/********* * * In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2016 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #ifndef BIBLETIME_H #define BIBLETIME_H #include #include #include "frontend/displaywindow/cdisplaywindow.h" #include "frontend/displaywindow/cplainwritewindow.h" #include #ifndef NDEBUG #include #endif namespace InfoDisplay { class CInfoDisplay; } class BtActionClass; class BtBookshelfDockWidget; class BtFindWidget; class BtOpenWorkAction; class CBookmarkIndex; class CDisplayWindow; class CMDIArea; class CSwordModuleInfo; class QAction; class QLabel; class QMdiSubWindow; class QMenu; class QActionGroup; class QToolBar; class QSplitter; class QSignalMapper; /** * @page backend The structure of the backend *

* The backend implementation for Sword is called CSwordBackend, the classes we use * to work with keys are called CSwordVerseKey and CSwordLDKey, both are derived from * the class CSwordKey. * The CSwordKey derived classes used for Sword do also inherit the classes * VerseKey (CSwordVerseKey) * and SWKey (CSwordLDKey). *


* The classes used to handle all module based stuff are derived from CSwordModuleInfo. * The module classes are: CSwordModuleInfo (for Sword modules), * CSwordBibleModuleInfo (for bibles), CSwordCommentaryModuleInfo (for commentaries) and * CSwordLexiconModuleInfo (for lexicons). * Have a look at the class documentation of the mentioned classes to learn how the * structure of them looks like and which class inherits which other class. *


* The first objects which should be created in the application is the backend * (for Sword the class is called CSwordBackend). * Then create all the different module classes for the correct Sword modules. * Have a look at * BibleTime::initBackens() to see how it's done in BibleTime.@br * Later you can work with them for example by using the CSwordKey and * CSwordModuleInfo derived class. *

*/ /** * @page frontend The structure of the frontend * *

* The frontend contains the classes which interact with the user. For example the * display windows, the searchdialog or the other parts. *

* The display windows which provide functionality are CBibleReadWindow for * Bibles, CBookReadWindow for books, CCommentaryReadWindow for commentaries and CLexiconReadWindow for * lexicon and dictionaries. CHTMLWriteWindow and CPlainWriteWindows are used for editing the Personal Commentary. *

* * The class CDisplayWindow is the class that various views with in the windows are derived. *

* * Another important part of the frontend are the keychoosers. * They provide an interface to choose a key of a module. * The interface for different module types is different. * The base class is CKeyChooser which is the factory for the derived classes. * Use the function CKeyChooser::createInstance to get the correct * keychooser implementation for the desired module.

* Some major toolbar widgets are CKeyChooser and BtDisplaySettingsButton. *

*/ /** @mainpage BibleTime - sourcecode documentation * BibleTime main page. *

This is the sourcecode documentation of BibleTime, a Bible study tool. *

* The main class of BibleTime is called @ref BibleTime, which is the main window * and initializes all important parts at startup. *

* BibleTime is divided in two major parts, the backend and the frontend. * The text display windows belong to the @ref frontend. * The backend is mainly a wrapper around Sword's classes to use Qt functionality * to allow easy access to it's functionality and to have it in a (more or less :) * object oriented structure.


* -Introduction to the frontend: @ref frontend.
* -Introduction to the backend: @ref backend

*/ /** BibleTime's main class. * The main class of BibleTime. Here are the main widgets created. * * This is the main class of BibleTime! This class creates the GUI, the QAction objects * and connects to some slots. Please insert the creation of actions in initActions, * the creation of widgets into initView and the connect(...) calls into initConnections. * Reading from a config file on creation time should go into readSettings(), saving into * saveSettings(). * This is the general way of all BibleTime classes. */ class BibleTime : public QMainWindow { friend class CDisplayWindow; Q_OBJECT public: BibleTime(QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = nullptr); ~BibleTime(); static inline BibleTime *instance() { return m_instance; } /** * Save the configuration dialog settings, don't open dialog */ void saveConfigSettings(); /** * Get pointer to Navigation toolbar */ inline QToolBar *navToolBar() const { return m_navToolBar; } /** * Get pointer to Works toolbar */ inline BtModuleChooserBar *worksToolBar() const { return m_worksToolBar; } /** * Get pointer to Tools toolbar */ inline QToolBar *toolsToolBar() const { return m_toolsToolBar; } /** * Get pointer to Format toolbar */ inline QToolBar *formatToolBar() const { return m_formatToolBar; } /** \returns a pointer to the info display. */ inline InfoDisplay::CInfoDisplay *infoDisplay() const { return m_infoDisplay; } /** * Clears the actions of the MDI related toolbars */ void clearMdiToolBars(); /** * Returns the main window CKeyChooser */ CKeyChooser* keyChooser() const; /** Displays a dialog which asks the user an unlock key for the given module and tries to unlock the module. If an invalid unlock key is given, a warning message is issued and the user is again asked for the key. \param[in] module The module to unlock. \param[in] parent The parent widget for the unlock dialogs. \returns whether the module was successfully unlocked. */ static bool moduleUnlock(CSwordModuleInfo *module, QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** Get a pointer to the module associated with the current window */ const CSwordModuleInfo* getCurrentModule(); /** Open the BtFindWidget below the mdi area */ void openFindWidget(); public slots: /** * Opens the optionsdialog of BibleTime. */ void slotSettingsOptions(); /** * Opens the bookshelf wizard. */ void slotBookshelfWizard(); /** * Opens the handbook. */ void openOnlineHelp_Handbook(); /** * Opens the bible study howto. */ void openOnlineHelp_Howto(); /** * Open the Tip Dialog */ void slotOpenTipDialog(); /** Processes the command-line options given to BibleTime. \param[in] ignoreSession Specifies whether --ignore-session was used. \param[in] bibleKey If --open-default-bible was used, the bible key specified, or null otherwise. */ void processCommandline(bool ignoreSession, const QString &bibleKey); /** * Creates QAction's that have keyboard shortcuts */ static void insertKeyboardActions( BtActionCollection* const a ); protected: // Protected methods /** * Catch QMainWindow events */ bool event(QEvent* event) override; /** * Create the main window menu and toolbar */ void createMenuAndToolBar(); /** Creates mdi and and BtFindWidget */ void createCentralWidget(); /** * Initializes the sword.conf in the $HOME\Sword directory */ void initSwordConfigFile(); /** * Initializes the view of this widget */ void initView(); /** * Initializes the menubar of BibleTime. */ void initMenubar(); /** * Initializes the SIGNAL / SLOT connections */ void initConnections(); /** * Initializes the backend */ void initBackends(); /** * Initializes the action objects of the GUI */ void initActions(); /** Initializes the toolbars. */ void initToolbars(); /** Retranslates the UI. */ void retranslateUi(); /** Retranslates the UI actions. */ static void retranslateUiActions(BtActionCollection* ac); /** * Initializes one action object */ QAction* initAction(QAction* action, QString text, QIcon const & icon, QKeySequence accel, const QString& tooltip, const QString& actionName, const char* slot ); /** * Refreshes all presenter supporting at least in of the features given as parameter. */ void refreshDisplayWindows() const; /** * Reimplemented from QWidget. */ void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override; protected slots: /** * Creates a new presenter in the MDI area according to the type of the module. */ CDisplayWindow* createReadDisplayWindow(QList modules, const QString& key); CDisplayWindow* createReadDisplayWindow(CSwordModuleInfo* module, const QString& key = QString::null); CDisplayWindow* createWriteDisplayWindow(CSwordModuleInfo * module, const QString & key, CPlainWriteWindow::WriteWindowType type); CDisplayWindow* moduleEditPlain(CSwordModuleInfo *module); CDisplayWindow* moduleEditHtml(CSwordModuleInfo *module); void searchInModule(CSwordModuleInfo *module); void slotModuleUnlock(CSwordModuleInfo *module); void moduleAbout(CSwordModuleInfo *module); void quit(); /** * Is called when the window menu is about to show ;-) */ void slotWindowMenuAboutToShow(); /** * Is called when the open windows menu is about to show ;-) */ void slotOpenWindowsMenuAboutToShow(); void slotUpdateWindowArrangementActions(QAction * trigerredAction); void slotCascade(); void slotTile(); void slotTileVertical(); void slotTileHorizontal(); /** * Shows/hides the main toolbar */ void slotToggleMainToolbar(); void slotToggleToolsToolbar(); void slotToggleNavigatorToolbar(); void slotToggleWorksToolbar(); void slotToggleFormatToolbar(); void slotToggleToolBarsInEachWindow(); /** * Shows/hides the text window text area headers and sets * configuration that newly opened windows don't user headers. */ void slotToggleTextWindowHeader(); /** * Used to set the active menu */ void slotSetActiveSubWindow(QWidget* window); /** * The active window was changed */ void slotActiveWindowChanged(QMdiSubWindow* window); /** * Saves the current settings into the currently activated profile. */ void saveProfile(); /** * Deletes the chosen session from the menu and from disk. */ void deleteProfile(QAction* action); /** * Loads the profile with the menu id ID */ void loadProfile(QAction * action); /** * Loads the profile with the given key */ void loadProfile(const QString & profileKey); /** * Reloads the current profile */ void reloadProfile(); /** * Toggles between normal and fullscreen mode. */ void toggleFullscreen(); /** * Is called when settings in the optionsdialog have been * changed (ok or apply) */ void slotSettingsChanged(); /** * Called when search button is pressed **/ void slotSearchModules(); /** * Called for search default bible **/ void slotSearchDefaultBible(); /** Saves current settings into a new profile. */ void saveToNewProfile(); /** * Slot to refresh the save profile and load profile menus. */ void refreshProfileMenus(); /** * Open the About Dialog */ void slotOpenAboutDialog(); signals: void toggledTextWindowHeader(bool newState); void toggledTextWindowNavigator(bool newState); void toggledTextWindowToolButtons(bool newState); void toggledTextWindowModuleChooser(bool newState); void toggledTextWindowFormatToolbar(bool newState); private: static BibleTime *m_instance; // Docking widgets and their respective content widgets: BtBookshelfDockWidget* m_bookshelfDock; QDockWidget* m_bookmarksDock; CBookmarkIndex* m_bookmarksPage; QDockWidget* m_magDock; InfoDisplay::CInfoDisplay* m_infoDisplay; QToolBar* m_mainToolBar; QToolBar* m_navToolBar; BtModuleChooserBar* m_worksToolBar; QToolBar* m_toolsToolBar; QToolBar* m_formatToolBar; // File menu: QMenu *m_fileMenu; BtOpenWorkAction *m_openWorkAction; QAction *m_quitAction; // View menu: QMenu *m_viewMenu; QAction *m_showBookshelfAction; QAction *m_showBookmarksAction; QAction *m_showMagAction; QMenu *m_toolBarsMenu; QAction* m_showMainWindowToolbarAction; QAction *m_showTextAreaHeadersAction; QAction *m_showTextWindowNavigationAction; QAction *m_showTextWindowModuleChooserAction; QAction *m_showTextWindowToolButtonsAction; QAction *m_showFormatToolbarAction; QAction *m_toolbarsInEachWindow; // Search menu: QMenu *m_searchMenu; QAction *m_searchOpenWorksAction; QAction *m_searchStandardBibleAction; // Window menu: QMenu *m_windowMenu; QMenu *m_openWindowsMenu; QAction *m_windowCascadeAction; QAction *m_windowTileAction; QAction *m_windowTileHorizontalAction; QAction *m_windowTileVerticalAction; QAction *m_windowManualModeAction; QMenu *m_windowArrangementMenu; QActionGroup *m_windowArrangementActionGroup; QAction *m_windowAutoCascadeAction; QAction *m_windowAutoTileAction; QAction *m_windowAutoTabbedAction; QAction *m_windowAutoTileVerticalAction; QAction *m_windowAutoTileHorizontalAction; QAction *m_windowCloseAction; QAction *m_windowCloseAllAction; QAction* m_windowSaveToNewProfileAction; QMenu* m_windowLoadProfileMenu; QActionGroup* m_windowLoadProfileActionGroup; QMenu* m_windowDeleteProfileMenu; // Settings menu: QMenu *m_settingsMenu; QAction *m_setPreferencesAction; QAction *m_bookshelfManagerAction; QAction *m_bookshelfWizardAction; // Help menu: QMenu *m_helpMenu; QAction *m_openHandbookAction; QAction *m_bibleStudyHowtoAction; QAction *m_aboutBibleTimeAction; QAction *m_tipOfTheDayAction; BtActionCollection* m_actionCollection; QAction* m_windowFullscreenAction; /** * Signal mapper to map windows to menu items. */ QSignalMapper* m_windowMapper; /// \todo remove? // QList m_windowOpenWindowsList; CMDIArea* m_mdi; BtFindWidget* m_findWidget; protected: void closeAllModuleWindows(); void syncAllBibles(const QString& key); void syncAllCommentaries(const QString& key); void syncAllLexicons(const QString& key); void syncAllVerseBasedModules(const QString& key); void openWindow(const QString& moduleName, const QString& key); void openDefaultBible(const QString& key); QString getCurrentReference(); QStringList searchInModule(const QString& module, const QString& searchText); QStringList searchInOpenModules(const QString& searchText); QStringList searchInDefaultBible(const QString& searchText); QStringList getModulesOfType(const QString& type); // Helper function void syncAllModulesByType(const CSwordModuleInfo::ModuleType type, const QString& key); private: /** * Set the visibility of all tool bars according to the configuration * taking the toolbarsInEachWindow setting into account. */ void showOrHideToolBars(); #ifndef NDEBUG void deleteDebugWindow(); private: void slotDebugWindowClosing(); void slotDebugTimeout(); void slotShowDebugWindow(bool); private: QAction *m_debugWidgetAction; static QLabel *m_debugWindow; static QMutex m_debugWindowLock; #endif }; #endif