofd-item waartoe ze behoren. U kunt ook de sneltoets voor elk item zien; een complete lijst van alle sneltoetsen kunt u vinden in deze sectie. <guimenu>File</guimenu> &Ctrl;Q File Quit Closes &bibletime;. &bibletime; will ask you if you want to write unsaved changes to disk. <guimenu>View</guimenu> F5 View Fullscreen mode Toggles full screen display. Toggle this setting to maximize the &bibletime; window. F6 View Show toolbar Schakelt de weergave van de Werkbalk in/uit. Schakel deze instelling in/uit om de hoofdwerkbalk wel/niet weer te geven. View Show Bookshelf Schakelt de weergave van de Boekenplank in/uit. Schakel deze instelling in/uit om de Boekenplank in het linkerpaneel wel/niet weer te geven. Dit kan handig zijn als u meer ruimte nodig heeft voor het vergrootglas. View Show Bookmarks Toggles display of the Bookmarks. Toggle this setting to turn the Bookmarks on the left pane on or off. This can be handy if you need more space for the Mag. View Show Mag Schakelt de weergave van het Vergrootglas in/uit. Schakel deze instelling in/uit om het Vergrootglas in het linkerpaneel aan/uit te zetten. <guimenu>Search</guimenu> &Ctrl;&Alt;F Search Search in standard bible Opens the Search Dialog to search in the standard Bible only. More works can be added in the Search Dialog. A more detailed search description can be found here. &Ctrl;O Search Search in open work(s) Opens the Search Dialog to search in all open works. Works can be added or removed in the Search Dialog. A more detailed search description can be found here. <guimenu>Window</guimenu> Window Save session Directly saves the current session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session to save to. It will be overwritten with your current session. See the next item on how to save to a new session. &Ctrl;&Alt;S Window Save as new session Saves the current session under a new name. This will ask for a new name to save the session to. Window Load session Loads an existing session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session to load. Window Delete session Deletes an existing session. This will open a context menu where you can select an existing session that should be deleted. Window Arrangement mode Controls the basic window arrangement behaviour. In the opening context menu, you can either specify that you want to take care of the window arrangement yourself (Manual mode) or have &bibletime; handle it for you (Automatic modes, just try them out!). &Ctrl;J Window Cascade Rangschikt alle geopende vensters trapsgewijs (achter elkaar) &Ctrl;G Window Tile vertically Automatically tiles all open windows vertically. &Ctrl;H Window Tile horizontally Automatically tiles all open windows horizontally. &Ctrl;&Alt;W Window Close all Sluit alle geopende vensters <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Settings Configure &bibletime; Opens &bibletime;'s main configuration dialog. You can configure all kinds of nice settings there to adapt &bibletime; to your needs. Please see this section for details. F4 Settings Bookshelf Manager Opens a dialog where you can change your Sword configuration and manage your bookshelf. Please see this section for details. <guimenu>Help</guimenu> F1 Help Handbook Opens &bibletime;'s user guide You are reading it now. F2 Help Bible Study Howto Opens a guide on how to study the Bible It is the hope of the &bibletime; team that this HowTo will provoke the readers to study the scriptures to see what they say. This particular study guide has been chosen as it takes care not to advocate any particular denominational doctrine. We expect you to read and study the scriptures to understand what they say. If you start with the attitude that you want to have the Lord sow his word in your heart He will not disappoint you. Help About Opens a window about &bibletime; project information contains information about &bibletime; software version, project contributors, &sword; software version, &qt; software version and the license agreement. Works reference In this section you can find descriptions of the icons associated with open works. Scrolls forward through history. Scrolls back through history. Select an installed bible. Select an additional bible. Search in selected works. Display configuration. Select an installed commentary. Select additional commentary. Synchronize displayed entry with active Bible window. Select a book. Select an installed glossary or devotional. Select an additional glossary or devotional. Sneltoetsen index This is index of all hotkeys and their corresponding description in the handbook. The hotkeys are sorted (roughly) alphabetical. If you want to directly find out which hotkey a certain menu item has, you can either look at the entry itself in &bibletime; (as it always shows the hotkey), or you can look it up in this section. Sneltoets Beschrijving &Alt;Left Gaat terug in de history van leesvensters &Alt;Right Gaat vooruit in de history van leesvensters &Ctrl;&Alt;F Search Search in default bible equivalent; opens the search dialog to search in the default bible. &Ctrl;&Alt;G Window Arrangement mode Auto-tile vertically equivalent; toggle automatic window tiling. &Ctrl;&Alt;H Window Arrangement mode Auto-tile horizontally equivalent; toggle automatic window tiling. &Ctrl;&Alt;J Window Arrangement mode Auto-cascade equivalent; toggle automatic window cascading. &Ctrl;&Alt;M Window Arrangement mode Manual mode equivalent; toggle manual window placement. &Ctrl;&Alt;S Window Save as new session equivalent; saves current layout as new session. &Ctrl;&Alt;W Window Close all equivalent; closes all open windows. &Ctrl;- Uitzoomen. Dit vermindert de lettergrootte van de leesvensters. &Ctrl;+ Inzoomen. Dit vergroot de lettergrootte van de leesvensters. &Ctrl;A Selecteer alles. Dit selecteert alle tekst in de leesvensters. &Ctrl;C Kopieëren. Dit kopieert de geselecteerde tekst naar het klembord. &Ctrl;F Zoeken. Dit laat u zoeken binnen de tekst van een leesvenster. &Ctrl;G Window Tile vertically equivalent. &Ctrl;H Window Tile horizontally equivalent. &Ctrl;J Window Cascade windows equivalent. &Ctrl;L Change location. Changes focus to the toolbar field for the selected work. &Ctrl;N Search with works of this window. &Ctrl;O Search Search in open work(s) equivalent; opens the search dialog to search in all currently opened works. &Ctrl;Q File Quit equivalent; closes &bibletime;. &Ctrl;W Sluit het huidige venster. F1 Help Handbook equivalent; opens the handbook. F2 Help BibleStudy Howto equivalent; opens the BibleStudy Howto. F4 Settings Bookshelf Manager equivalent; opens the Bookshelf Manager. F8 View Show Bookshelf equivalent; toggles display of the Bookshelf. F9 View Show mag equivalent; toggles display of the mag(nifying glass).