Scheda di lavoro: Come usare una concordanza

Trovare un particolare versetto

  1. Scegli una parola chiave o la parola meno usata del versetto.

  2. Cerca questa parola nell'elenco alfabetico.

  3. Segui la colonna dei riferimenti finch�trovi il tuo versetto.

Find these verses:

  1. «Faithful are the wounds of a friend»

  2. «We are ambassadors of Christ.»

  3. The story of the rich man and Lazarus.

Fare uno studio tematico

Let's say you wanted to do a study of the word "redemption." First you would look up that word in the concordance and look up references listed for it. Then you could look up related words and references listed for them, e.g. "redeem, redeemed, ransom," even "buy" or "bought."

Chiarire il senso della parola in greco e ebraico

What if you noticed a contradiction in the KJV between Mt.7:1 «Judge not lest you be judged» and 1 Cor.2:15 «He that is spiritual judgeth all things.» Maybe there are two different Greek words here, both being translated "judge" in English? (We're using Strong's from here out.)

  1. Look up "judge".

  2. Go down the column of entries to Mt.7:1. To the right is a number, 2919. This refers to the Greek word used. Write it down.

  3. Now look up "judgeth".

  4. Vai sotto a 1 Cor 2:15 . . . . . 350.

  5. Turn in the back to the Greek dictionary. (Remember, you're in the NT so the language is Greek, while the OT is Hebrew.) Compare the meaning of 2919 with the meaning of 350 and you have your answer!

Trovare i significati dei nomi

Con la stessa procedura puoi trovare i significati dei nomi in greco o ebraico.

Cerca questi nomi e scrivine il significato:

  • Nabal

  • Abigail

  • Joshua

  • Barnabus